PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud Deep Dive: PingAM
The aim of this course is to showcase the key features and capabilities of the versatile and powerful access management solution in a PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud environment, formerly known as ForgeRock® Identity Cloud.
Enhancing Intelligent Access
Improving Access Management Security
Extending Services using OAuth 2.0-Based Protocols
Integrating Applications With OAuth2
Integrating Applications With OIDC
Transforming OAuth2 Tokens
Federating Across Entities Using SAML2
Extending Services using OAuth 2.0-Based Protocols
Implement OAuth 2.0 (OAuth2) based protocols; namely, OAuth2 and OpenID Connect 1.0 (OIDC), to enable low-level devices and mobile applications to make requests that access resources belonging to a subscriber. Advanced Identity Cloud is also configured to function as an OIDC client and delegate authentication to social media OIDC providers.
Extending Services using OAuth 2.0-Based Protocols
This student guide contains your slides and instructor notes
Extending Services using OAuth 2.0-Based Protocols
Your workbook contains all your exercise instructions and should be used together with your exercise environment
Extending Services using OAuth 2.0-Based Protocols
Please use this exercise setup guide to initiate this chapter's exercise labs on CloudShare. You will have to follow this guide only once per chapter.
Extending Services using OAuth 2.0-Based Protocols
This brings you to your virtual exercise environment where you can complete your exercises using your workbook. Your lab exercises are chapter-based.