

forgeops repository

Learn about how to configure GitHub notifications here so you can get notified on ForgeOps releases.

Before you can perform a ForgeOps deployment, you must first get the forgeops repository and check out the 2025.1.1 tag you want to use:

  1. Clone the forgeops repository. For example:

    $ git clone

    The forgeops repository is a public Git repository. You do not need credentials to clone it.

  2. Check out the 2025.1.1 tag:

    $ cd forgeops
    $ git checkout 2025.1.1

Depending on your organization’s repository strategy, you might need to clone the repository from a fork. You might also need to create a working branch from the 2025.1.1 tag. Learn more in Repository Updates.

Third-party software

Before performing a ForgeOps deployment, obtain third-party software and install it on your local computer.

ForgeOps team recommends that you install third-party software using Homebrew on macOS and Linux[1] .

The versions listed in this section have been validated for ForgeOps deployments on Minikube. Earlier and later versions will probably work. If you want to try using versions that are not in the table, it is your responsibility to validate them.

Software Version Homebrew package

Python 3






Docker client



Kubernetes client (kubectl)



Kubernetes context switcher (kubectx)









JSON processor jq



Six (Python compatibility library)



Setup tools (Python)









(Intel x86-based macOS systems only)



Python venv

The new forgeops utility is built on Python3. Some of the Python3 packages used by forgeops have to be installed using pip. To separate such Python3 specific packages, Python recommends the use of the venv Python virtual environment. Learn more about Python venv in venv - Virtual environments.

  1. Create a venv for using the forgeops utility.

    $ python3 -m venv .venv
  2. Set up Python3 dependencies for forgeops utility.

    $ source .venv/bin/activate
    $ /path/to/forgeops/bin/forgeops configure

Docker engine

In addition to the software listed in the preceding table, you’ll need to start a virtual machine that runs Docker engine.

For more information about using Colima when performing ForgeOps deployments, refer to this article.

Minimum requirements for the virtual machine:

  • 4 CPUs

  • 10 GB RAM

  • 60 GB disk space

For users running Microsoft Windows

ForgeOps deployments are supported on macOS and Linux. If you have a Windows computer, you’ll need to create a Linux VM. We tested the following configurations:

  • Hypervisor: Hyper-V, VMWare Player, or VMWare Workstation

  • Guest OS: Current Ubuntu LTS release with 12 GB memory and 60 GB disk space

  • Nested virtualization enabled in the Linux VM.

Perform all the procedures in this documentation within the Linux VM. In this documentation, the local computer refers to the Linux VM for Windows users.

The Minikube implementation on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) has networking issues. As a result, consistent access to the ingress controller or the apps deployed on Minikube is not possible. This issue is tracked here. Do not attempt to perform ForgeOps deployments on WSL2 until this issue is resolved.

Minikube cluster

Minikube software runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster in a virtual machine.

The minikube start command example shown in the doc creates a Minikube cluster with a configuration that’s adequate for a ForgeOps deployment.

  1. Determine which virtual machine driver you want Minikube to use. By default, the minikube start command example, which you run in the next step, starts Minikube with:

    • The Hyperkit driver on Intel x86-based macOS systems

    • The Docker driver on ARM-based macOS systems[2]

    • The Docker driver on Linux systems

    The default driver option is fine for most users. For more information about Minikube virtual machine drivers, refer to Drivers in the Minikube documentation.

    If you want to use a driver other than the default driver, specify the --driver option when you run the minikube start command in the next step.

  2. Set up Minikube:

    $ minikube start --cpus=3 --memory=9g --disk-size=40g --cni=true
    --kubernetes-version=stable --addons=ingress,volumesnapshots,metrics-server --driver=hyperkit
    Running: "minikube start --cpus=3 --memory=9g --disk-size=40g --cni=true
    --kubernetes-version=stable --addons=ingress,volumesnapshots,metrics-server --driver=hyperkit"
    😄  minikube v1.34.0 on Darwin 14.7.1
    ✨  Using the hyperkit driver based on user configuration
    💿  Downloading VM boot image …​
        > minikube-v1.34.0-amd64.iso…​.:  65 B / 65 B [---------] 100.00% ? p/s 0s
        > minikube-v1.34.0-amd64.iso:  333.55 MiB / 333.55 MiB  100.00% 10.03 MiB p
    👍  Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
    💾  Downloading Kubernetes v1.31.0 preload ...
        > preloaded-images-k8s-v18-v1…​:  403.35 MiB / 403.35 MiB  100.00% 8.60 Mi
    🔥  Creating hyperkit VM (CPUs=3, Memory=9216MB, Disk=40960MB) ...
    🐳  Preparing Kubernetes v1.31.0 on Docker 27.2.0 ...
        ▪ Generating certificates and keys …​
        ▪ Booting up control plane …​
        ▪ Configuring RBAC rules …​
    🔗  Configuring CNI (Container Networking Interface) …​
    🔎  Verifying Kubernetes components…​
        ▪ Using image
        ▪ Using image
        ▪ Using image
        ▪ Using image
        ▪ Using image
        ▪ Using image
    🔎  Verifying ingress addon…​
    🌟  Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, metrics-server, default-storageclass, volumesnapshots, ingress
    🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default
  3. Verify that your Minikube cluster is using the expected driver. For example:

    Running: "minikube start --cpus=3 --memory=9g --disk-size=40g --cni=true
    --kubernetes-version=stable --addons=ingress,volumesnapshots --driver=hyperkit"
    😄  minikube v1.34.0 on Darwin 14.7.1
    ✨  Using the hyperkit driver based on user configuration
    If you are running Minikube on an ARM-based macOS system and the minikube output indicates that you are using the qemu driver, you probably did not start the virtual machine that runs your Docker engine.
  4. Run the docker-env command to set up your local computer to use the Minikube’s Docker engine:

    $ eval $(minikube docker-env)

Hostname resolution

Set up hostname resolution for the Ping Identity Platform servers you’ll deploy in your namespace:

  1. Determine the Minikube ingress controller’s IP address:

    • If Minikube is running on an ARM-based macOS system[2] , use as the IP address.

    • If Minikube is running on an x86-based macOS system or on a Linux system, get the IP address by running the minikube ip command:

      $ minikube ip
  2. Choose an FQDN (referred to as the deployment FQDN) that you’ll use when you deploy the Ping Identity Platform, and when you access its GUIs and REST APIs. Ensure that the FQDN is unique in the cluster you will be deploying the Ping Identity Platform.

    Some examples in this documentation use as the deployment FQDN. You are not required to use; you can specify any FQDN you like.

  3. Add an entry to the /etc/hosts file to resolve the deployment FQDN:


    For ingress-ip-address, specify the IP address from step 1.

1. The Linux version of Homebrew doesn’t support installing software it maintains as casks. Because of this, if you’re setting up an environment on Linux, you won’t be able to use Homebrew to install software in several cases. You’ll need to refer to the software’s documentation for information about how to install the software on a Linux system.
2. For example, systems based on M1 or M2 chipsets.
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