Preparing IBM WebSphere

To deploy AM in IBM WebSphere, perform the following steps:

  1. Update the JVM options as described in "Preparing a Java Environment".

  2. Customize the AM-7.1.4.war file as described in "To Prepare for IBM WebSphere".

  3. After deploying AM, configure WebSphere as described in "To Prepare WebSphere".

To Prepare for IBM WebSphere

To prepare AM to run in WebSphere, change the AM war file to ensure that the AM upgrade process is able to find the AM configuration files. Be sure to make this change whenever you deploy a new war file as part of an AM upgrade.

Change the AM war file as follows:


If installing on Windows, the specified paths should have slashes / and not backslashes \.

  1. Create a temporary directory and expand the AM-7.1.4.war file. For example:

    $ cd /tmp
    $ mkdir /tmp/openam ; cd /tmp/openam
    $ jar xvf ~/Downloads/AM-7.1.4.war
  2. Locate the file in the WEB-INF/classes directory of the expanded war file.

    Update the # configuration.dir= line in the file to specify a path with read and write permissions. For example:

    # This property should also be used when the system user that
    # is running the web/application server process does not have
    # a home directory. i.e. System.getProperty("user.home") returns
    # null.
  3. (Optional) If you are using an IBM JDK, replace the default WEB-INF/template /keystore/keystore.jceks keystore file with one generated using the IBM JDK, by performing the following steps:

    1. Generate a new, empty keystore.jceks keystore file in IBM JDK format:

      $ keytool -genkey -storetype jceks -keystore keystore.jceks -storepass changeit -keypass changeit

    2. Copy the new keystore.jceks keystore file into the expanded WAR file, overwriting the existing WEB-INF/template/keystore/keystore.jceks keystore file:

      $ cp keystore.jceks /tmp/openam/WEB-INF/template/keystore/keystore.jceks

  4. Rebuild the AM-7.1.4.war file:

    $ jar cvf ../AM-7.1.4.war *
To Prepare WebSphere

In addition to preparing the AM WAR file, perform the following steps to configure WebSphere for AM after you deploy AM into WebSphere:

  1. Load classes from AM bundled libraries before loading classes from libraries delivered with WebSphere:

    1. In the WebSphere administration console, navigate to Application > Application Type > WebSphere enterprise applications > AM Name > Class loading and update detection.

    2. Set Class loader order > Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).

    3. Ensure that the value of the WAR class loader policy property is set to the default value: Class loader for each WAR file in application.

    4. Save your work.

  2. (Optional) If your environment uses SOAP, perform the following steps to add SOAP-related properties to the JVM:

    1. In the WebSphere administration console, select Servers.

    2. Expand Server Type, and select WebSphere application servers.

    3. Select your WebSphere server name.

    4. Expand Java and Process Management, and select Process Definition.

    5. Under the Additional Properties section, select Java Virtual Machine.

    6. Locate the Generic JVM argument box and add the following properties:

    7. Save your work.

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