Identity Gateway 2024.3

TrustManager (deprecated)

This object is deprecated; use SecretsTrustManager instead. For more information, refer to the Deprecated section of the Release Notes.

The configuration of a Java Secure Socket Extension TrustManager to manage trust material (typically X.509 public key certificates) for IG. The configuration references the keystore that holds the trust material.

When IG acts as a client, it uses a trust manager to verify that the server is trusted. When IG acts as a server, it uses a trust manager to verify that the client is trusted.


    "name": string,
    "type": "TrustManager",
    "config": {
      "keystore": KeyStore reference,
      "alg": configuration expression<string>


"keystore": KeyStore reference, required

The KeyStore (deprecated) object that references the store for key certificates. When keystore is used in a KeyManager, it queries for private keys; when keystore is used in a TrustManager, it queries for certificates.

Provide either the name of the keystore object defined in the heap or an inline keystore configuration object.

"alg": configuration expression<string>, optional

The certificate algorithm to use.

Default: the default for the platform, such as SunX509.


The following example configures a trust manager that depends on a KeyStore configuration. This configuration uses the default certificate algorithm:

  "name": "MyTrustManager",
  "type": "TrustManager",
  "config": {
    "keystore": {
      "type": "KeyStore",
      "config": {
        "url": "file://${env['HOME']}/keystore.p12",
        "passwordSecretId": "${system['keypass']}",
        "secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore"
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