Update to a Maintenance Release

"Maintenance Releases" incorporate a collection of fixes and minor RFEs. IDM 7.0.4 is the latest maintenance release for IDM 7. To upgrade an existing IDM 7 deployment to IDM 7.0.4, follow these steps:

  1. Download and extract the IDM 7.0.4 binary from the ForgeRock BackStage download site.

  2. Copy any customized configuration files, scripts, or workflow definitions from your existing deployment to the comparable directory in your 7.0.4 deployment.

  3. Copy the conf/authentication.json file from your existing deployment to the conf directory in your 7.0.4 deployment.

  4. Copy the keystore and truststore from your existing deployment to the 7.0.4 deployment. For example:

    cp -r /path/to/openidm7/security /path/to/openidm704
  5. Configure the IDM 7.0.4 server to point to your existing repository:

    1. If you are using an external DS repository, make sure that the conf/repo.ds.json file in your new deployment is accurate.

    2. If you are using a JDBC repository, make sure that the conf/repo.jdbc.json and conf/datasource.jdbc-default.json files in your new deployment are accurate, and that your resolve/boot.properties file has the correct values for openidm.repo.host and openidm.repo.port.

  6. The Flowable embedded workflow engine has been upgraded to version 6.6.0 in IDM 7.0.4.

    If you have existing workflow data in your IDM 7 instance, run the schema update scripts for your repository type (in the openidm/db/database-type/scripts/updates directory).


    Flowable can perform the schema updates automatically, but only if the database user account has permission to alter schemas. This might not be the case in your deployment.

  7. Shut down your existing IDM 7 server.

  8. Start up your IDM 7.0.4 server.

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