
Backup and restore using volume snapshots

Kubernetes volume snapshots provide a standardized way to create copies of persistent volumes at a point in time without creating new volumes. Backing up your directory data with volume snapshots lets you perform rapid recovery from the last snapshot point. Volume snapshot backups also facilitate testing by letting you initialize DS with sample data.

In ForgeOps deployments, the DS data, changelog, and configuration are stored in the same persistent volume. This ensures the volume snapshot captures DS data and changelog together.


Set up backup

Kustomize overlays and Helm values necessary for configuring volume snapshots are already provided, but they have not been enabled to take backup. The default volume snapshot setup takes snapshots of the data-ds-idrepo-0 and data-ds-cts-0 PVCs once a day.

To enable volume snapshots of DS data from the my-namespace namespace using the default settings, perform the following steps:

If you used the forgeops env --env-name my-env command to perform ForgeOps deployment, your custom overlay already contains the files required to set up volume snapshots. The steps below describe how to enable volume snapshots in your overlay using the default settings.

  1. Update /path/to/forgeops/kustomize/overlay/my-env/ds-idrepo/kustomization.yaml to take volume snapshots of ds-idrepo as follows:

    kind: Kustomization
    - ../image-defaulter
    - ../../../base/ds/idrepo
    - ../../../base/ds/snapshot/idrepo
    - path: sts.yaml
    - path: snapshot-schedule.yaml
  2. Update /path/to/forgeops/kustomize/overlay/my-env/ds-cts/kustomization.yaml to take volume snapshots of ds-cts as follows:

    kind: Kustomization
    - ../image-defaulter
    - ../../../base/ds/cts
    - ../../../base/ds/snapshot/cts
    - path: sts.yaml
    - path: snapshot-schedule.yaml
    . Add the - ./ds-snapshot entry under resources in /path/to/forgeops/kustomize/overlay/my-env/kustomization.yaml file.
  3. Run forgeops apply --env-name my-env ds-idrepo ds-cts to apply the changes.

You can view the volume snapshots that are available for restore, using this command:

$ kubectl get volumesnapshots --namespace my-namespace

ds-idrepo-snapshot-20231117-1320   true         data-ds-idrepo-0                           100Gi         ds-snapshot-class   snapcontent-be3f4a44-cfb2-4f68-aa2b-60902
bb44192   3h29m          3h29m
ds-idrepo-snapshot-20231117-1330   true         data-ds-idrepo-0                           100Gi         ds-snapshot-class   snapcontent-7bcf6779-382d-40e3-9c9f-edf31
c54768e   3h19m          3h19m
ds-idrepo-snapshot-20231117-1340   true         data-ds-idrepo-0                           100Gi         ds-snapshot-class   snapcontent-c9c88332-ad05-4880-bda7-48616
ec13579   3h9m           3h9m
ds-idrepo-snapshot-20231117-1401   true         data-ds-idrepo-0                           100Gi         ds-snapshot-class   snapcontent-1f3f4ce9-0083-447f-9803-f6b45
e03ac27   167m           167m
ds-idrepo-snapshot-20231117-1412   true         data-ds-idrepo-0                           100Gi         ds-snapshot-class   snapcontent-4c39c095-0891-4da8-ae61-fac78
c7147ff   156m           156m

Customize the backup schedule

When enabled, volume snapshots are created once every day by default and purged after three days. You can customize the backup schedules as required in your environment.

To modify the default schedule and purge delay for the idrepo repository[1]:

  1. In a terminal window, change to the path/to/idrepo directory.

  2. Copy the schedule.yaml file to a temporary location, so you can restore if needed.

  3. Edit the schedule.yaml file and set the schedule and purge-delay parameters as needed.

  4. Run the kubectl apply command.

    Examples for scheduling snapshots
    • To schedule snapshots twice a day, at noon and midnight:

          schedule: "0 0/12 * * *"
    • To schedule snapshots every 8 hours:

          schedule: "0 */8 * * *"
    Examples for purging schedule
    • To schedule purge after 4 days:

                 - name: PURGE_DELAY
                   value: "-4 day"
    • To schedule purge after a week:

                 - name: PURGE_DELAY
                   value: "-7 day"

Restore from volume snapshot

The script lets you restore DS instances in a ForgeOps deployment. By default, this script restores a DS instance from the latest available snapshot.

There are two options when using the script to restore a DS from a volume snapshot:

  • Full—Use the full option to fully restore a DS instance from a volume snapshot. When you specify this option, the DS is scaled down to 0 pods before restoring data. The data is restored to an existing PVC from a snapshot. This operation requires downtime.

  • Selective—Use the selective option to restore a portion of DS data from volume snapshot. The selective restore creates a new temporary DS instance with a new DS pod. You can selectively export from the temporary DS pod and import into your functional DS instance. After restoring data, you can clean up the temporary resources.

The command is available in the bin directory of the forgeops repository. To learn more about the command and its options, run --help.

Restore examples

Trial run without actually restoring DS data
  1. In a terminal window, change to the /path/to/forgeops/bin directory.

  2. Set your Kubernetes context to the correct cluster and namespace.

  3. Run the command with the --dryrun option:

    $ ./ --dryrun --namespace my-namespace full idrepo
    ./ --dryrun --namespace my-namespace full idrepo
    /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f /tmp/snapshot-restore-idrepo.20231121T23:03:15Z/sts-restore.json -n my-namespace
    /usr/local/bin/kubectl delete pvc data-ds-idrepo-0 -n my-namespace
    /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f /tmp/snapshot-restore-idrepo.20231121T23:03:15Z/data-ds-idrepo-0.json -n my-namespace
    /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f /tmp/snapshot-restore-idrepo.20231121T23:03:15Z/sts.json -n my-namespace
Full restore of the idrepo instance from the latest available volume snapshot
  1. In a terminal window, change to the /path/to/forgeops/bin directory.

  2. Set your Kubernetes context to the correct cluster and namespace.

  3. Get a list of available volume snapshots:

    $ kubectl get volumesnapshots --namespace my-namespace
  4. Restore the full DS instance:

    $ ./ --namespace my-namespace full idrepo
  5. Verify that DS data has been restored.

Selective restore from a specific volume snapshot and storing data in a user-defined storage path
  1. In a terminal window, change to the /path/to/forgeops/bin directory.

  2. Set your Kubernetes context to the correct cluster and namespace.

  3. Get a list of available volume snapshots:

    $ kubectl get volumesnapshots --namespace my-namespace
  4. Perform a selective restore trial run:

    $ ./ --dryrun --path /tmp/ds-restore --snapshot ds-idrepo-snapshot-20231121-2250 --namespace my-namespace selective idrepo
    VolumeSnapshot ds-idrepo-snapshot-20231121-2250 is ready to use
    /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f /tmp/ds-rest/sts-restore.json -n my-namespace
    /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f /tmp/ds-rest/svc.json -n my-namespace
  5. Perform a selective restore using a specific snapshot:

    $ ./ --path /tmp/ds-restore --snapshot ds-idrepo-snapshot-20231121-2250 --namespace my-namespace selective idrepo
    statefulset.apps/ds-idrepo-restore created
    service/ds-idrepo configured
  6. Verify that a new ds-idrepo-restore-0 pod was created:

    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                          READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    admin-ui-656db67f54-2brbf     1/1     Running     0          3h17m
    am-7fffff59fd-mkks5           1/1     Running     0          107m
    amster-hgkv9                  0/1     Completed   0          3h18m
    ds-idrepo-0                   1/1     Running     0          39m
    ds-idrepo-restore-0           1/1     Running     0          2m40s
    end-user-ui-df49f79d4-n4q54   1/1     Running     0          3h17m
    idm-fc88578bf-lqcdj           1/1     Running     0          3h18m
    login-ui-5945d48fc6-ljxw2     1/1     Running     0          3h17m

    The ds-idrepo-restore-0 pod is temporary and not to be used as a complete DS instance. You can export required data from the temporary pod, and import data into your functional DS instance.

  7. Clean up resources from the selective restore:

    $ ./ clean idrepo
    statefulset.apps "ds-idrepo-restore" deleted
    persistentvolumeclaim "data-ds-idrepo-restore-0" deleted

1. Use similar steps to modify the schedule and purge delay for the cts repository
2. Change the ds-cts parameters to modify the schedule and purge delay for the cts repository
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