Reference documentation for the ForgeRock® Identity Management Self-Service REST API.


ForgeRock Identity Platform™ serves as the basis for our simple and comprehensive Identity and Access Management solution. We help our customers deepen their relationships with their customers, and improve the productivity and connectivity of their employees and partners. For more information about ForgeRock and about the platform, see

1. Using This Guide

This guide is intended for anyone developing a self-service application that acts as a client of ForgeRock Identity Management (IDM).

This guide is written with the expectation that you already have basic familiarity with the following topics:


  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and basic IDM configuration

2. Accessing Documentation Online

ForgeRock publishes comprehensive documentation online:

  • The ForgeRock Knowledge Base offers a large and increasing number of up-to-date, practical articles that help you deploy and manage ForgeRock software.

    While many articles are visible to community members, ForgeRock customers have access to much more, including advanced information for customers using ForgeRock software in a mission-critical capacity.

  • ForgeRock product documentation, such as this document, aims to be technically accurate and complete with respect to the software documented. It is visible to everyone and covers all product features and examples of how to use them.

3. Using the Site

The site has links to source code for ForgeRock open source software, as well as links to the ForgeRock forums and technical blogs.

If you are a ForgeRock customer, raise a support ticket instead of using the forums. ForgeRock support professionals will get in touch to help you.

Chapter 1. Understanding Self-Service Processes

IDM provides a sample End User UI that implements a number of self-service processes, such as self-registration and password reset, based on a Self-Service REST API.

Self-service processes are configured in files named selfservice-process-name.json in your project's conf directory. Every self-service process steps through a series of stages, each with its own requirements, until the end of the process is reached or until the process exits with an exception. The flow through the stages differs, depending on how you have configured the process.

You can customize the default processes, or write your own custom processes by implementing the stages described in "Self-Service Stages". For information about how self-service is implemented in the default End User UI, see "Configuring User Self-Service" in the Integrator's Guide. For information on how to customize the End User UI, see the following Git repository: Identity Management (End User) - UI.Sure

The Self-Service REST API supports only two HTTP requests:

  • GET which obtains the requirements for that stage

  • POST with _action=submitRequirements

The response to the POST request instructs the client how to proceed. The response can have one of two outcomes:

  • Success—all requirements have been submitted and the process advances to the next stage.

  • Failure—the behavior here differs by stage. Certain stages will exit with an exception, others will convert the exception into an error that the client must handle, others will simply return the requirements again.

1.1. The Self-Service Process Flow

Each self-service process advances through the stages in the order in which they are listed in the stageConfigs array in the process configuration file. The password reset process, for example, might include the following stages:

    "stageConfigs" : [
            "name": "parameters",
            "name" : "userQuery",
            "name" : "validateActiveAccount",
            "name" : "emailValidation",
            "name" : "kbaSecurityAnswerVerificationStage",
            "name" : "resetStage",

A process definition also includes an optional snapshotToken and storage parameter, for example:

    "stageConfigs" : [
    "snapshotToken" : {
        "type" : "jwt",
        "jweAlgorithm" : "RSAES_PKCS1_V1_5",
        "encryptionMethod" : "A128CBC_HS256",
        "jwsAlgorithm" : "HS256",
        "tokenExpiry" : 300
    "storage" : "stateless"

The snapshotToken specifies the format of the token that is passed between the client and the server with each request. By default, this is a JWT token, stored statelessly, which means that the state is stored in the client, rather than on the server side. Because some legacy clients cannot handle the long URLs provided in a JWT token, you can store the snapshot token locally, as a uuid with the following configuration:

    "snapshotToken" : {
        "type" : "uuid"
    "storage" : "local"

In this case, the 16-character token is stored in the IDM repository, in the jsonstorage table. The configuration for the uuid token is stored in the /conf/jsonstore.json file and includes the following settings:

  • entryExpireSeconds—the amount of time before the password reset URL expires.

  • cleanupDwellSecondsliteral—how often the server checks for and expires tokens.

    The value of cleanupDwellSecondsliteral should be a fraction of entryExpireSeconds so that expiration occurs close to the expected expiration time. The check is performed on a periodic basis.

For more information on the self-service tokens, see "Tokens and User Self-Service" in the Integrator's Guide.

If you do not include the snapshotToken and storage in the configuration, the default stateless configuration applies.

When a stage advances, it can optionally insert parameters into the process context or state for consumption by stages that occur later in the process. The snapshot token is essentially the state of the stage. It is the container in which state, successAdditions and other data are stored, and then returned to the client at the end of the process, as an encrypted blob named token.

Sample configurations for each default self-service process are available in the /path/to/openidm/samples/example-configurations/self-service directory.

Each self service process has a specific endpoint under openidm/selfservice with the name of the process; for example openidm/selfservice/reset for the Password Reset process. If you create a custom self-service process with a configuration file such as selfservice-myprocess.json, you produce an endpoint such as http://localhost:8080/openidm/selfservice/myprocess.

All REST actions occur against that endpoint. For example, the following initial GET request against the password reset endpoint returns the requirements for the following stage:

$ curl \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
 --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
 --request GET \
  "_id": "1",
  "_rev": "-852427048",
  "type": "captcha",
  "tag": "initial",
  "requirements": {
    "$schema": "",
    "description": "Captcha stage",
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
      "response": {
        "recaptchaSiteKey": "6LcvE1IUAAAAAA5AI1SZzZJl-AlGvHM_dzUg-0_S",
        "description": "Captcha response",
        "type": "string"

The default End User UI implements the following processes:

  • Self-registration (under the endpoint selfservice/registration)

  • Password reset (under the endpoint selfservice/reset)

  • Forgotten username retrieval (under the endpoint selfservice/username)

  • Social registration (under the endpoint selfservice/socialUserClaim)

  • Progressive profile completion (under selfservice/profile)

  • Security question updates (under selfservice/kbaUpdate)

  • Terms and conditions (under selfservice/termsAndConditions)

The remainder of this guide describes each stage, its requirements, and expected responses. It also describes the logical flow for each default self-service process.

Chapter 2. Self-Service Stages

This chapter describes the individual stages that can be called by a self-service process, the purpose of the stage, any required parameters, dependencies on preceding or following stages, and the expected stage output.

The stages are listed in alphabetical order, for ease of reference but they cannot be configured in random order. For example, some stages require input from the process state that has been populated by a preceding stage.

The identityServiceURL is a required parameter for most self-service stages. The self-service stages operate on a managed object. The identityServiceURL indicates the object type, for example, managed/user.

2.1. All-In-One Registration

A registration process that consists of more than one stage can include an optional "super stage" named allInOneRegistration, that is set outside of the stageConfigs array as follows:

"allInOneRegistration" : true

All-in-one registration covers a number of registration stages. If this property is true, in the registration process configuration, IDM scans the configuration for any of the following stages:

  • parameters

  • captcha

  • termsAndConditions

  • kbaSecurityAnswerDefinitionStage

  • consent

  • idmUserDetails

If any of these stages are found, the individual stages are effectively removed from the configuration and a new configuration is generated that accumulates all the found stages.

The purpose of all-in-one registration is to obtain a set of initial requirements, then to advance to the end of all six stages simultaneously. This enables self-registration to be completed on a single registration form. As the process advances, it gathers any output, errors, and so on from all six stages (or however many stages have been configured). The process then returns whatever was gathered from the cumulative stages, including any outstanding requirements. Depending on the output, the process might be required to go through the stages more than once, as the outstanding requirements are provided.


All-in-one registration requires multiple registration stages. If your registration process includes only one stage, for example, consent, allInOneRegistration must be set to false, to preserve the registration flow.

If all-in-one registration is false, any additional stages listed in the registration process (selfservice-registration.json) must be listed after the parameters and idmUserDetails stages. If a stage occurs before the idmUserDetails stage without all-in-one registration, both social and regular registration will not work.

2.2. OpenAM Auto-Login Stage

This stage is used to perform auto-login when IDM is configured with {} (AM). The stage is similar to the local auto-login stage but also requires the returnParams in state (populated in the Parameters Stage).

Example configuration
    "name" : "openAmAutoLogin",
    "identityUsernameField": "userName",
    "identityPasswordField": "password",
    "openAMBaseUrl" : "",
    "authenticationEndpoint" : "json/realms/root/authenticate"

This stage should appear towards the end of a process—it cannot be the first stage in a process.

Required Parameters
  • authenticationEndpoint - the AM Authentication Endpoint URL.

  • openAMBaseUrl - the URL of the AM server.

  • identityUsernameField - the managed object property that contains the username.

  • identityPasswordField - the managed object property that contains the user password.

For an example of how to set up returnParams redirection to a dedicated URL, see "Registering Users Through IDM" in the Samples Guide.

2.3. Attribute Collection Stage

The purpose of this stage is to collect managed object properties to insert into the user profile. The list of properties to be collected is defined as part of the configuration.

This stage updates the managed object directly, and checks whether attributes are required. If required attributes are not provided, the stage returns the list of requirements again. This stage can throw an exception if there is an error attempting to save the updated attributes.

Example configuration
    "name" : "attributecollection",
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
    "uiConfig" : {
        "displayName" : "Add your telephone number",
        "purpose" : "Help us verify your identity",
        "buttonText" : "Save"
    "attributes" : [
            "name" : "telephoneNumber",
            "isRequired" : true

No dependencies on previous or following stages. This stage can occur anywhere in a process.

Required Parameters
  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type on which this stage acts

  • uiConfig - how the requirements list is conveyed to an end user

  • attributes - the array of attributes to be collected. For each attribute, the isRequired parameter indicates whether the attribute is mandatory for the stage to proceed.

2.4. Captcha Stage

This stage verifies a response variable populated in state by the reCaptcha mechanism. If the response is missing, or if validation fails (typically if the configuration does not include the required reCaptcha configuration parameters) the stage throws a bad request exception. If validation succeeds, the process advances to the next stage.

Example configuration
    "name" : "captcha",
    "recaptchaSiteKey" : "6LdahVIUAAAAAJcwGTWdl4OsG9tpdgFIyZKUSzyU",
    "recaptchaSecretKey" : "6LdahVIUAAAAANF-O17E-b8PyBqLrhLaOHUX8ch-",
    "recaptchaUri" : ""

No dependencies on previous or following stages. This stage can occur anywhere in a process.

Required Parameters
  • recaptchaSiteKey - invokes the reCAPTCHA service

  • recaptchaSecretKey - authorizes communication between IDM and the reCAPTCHA server to verify the user's response

  • recaptchaUri - the reCaptcha verification API

2.5. Conditional User Stage

Defines a condition, that results in a boolean (true or false). The outcome of the condition determines which stage should be executed next.

Example configuration
    "name": "conditionaluser",
    "identityServiceUrl": "managed/user",
    "condition": {
        "type": "kbaQuestions"
    "evaluateConditionOnField": "user",
    "onConditionFalse": {
        "name": "kbaUpdateStage",
        "kbaConfig": null,
        "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
        "uiConfig" : {
            "displayName" : "Update your security questions",
            "purpose" : "Please review and update your security questions",
            "buttonText" : "Update"

No dependencies on previous or following stages. This stage can occur anywhere in a process. If the condition evaluates to true, the process moves on to the next stage.

Required Parameters
  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type on which this stage acts

  • condition - the condition type, which can be one of the following:

    • kbaQuestions - a boolean (true or false) that indicates whether configured security questions have been answered

    • queryFilter - a common filter expression such as "filter" : "/co eq \"US\""

    • script - lets you configure a custom scripted condition

    • loginCount - a condition based on the number of password or social authentication-based login requests

    • terms - a boolean (true or false) that indicates whether configured Terms and Conditions have been accepted

    • timesincelogin - sets a condition based on the period of time since the last login, in years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes

  • evaluateConditionOnField - the property on which the condition should be evaluated

  • onConditionFalse - the details of the stage to be called if the condition evaluates to false

2.7. Email Validation Stage

This stage retrieves the email address from state (or in response to initial requirements) then verifies the validity of the email address with the user who submitted the requirements through an email process.

Example configuration
    "name" : "emailValidation",
    "identityEmailField" : "mail",
    "emailServiceUrl" : "external/email",
    "emailServiceParameters" : {
        "waitForCompletion" : false
    "from" : "",
    "subject" : "Reset password email",
    "mimeType" : "text/html",
    "subjectTranslations" : {
        "en" : "Reset your password",
        "fr" : "Réinitialisez votre mot de passe"
    "messageTranslations" : {
        "en" : "Click to reset your password <a href=\"%link%\">Password reset link</a>",
        "fr" : "Cliquez pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe<a href=\"%link%\">Mot de passe lien de réinitialisation</a>"
    "verificationLinkToken" : "%link%",
    "verificationLink" : "https://localhost:8443/#/passwordreset/"

This stage expects a preceding stage to populate the user email address in state. The stage has no downstream dependencies.

Required Parameters

2.8. IDM User Details Stage

This stage collects new user data and stores it in state. This is the only stage that sets up a user from nothing. The stage does not create a managed object directly—it simply gathers and stores the data. The Self-Registration Stage consumes the stored user data and creates the managed object from it.

The IDM User Details stage executes multiple times, requesting additional requirements each time. There are different ways for the stage to advance, depending on how the user create request is initiated.

If the user completes a self-service registration form, the input contains a user object, collected from the form, and populates that user in state. If the user registers through social authentication, the stage reads the profile from the remote identity provider, normalizes it, then maps it to a user object. That user object is then put into state.

If the new user object in state is incomplete or does not meet policy requirements, the stage returns a new set of requirements, indicating the collected data and the missing data. The registering user is requested to submit the additional data, then the stage revalidates the object in state. When all of the required data to register a user is present, the process advances to the next stage.


The user data remains in state—no managed user object is created.

Example configuration
    "name" : "idmUserDetails",
    "identityEmailField" : "mail",
    "socialRegistrationEnabled" : true,
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
    "registrationProperties" : [
    "registrationPreferences": ["marketing", "updates"]

This stage must occur in any registration process. It has no dependencies on previous stages but must have the Self-Registration Stage somewhere downstream in the process, to create the managed user object.

Required Parameters
  • identityEmailField - the attribute on the managed user object that contains the user email.

  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type on which this stage acts.

  • socialRegistrationEnabled - optional, false if not specified. Indicates whether the stage must read the user profile from a remote identity provider and normalize it.

  • registrationProperties - an array of properties that must be provided by a registering user in order for the stage to progress.

  • registrationPreferences - optional, an array of properties that can be requested after the user has provided the required properties.

2.9. KBA Security Answer Definition Stage

In the context of registration, this stage supplies security questions to the user and captures the answers provided by the user.

The stage validates any answers against the user object. If the requirement is not met (incorrect number of questions answered correctly) the stage throws a bad request exception and increments the failure count of the managed user. If the requirement is met (correct number of questions answered correctly) the process advances to the next stage.

This stage also disallows users from entering custom questions that duplicate any questions defined by the administrator, regardless of the locale. It does this comparison by removing any special characters and making a lower case comparision. For example, What Is YoUr FaVorite COLOR???? would be evaluated as the same question as what is your favorite color?.

Example configuration
    "name" : "kbaSecurityAnswerDefinitionStage",
    "kbaConfig" : null

The stage depends on a previous stage to populate the user ID in state. It has no dependencies on following stages.

Required Parameters
  • kbaConfig - reads the KBA configuration from the corresponding selfservice.kba.json file

2.10. KBA Security Answer Verification Stage

This stage verifies security answers and validates user lockout. The stage requires a user ID in state.

The stage reads the user object and validates that the user has not already failed to answer the security questions. The stage then obtains the configured security questions, and returns the minimum number of randomly selected questions as a requirement.

The stage validates any answers against the user object. If the requirement is not met (incorrect number of questions answered correctly) the stage throws a bad request exception and increments the failure count of the managed user. If the requirement is met (correct number of questions answered correctly) the process advances to the next stage.

Example configuration
    "name" : "kbaSecurityAnswerDefinitionStage",
    "kbaConfig" : null

The stage depends on a previous stage to populate the user ID in state. It has no dependencies on following stages.

Required Parameters
  • kbaConfig - reads the KBA configuration from the corresponding selfservice.kba.json file

2.11. KBA Update stage

The KBA Update stage is used as part of progressive profile completion to enable users to update their existing security questions and to add any additional questions that are needed. This stage updates the user object directly. If a user fails to provide sufficient questions, the stage returns the requirements again. If the object cannot be updated, the stage throws an exception. The stage outputs nothing to the state and has no downstream dependencies.

Example configuration
    "name": "kbaUpdateStage",
    "kbaConfig": null,
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
    "uiConfig" : {
        "displayName" : "Update your security questions",
        "purpose" : "Please review and update your security questions",
        "buttonText" : "Update"

No dependencies on previous or following stages. This stage can occur anywhere in a process. If the condition evaluates to true, the process moves on to the next stage.

Required Parameters
  • kbaConfig - returns the minimum number of security questions that must be provided

  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type on which this stage acts

  • uiConfig - how the requirements are conveyed to an end user

2.12. Local Auto-Login Stage

This stage is used to perform auto-login with IDM. The stage obtains the OAuth Login from state and populates the user object (username and password) in state.

The stage adds the OAuth login to the successAdditions (with a value of true) and adds the successURL from its own configuration. If IDM can obtain all those details from state, it takes the user object, locates the username and password, and generates a CREDENTIAL_JWT. That JWT is then placed in the successAdditions parameter.

If IDM is unable to generate the CREDENTIAL_JWT it generates an internal server error (500).

Example configuration
    "name" : "localAutoLogin",
    "successUrl" : "",
    "identityUsernameField": "userName",
    "identityPasswordField": "password"

This stage should appear towards the end of a process—it cannot be the first stage in a process.

Required Parameters
  • successURL - the URL to which an end user should be redirected following successful registration.

  • identityUsernameField - the managed object property that contains the username.

  • identityPasswordField - the managed object property that contains the user password.

2.13. Parameters Stage

This stage captures parameters in the original request. To advance, the stage assesses the input body. Any values that have been passed in and are listed in the configuration are put into state. The stage ignores any values that are not listed in the configuration. The self-service mechanism passes the parameters back to the client at the end of the process.

By default, this stage is required only if you are integrating IDM with ForgeRock Access Management. The stage is added automatically if you use the UI to configure a self-service process, but can generally be ignored unless a custom client or UI requires it.

Example configuration
    "name" : "parameters",
    "parameterNames" : [

In all of the default IDM self-service processes, this must be the first stage in the process. In a custom process, the stage has no order dependencies, and can occur anywhere in a process. All this stage does is to copy named parameters into successAdditions for the process to output at tag:end.

Required Parameters
  • parameterNames - a list of parameters the stage supports. These parameters are returned in the requirements.

2.14. Patch Object Stage

Currently, this stage is used only to patch the managed object with the terms and conditions acceptance obtained from state. If the terms and conditions state is not present, the stage simply advances to the next stage in the process.

Example configuration
    "name" : "patchObject",
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user"

This stage requires the Terms and Conditions Stage to have preceded it. It can be followed by any stage and can occur anywhere in a process.

  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type on which this stage acts

2.15. Password Reset Stage

This stage updates the managed object directly, changing the value of the configured identityPasswordField. To gather the initial requirements the stage reads the managed user object, and checks that the email and userID of the object match what is in state. If they do not match, the stage exits with a Bad request exception.

If they do match, the stage returns with its requirements (the new password value). When the requirements are submitted, the stage advances, locates the userId again, the new password. If the password is empty, the stage throws an exception. If the password is valid, the stage patches the managed user object directly to update the password. If the patch fails, the stage returns the requirements again, along with an error message (for example, a password policy requirement).

Example configuration
    "name" : "resetStage",
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
    "identityPasswordField" : "password"

This stage cannot be the first stage in a process. It expects a previous stage to populate the userId and mail attributes of the user in state.

Required Parameters
  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type on which this stage acts

  • identityPasswordField - the managed object property that contains the user password.

2.16. Self-Registration Stage

This is currently the final stage in the default user registration process. The stage obtains all the user details from state. When the stage advances, it checks state for any idpdata, combines that with the user data, and creates the managed user object. This stage must occur in any registration process.


If you are integrating IDM with AM, the OpenAM Auto-Login Stage can follow this stage.

Example configuration
    "name" : "selfRegistration",
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user"

This stage must come after a stage that has populated the user in state. If the user is absent, the stage exits with an illegal argument exception.

Required Parameters
  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type that the stage creates.

2.17. Social User Claim Stage

This stage enables an existing managed user to claim a social identity. The stage obtains a CLIENT_TOKEN from some social identity provider. That token includes the following data:

  • OAuth token

  • Identity provider name

  • Renewal token

  • Expiration date

Using the CLIENT_TOKEN, the stage retrieves the user profile from the social identity provider and normalizes the profile into a user object (using the regular normalization mapping for social identity providers). For more information on this mapping, see "Many Social Identity Providers, One Schema" in the Integrator's Guide.

If the stage is unable to retrieve the user profile, or unable to normalize it using the mapping, it exits with an exception. It does not return any missing requirements.

When the user profile has been normalized, the stage attempts to identify any existing managed users that match the profile. If there are no matches, it simply advances to the next stage in the process. If it finds a match, it extracts the existing managed object and returns that as a new set of requirements.

The new requirement is that the user must provide their password, either their managed/user password, or the password to another social identity provider if they registered through a separate identity provider.

The stage then does the following:

  • Verifies the login

  • Creates a managed/idp object for the user

  • Establishes a relationship between the managed object and the idp object

  • Puts OAUTH_LOGIN:true into state

  • Puts a claimedProfile containing the URL of the managed object that was claimed into successAdditions

Example configuration
    "name" : "socialUserClaim",
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
    "claimQueryFilter" : "/mail eq \"{{mail}}\""

This stage has no dependencies on previous or subsequent stages and can occur anywhere in a process.

Required Parameters
  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type against which the stage verifies the profile.

  • claimQueryFilter - the query filter that is used to locate the managed object from the social identity provider profile.

    Notice the double-brace notation in preceding example "claimQueryFilter" : "/mail eq \"{{mail}}\"". This notation indicates that the named property from the user object in state is substituted for the double-braced value. In this example, {{mail}} would become the value of the mail property of the user in state, such as if that was in the user in state. You can use this notation with any user property.

2.18. Terms and Conditions Stage

This stage evaluates a boolean accepted (true or false).

Example configuration

This stage is configured in a selfservice.terms.json file in the project conf directory and includes the following parameters:

    "versions" : [
            "version" : "1",
            "termsTranslations" : {
                "en" : "Sample terms and conditions"
            "createDate" : "2018-04-10T09:52:25.478Z"
    "uiConfig" : {
        "displayName" : "We have updated our terms",
        "purpose" : "To proceed, accept these terms",
        "buttonText" : "Accept"
    "active" : "1"

The stage can stand on its own (as it does in the default registration configuration) or be called from the Conditional User Stage with a configuration similar to the following:

    "name" : "conditionaluser",
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
    "condition" : {
        "type" : "terms"
    "evaluateConditionOnField" : "user",
    "onConditionTrue" : {
        "name" : "termsAndConditions"

Configured as part of the Conditional User Stage. Must have the Patch Object Stage somewhere downstream. This stage can occur anywhere in a process.


Requires Terms and Conditions to be accepted before continuing to the next stage:

  • If accept is absent, the stage returns the requirements again.

  • If accept is present but false, the stage generates an exception. It is up to the client to handle that exception.

  • If accept is true, this stage puts all the outputs into state and advances to the next stage.



2.19. User Query Stage

This stage queries the managed user repository for a user, based on the supplied query fields. If the stage identifies a user, it populates the mail, userId, userName, and accountStatus fields in state.

Example configuration
    "name" : "userQuery",
    "validQueryFields" : [
    "identityIdField" : "_id",
    "identityEmailField" : "mail",
    "identityUsernameField" : "userName",
    "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
    "identityAccountStatusField" : "accountStatus"

This stage has no dependencies on preceding or following stages but cannot be the only stage in a process.

Required Parameters
  • validQueryFields - an array of fields on which the query can be based.

  • identityIdField - the managed object property that contains the user ID to be provided to state.

  • identityEmailField - the managed object property that contains the user mail to be provided to state.

  • identityUsernameField - the managed object property that contains the username to be provided to state.

  • identityAccountStatusField - the managed object property that contains the user account status to be provided to state.

  • identityServiceUrl - the managed object type on which this stage acts

Chapter 3. Self-Registration

This chapter describes the configuration, and the requests and responses for user self-registration.

Self-registration can be configured with the following components:

  • Email validation

  • Security questions (KBA)

  • Google ReCAPTCHA

  • Terms & Conditions

  • Privacy & Consent

3.1. User Self-Registration REST Requests

The REST calls shown in this chapter assume that user registration is enabled with the default security questions and that the configuration is similar to that shown in the sample registration configuration file (samples/example-configurations/self-service/selfservice-registration.json):

    "allInOneRegistration" : true,
    "stageConfigs" : [
            "name": "parameters",
            "parameterNames" : [
            "name" : "idmUserDetails",
            "identityEmailField" : "mail",
            "socialRegistrationEnabled" : true,
            "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
            "registrationProperties" : [
            "registrationPreferences": ["marketing", "updates"]
            "name" : "termsAndConditions"
            "name" : "emailValidation",
            "identityEmailField" : "mail",
            "emailServiceUrl" : "external/email",
            "emailServiceParameters" : {
                "waitForCompletion" : false
            "from" : "",
            "subject" : "Register new account",
            "mimeType" : "text/html",
            "subjectTranslations" : {
                "en" : "Register new account",
                "fr" : "Créer un nouveau compte"
            "messageTranslations" : {
                "en" : "<h3>This is your registration email.</h3><h4><a href=\"%link%\">Email verification link</a></h4>",
                "fr" : "<h3>Ceci est votre email d'inscription.</h3><<h4><a href=\"%link%\">Lien de vérification email</a></h4>"
            "verificationLinkToken" : "%link%",
            "verificationLink" : ""
            "name" : "kbaSecurityAnswerDefinitionStage",
            "kbaConfig" : null
            "name" : "selfRegistration",
            "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user"
            "name" : "localAutoLogin",
            "successUrl" : "",
            "identityUsernameField": "userName",
            "identityPasswordField": "password"
    "storage" : "stateless"
  1. The client loads the initial registration form. The server returns the initial tag to indicate the start of the registration process:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-NoSession: true" \
     --request GET \
     "_id": "1",
     "_rev": "1113597344",
     "type": "parameters",
     "tag": "initial",
     "requirements": {
       "$schema": "",
       "description": "Parameters",
       "type": "object",
       "properties": {
         "returnParams": {
           "description": "Parameter named 'returnParams'",
           "type": "string"

    The client sends an empty POST request with the submitRequirements action.

    The server returns the following.

    • The initial tag to indicate the start of the registration process.

    • A token that must be provided in subsequent steps.

    • A JSON requirements object that must be provided in subsequent steps.

    curl \
     --header "Content-type: application/json" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-NoSession: true" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{"input":{"input":{}}}' \
          "description":"All-In-One Registration",
                "description":"Captcha response",
                         "en":"What's your favorite color?",
                         "en_GB":"What is your favourite colour?",
                         "fr":"Quelle est votre couleur préférée?"
                         "en":"Who was your first employer?"
                "description":"User Object",
          "terms":"These are our terms and conditions",
             "displayName":"We have updated our terms",
             "purpose":"To proceed, accept these terms",
                "description":"System Question",
                      "description":"Id of predefined question",
                      "description":"Answer to the referenced question",
                "description":"User Question",
                      "description":"Answer to the question",
                      "description":"Question defined by the user",
                   "title":"First Name",
                   "description":"First Name",
                   "title":"Last Name",
                   "description":"Last Name",
                   "title":"Email Address",
                   "description":"Email Address",
                "description":"Send me news and updates",
                "description":"Send me special offers and services",
  2. The client sends a POST request with the requirements. The server responds with a request for the emailed code:

    curl \
     --header "Content-type: application/json" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-NoSession: true" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{
    }' \
          "description":"Verify emailed code",
                "description":"Enter code emailed",


    By default, the snapshot token expires after 300 seconds. If the delay between the first request and the second request is greater than that period, the snapshot token will be invalid and the initial request must be sent again to obtain a fresh snapshot token. You can change the snapshot token expiration time in the self-service process configuration file (selfservice-registration.json in this case).

    The following excerpt of the configuration file shows the default snapshotToken configuration. To change the expiration time, set the tokenExpiry property:

    "snapshotToken" : {
        "type" : "jwt",
        "jweAlgorithm" : "RSAES_PKCS1_V1_5",
        "encryptionMethod" : "A128CBC_HS256",
        "jwsAlgorithm" : "HS256",
        "tokenExpiry" : 300
  3. The email verification link redirects to:"

    The client is registered and logged into the End User UI.

Chapter 4. Password Reset Process

Password reset enables registered users to reset their own passwords. The following stages can be included in a password reset process:

If all of these stages are configured, the password reset configuration (in conf/selfservice-profile.json looks similar to the following:

    "stageConfigs" : [
            "name" : "captcha",
            "recaptchaSiteKey" : "...",
            "recaptchaSecretKey" : "...",
            "recaptchaUri" : ""
            "name" : "userQuery",
            "validQueryFields" : [
            "identityIdField" : "_id",
            "identityEmailField" : "mail",
            "identityUsernameField" : "userName",
            "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user"
            "name" : "emailValidation",
            "identityEmailField" : "mail",
            "emailServiceUrl" : "external/email",
            "emailServiceParameters" : {
                "waitForCompletion" : false
            "from" : "",
            "subject" : "Reset password email",
            "mimeType" : "text/html",
            "subjectTranslations" : {
                "en" : "Reset your password",
                "fr" : "Réinitialisez votre mot de passe"
            "messageTranslations" : {
                "en" : "...Click to reset your password...",
                "fr" : "...Cliquez pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe..."
            "verificationLinkToken" : "%link%",
            "verificationLink" : "https://localhost:8443/#/passwordreset/"
            "name" : "kbaSecurityAnswerVerificationStage",
            "kbaPropertyName" : "kbaInfo",
            "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
            "kbaConfig" : null
            "name" : "resetStage",
            "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
            "identityPasswordField" : "password"
    "snapshotToken" : {
        "type" : "jwt",
        "jweAlgorithm" : "RSAES_PKCS1_V1_5",
        "encryptionMethod" : "A128CBC_HS256",
        "jwsAlgorithm" : "HS256",
        "tokenExpiry" : "300"
    "storage" : "stateless"

4.1. REST Requests in a Password Reset Process

The following REST requests and responses demonstrate the flow through a simple password reset process. To keep the process simple, this flow does not include the Google ReCAPTCHA stage, or the Security Answer Verification stage:

  1. Client initiates the password reset, server returns the initial tag:

    curl \
     --request GET \
    	"type": "parameters",
    	"tag": "initial",
    	"requirements": {
    		"$schema": "",
    		"description": "Parameters",
    		"type": "object",
    		"properties": {
    			"returnParams": {
    				"description": "Parameter named 'returnParams'",
    				"type": "string"
  2. Initial requirements submission with an empty payload, server returns requirements for the userQuery stage, and the JWT:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{
     }' \
      "type": "userQuery",
      "tag": "initial",
      "requirements": {
        "$schema": "http:\/\/\/draft-04\/schema#",
        "description": "Find your account",
        "type": "object",
        "required": [
        "properties": {
          "queryFilter": {
            "description": "filter string to find account",
            "type": "string"
      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ZXlKMGVY...W5ywOcr8"
  3. The client provides the requirements for the userQuery stage, along with the JWT. The process progresses to the emailValidation stage:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --request POST \
     --data {
      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ZXlKMGVY...W5ywOcr8",
      "input": {
        "queryFilter": "userName eq \"bjensen\""
    } \
      "type": "emailValidation",
      "tag": "validateCode",
      "requirements": {
        "$schema": "http:\/\/\/draft-04\/schema#",
        "description": "Verify emailed code",
        "type": "object",
        "required": [
        "properties": {
          "code": {
            "description": "Enter code emailed",
            "type": "string"
      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ZXlKMGVY...SD7J6dO4"

    The server converts that requirement and token to a URL that is emailed.

  4. Clicking the email link sends another POST request to the emailValidation stage, along with the token. The process advances to the reset stage and returns its requirements.

  5. After email validation, the client submits the new password. The process advances to the reset stage, updates the managed object, and exits:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --request POST \
     --data {
      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ZXlKMGVY...rufKZXTVc",
      "input": {
        "password": "Passw0rd"
    } \
      "type": "resetStage",
      "tag": "end",
      "status": {
        "success": true
      "additions": {

Chapter 5. Progressive Profile Completion

Progressive profile completion lets you gather profile attributes asynchronously to enrich your users' profile data and enhance engagement with your customer base. Profile completion requires the creation of one or more forms to collect user data.

IDM implements progressive profile completion as a default self-service process. You can use this process as an example of how to build additional functionality into a custom client application, using the Self-Service REST API.

5.1. IDM Configuration For Progressive Profile Completion

The REST calls shown in this chapter assume the configuration in the samples/example-configurations/self-service/selfservice-profile.json file:

    "stageConfigs" : [
            "name" : "conditionaluser",
            "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
            "condition" : {
                "type" : "loginCount",
                "interval" : "at",
                "amount" : 25
            "evaluateConditionOnField" : "user",
            "onConditionTrue" : {
                "name" : "attributecollection",
                "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user",
                "uiConfig" : {
                    "displayName" : "Add your telephone number",
                    "purpose" : "Help us verify your identity",
                    "buttonText" : "Save"
                "attributes" : [
                        "name" : "telephoneNumber",
                        "isRequired" : true

The default progressive profile completion process involves two mandatory stages:

With the previous configuration, users logging in to the End User UI must submit a telephone number on the 25th login.

5.2. REST Requests in a Progressive Profile Completion Process

The following REST requests and responses demonstrate the flow through a profile completion process, given the previous configuration:

  1. Client attempts a login for the 25th time:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: bjensen" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: Passw0rd" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-NoSession: false" \
     --request POST \
      "_id": "login",
      "authorization": {
        "userRolesProperty": "authzRoles",
        "processesRequired": true,
        "component": "managed/user",
        "authLogin": true,
        "authenticationIdProperty": "username",
        "roles": [],
        "ipAddress": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
        "protectedAttributeList": ["password"],
        "requiredProfileProcesses": ["selfservice/profile"],
        "id": "51c6c46d-3d7b-4671-8295-0c8ee39e8549",
        "moduleId": "MANAGED_USER",
        "queryId": "credential-query"
      "authenticationId": "bjensen"


    The values of the requiredProfileProcesses and roles properties in the returned output trigger the remainder of the process. If requiredProfileProcesses is present and not empty, there are processes that must be completed. Ultimately, the process must return a full access role (such as internal/role/openidm-authorized) and continue to the user profile page.

  2. Server sends a GET request to the profile endpoint and returns "type": "conditionaluser" and "tag": "initial" to start the profile completion process:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --request GET \
    	"_id": "1",
    	"_rev": "991096945",
    	"type": "conditionaluser",
    	"tag": "initial",
    	"requirements": {
    		"$schema": "",
    		"description": "Attribute Details",
    		"type": "object",
    		"properties": {},
    		"attributes": [{
    			"name": "telephoneNumber",
    			"isRequired": true,
    			"schema": {
    				"type": "string",
    				"title": "Telephone Number",
    				"description": "Telephone Number",
    				"viewable": true,
    				"userEditable": true,
    				"pattern": "^\\+?([0-9\\- \\(\\)])*$",
    				"usageDescription": "",
    				"isPersonal": true
    			"value": null
    		"uiConfig": {
    			"displayName": "Add your telephone number",
    			"purpose": "Help us verify your identity",
    			"buttonText": "Save"
  3. Client submits requirements, in this case the required profile field. Server response includes "tag": "end" and "success": true to signal the end of the profile process:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{
    	"type": "conditionaluser",
    	"tag": "end",
    	"status": {
    		"success": true
    	"additions": {}

Chapter 6. Username Retrieval Process

Username retrieval enables registered users to retrieve a forgotten username, based on the provision of alternative information in the user record, such as email address, last name, or given name. Depending on how this process is configured, the retrieved username can be emailed to the user or displayed directly.

The REST requests in this section assume that the username is emailed to the user, and that the configuration is similar to that in the example configuration file (samples/example-configurations/self-service/selfservice-username.json):

    "stageConfigs" : [
            "name" : "userQuery",
            "validQueryFields" : [
            "identityIdField" : "_id",
            "identityEmailField" : "mail",
            "identityUsernameField" : "userName",
            "identityServiceUrl" : "managed/user"
            "name" : "emailUsername",
            "emailServiceUrl" : "external/email",
            "emailServiceParameters" : {
                "waitForCompletion" : false
            "from" : "",
            "mimeType" : "text/html",
            "subjectTranslations" : {
                "en" : "Account Information - username"
            "messageTranslations" : {
                "en" : "<h3>Username is:</h3><br />%username%"
            "usernameToken" : "%username%"
            "name" : "retrieveUsername"
    "storage" : "stateless"

6.1. REST Requests in a Forgotten Username Process

The following REST requests and responses demonstrate the flow through a forgotten username process:

  1. Client initiates the username retrieval process. The server returns the initial set of requirements:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-NoSession: true" \
     --request GET \
          "description":"Find your account",
                "description":"filter string to find account",
  2. Client submits the requirements, along with the token. Server returns the username and the end tag to indicate the end of the process:

    curl \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: anonymous" \
     --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: anonymous" \
     --request POST \
     --data '{
      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ZXlKMGVY...W5ywOcr8",
            "queryFilter":"mail eq \"\""
    }' \

Chapter 7. Adding a Custom Stage to a User Self-Service Process

This chapter demonstrates how to build, deploy, and configure a custom stage, and how to add it to a self-service process. You can use the classes in the sample project as a basis to develop your own stages.

To implement a custom stage in the End User UI, see the following instructions from the ForgeRock End User UI Git Repository: How to Add a Self-Service Stage to the UI.

7.1. Before You Start

ForgeRock provides a sample custom stage project with the minimum classes and project file required for any self-service stage. Before you start, clone the sample custom stage project from the ForgeRock Commons repository. The sample project has a dependency on the forgerock-selfservice-core artifact. Engage ForgeRock support for access to the required repositories.

The sample project implements a stage named MathProblem. This stage generates a simple math problem that must be completed in order to progress to the next stage.

To build the sample stage, you must have Apache Maven installed.

The project includes the following files, required for any custom self-service stage:

A Maven project file (pom.xml)

Pay particular attention to the maven-bundle-plugin in this file:


This plugin indicates that Apache Felix should attach the custom stage artifact to IDM’s self-service bundle.

A configuration class


The configuration class reads configuration data from a corresponding configuration (JSON) file. The class represents each configuration item for the stage as properties of the class.

An implementation class


The implementation class is the main orchestration class for the stage.

7.2. Building the Sample Stage

To build the sample stage, follow these steps:

  1. Change to the sample project directory:

    $ cd /path/to/forgerock-selfservice-custom-stage
  2. Run the following Maven command:

    $ mvn clean install

    This step creates a forgerock-selfservice-custom-stage-24.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file in the target directory.

  3. Copy the compiled stage to the openidm/bundle directory:

    $ cp target/forgerock-selfservice-custom-stage-24.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/openidm/bundle/
  4. Restart IDM for the new stage to be taken into account.

7.3. Creating a Configuration for the Sample Stage

To create a configuration for this stage, examine the configuration class ( Three configuration properties must be specified in the corresponding configuration file:

  • class

    For the default IDM self-service stages, you specify the stage name in the configuration, in the format "name" : "stage-name". For example:

    "name" : "captcha"

    For custom stages, you must specify the stage configuration class, in the format "class" : "stage_config_classname". For example:

    "class" : "org.forgerock.selfservice.custom.MathProblemStageConfig"

  • leftValue

  • rightValue

The configuration for this stage will therefore look something like the following:

    "class" : "org.forgerock.selfservice.custom.MathProblemStageConfig",
    "leftValue" : int,
    "rightValue" : int

7.4. Testing the Custom Stage

Stages are implemented as part of a self-service process. For more information, see "The Self-Service Process Flow". To test your custom stage, you need to add it to a self-service process. You can create a new process, or use one of the default processes available through the Admin UI.

In this example, we add the custom stage to the User Registration process and test it as part of self-registration, as follows:

  1. In the Admin UI Select Configure > User Registration > Enable to enable user registration.

    This step creates a selfservice-registration.json file in your project's conf directory. There are a number of stages in that process by default, for example, the parameters stage:

    "stageConfigs" : [
            "name" : "parameters",
            "parameterNames" : [
  2. Add your custom stage to the process by creating a configuration item in the stageConfigs array:

    "stageConfigs" : [
            "name" : "parameters",
            "parameterNames" : [
        "class" : "org.forgerock.selfservice.custom.MathProblemStageConfig",
        "leftValue" : 12,
        "rightValue" : 4

    Note that self-service stages can generally not be configured in random order. For example, some stages require input from the process state that has been populated by a preceding stage. For the purposes of this example, add the MathProblem stage directly after the parameters stage.

  3. Disable all-in-one registration.

    By default, the registration phase has all-in-one registration enabled. All-in-one registration covers a number of registration stages. For the purposes of testing the custom stage, disable all-in-one registration by setting "allInOneRegistration" : false in selfservice-registration.json. For more information, see "All-In-One Registration".

  4. Save the changes to the selfservice-registration.json file.

    IDM reloads the configuration automatically—you do not need to restart the server.

  5. Log into the End User UI (at https://localhost:8443/ by default) and select Register.

    The first stage to be displayed should be the Math Problem you configured previously.

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