Configure the Scheduler Service

There is a distinction between the configuration of the scheduler service, and the configuration of individual scheduled tasks and events. The scheduler service is configured in your project's conf/scheduler.json file. This file has the following format:

    "threadPool" : {
        "threadCount" : 10
    "scheduler" : {
        "executePersistentSchedules" : {
            "$bool" : "&{openidm.scheduler.execute.persistent.schedules}"

The properties in the scheduler.json file relate to the configuration of the Quartz Scheduler:

  • threadCount specifies the maximum number of threads that are available for running scheduled tasks concurrently.

  • executePersistentSchedules allows you to disable persistent schedules for a specific node. If this parameter is set to false, the Scheduler Service will support the management of persistent schedules (CRUD operations) but it will not run any persistent schedules. The value of this property can be a string or boolean. Its default value (set in resolver/ is true.

  • advancedProperties (optional) enables you to configure additional properties for the Quartz Scheduler.

For details of all the configurable properties for the Quartz Scheduler, see the Quartz Scheduler Configuration Reference.

Read a different version of Configure the Scheduler Service: