PingAM Deep Dive
The aim of this course is to showcase the key features and capabilities of the versatile and powerful PingAM.
Course Overview
Enhancing Intelligent Access
Improving Access Management Security
Extending Services Using OAuth2-Based Protocols
Federating Across Entities Using SAML2
Installing and Deploying AM
Installing and Upgrading AM
Hardening AM Security
Clustering AM
Deploying the Identity Platform to the Cloud
Knowledge Check
Installing and Deploying AM
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Student Guide
Installing and Deploying AM
This student guide contains your slides and instructor notes.
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Installing and Deploying AM
Your workbook contains all your exercise instructions and should be used together with your exercise environment.
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Virtual Exercise Environment
Installing and Deploying AM
This brings you to your virtual exercise environment where you can complete your exercises using your workbook. Your lab exercises are chapter-based.
Installing and Upgrading AM

Lab: Install an AM instance with the web wizard

Install Amster

Lab: Upgrade AM with the web wizard
Hardening AM Security

Lab: Configure an HSM secret store to sign OIDC ID tokens

Lab: Capture troubleshooting information
Clustering AM

Lab: Prepare the initial AM cluster

Lab: Test AM cluster failover scenarios

Lab: Modify the cluster to use client-side sessions
Deploying the Identity Platform to the Cloud

Lab: Access and authenticate your GCP account

Lab: Prepare to deploy the Identity Platform

Lab: Deploy the Identity Platform with the CDK

Lab: Remove the Identity Platform deployment
Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check - Installing and Deploying AM