Latest update: 7.0.2
- Overview
- Amster Entity Reference
- AcceptTermsAndConditions
- AccountActiveCheck
- AccountActiveDecision
- AccountLockout
- ActiveDirectory
- ActiveDirectoryApplicationModeADAM
- ActiveDirectoryModule
- AdaptiveRiskModule
- AdvancedProperties
- AgentDataStoreDecision
- AgentGroups
- AgentService
- Agents
- AmsterModule
- AnonymousModule
- AnonymousSessionUpgrade
- AnonymousUserMapping
- ApplicationTypes
- Applications
- AttributeCollector
- AttributePresentDecision
- AttributeValueDecision
- AuditEvent
- AuditLogging
- AuthLevelDecision
- AuthTree
- AuthenticateThing
- Authentication
- AuthenticationChains
- AuthenticationModules
- AuthenticationNodes
- AuthenticationTreesConfiguration
- AuthenticatorOath
- AuthenticatorOathModule
- AuthenticatorPush
- AuthenticatorPushModule
- AuthenticatorPushRegistrationModule
- AuthenticatorWebAuthn
- BaseUrlSource
- CORSService
- CRESTReporter
- Captcha
- CertificateCollectorNode
- CertificateModule
- CertificateUserExtractorNode
- CertificateValidationNode
- ChoiceCollector
- CircleOfTrust
- CommonFederationConfiguration
- ConditionTypes
- ConfigurationVersionService
- ConsentCollector
- CookiePresenceDecisionNode
- CorsConfiguration
- CreateObject
- CreatePassword
- Csv
- CtsDataStoreProperties
- Dashboard
- DashboardInstance
- DashboardUserService
- Dashboards
- DataStoreDecision
- DataStoreInstance
- DataStoreModule
- DataStoreService
- DecisionCombiners
- DefaultAdvancedProperties
- DefaultCtsDataStoreProperties
- DefaultDirectoryConfiguration
- DefaultGeneralProperties
- DefaultSdkProperties
- DefaultSecurityProperties
- DefaultSessionProperties
- DefaultUmaDataStoreProperties
- DeviceGeofencing
- DeviceIDService
- DeviceIdMatchModule
- DeviceIdSaveModule
- DeviceLocationMatch
- DeviceMatch
- DeviceProfile
- DeviceProfileCollector
- DeviceProfileSave
- DeviceProfilesService
- DeviceTamperingVerification
- DirectoryConfiguration
- DisplayUsername
- ElasticSearch
- EmailService
- EmailSuspendNode
- EmailTemplateNode
- EnvironmentAndSystemPropertySecretsStore
- FailureURL
- FederationModule
- FileSystemSecretStore
- ForgeRockIAMDirectoryServer
- ForgottenPassword
- ForgottenUsername
- GeneralProperties
- GenericLDAPv3
- GetSessionData
- GlobalScripts
- GlobalSecretsSettings
- Globalization
- GoogleKeyManagementServiceSecretStore
- GoogleKmsMappings
- GraphiteReporter
- HOTPGenerator
- HostedSaml2EntityProvider
- HotpModule
- HsmMappings
- HsmSecretStore
- HttpBasicModule
- IDMProvisioning
- IdRepository
- IdRepositoryUser
- IdentifyExistingUser
- IdentityGatewayAgentGroups
- IdentityGatewayAgents
- IncrementLoginCount
- InnerTreeEvaluator
- IoTService
- J2EEAgentGroups
- J2eeAgents
- JSONStdout
- Jdbc
- JdbcModule
- Jms
- Json
- JwtProofOfPossessionModule
- KBADecision
- KBADefinition
- KBAVerification
- KbaQuestions
- KerberosNode
- KeyStoreMappings
- KeyStoreSecretStore
- LDAPDecision
- LdapModule
- LegacyUserSelfService
- LinkedInClient
- Logging
- LoginCountDecision
- MembershipModule
- MessageNode
- Meter
- ModifyAuthLevel
- Monitoring
- MsisdnModule
- MultiFederationProtocol
- Naming
- OAuth20
- OAuth2Client
- OAuth2ClientAgentGroups
- OAuth2Clients
- OAuth2Module
- OAuth2Provider
- OAuth2RemoteConsentAgentGroups
- OAuth2SoftwarePublisherAgentGroups
- OAuth2TrustedJWTIssuerAgentGroups
- OAuth2UserApplications
- OIDCClient
- OTPCollectorDecision
- OTPEmailSender
- OTPSMSSender
- OathModule
- OathUserDevices
- OpenDJ
- OpenIDConnect
- OpenIdConnectModule
- PageNode
- PasswordCollector
- PatchObject
- PendingUmaRequests
- PersistentCookieDecision
- PersistentCookieModule
- Platform
- PlatformPassword
- PlatformUsername
- Policies
- PolicyAgents
- PolicyConfiguration
- PollingWaitNode
- ProfileCompletenessDecision
- PrometheusReporter
- ProvisionDynamicAccount
- ProvisionIDMAccount
- PushNotification
- PushNotificationResponse
- PushResultVerifierNode
- PushSender
- PushUserDevices
- QueryFilterDecision
- RESTSecurityTokenServices
- RadiusClient
- RadiusModule
- RadiusServer
- Realms
- Records
- RecoveryCodeCollectorDecision
- RecoveryCodeDisplayNode
- RegisterLogoutWebhook
- RegisterThing
- RemoteConsentAgent
- RemoteConsentService
- RemoteSaml2EntityProvider
- RemoveSessionProperties
- RequiredAttributesPresent
- ResourceSets
- ResourceTypes
- RestApis
- RetryLimitDecision
- SAML2Authentication
- SOAPSecurityTokenServices
- SaeModule
- Saml2Entities
- Saml2Entity
- Saml2Module
- SamlV2ServiceConfiguration
- SamlV2SoapBinding
- ScriptStore
- ScriptTypes
- ScriptedDecision
- ScriptedModule
- Scripting
- ScriptingEngineConfiguration
- Scripts
- SdkProperties
- SecretStores
- Secrets
- SecurID
- SecurityProperties
- SecurityTokenServices
- SelectIdentityProvider
- SelfServiceTreeConfig
- SelfServiceTrees
- ServerInformation
- ServerVersion
- Servers
- Services
- Session
- SessionProperties
- SessionPropertyWhiteList
- SessionUserService
- Sessions
- SetPersistentCookie
- SetSessionProperties
- SharedAgents
- Sites
- SoapSTSAgentGroups
- SoapStsAgents
- SocialAuthInstagramModule
- SocialAuthOAuth2Module
- SocialAuthOpenIDModule
- SocialAuthTwitterModule
- SocialAuthVKontakteModule
- SocialAuthWeChatMobileModule
- SocialAuthWeChatModule
- SocialAuthentication
- SocialFacebook
- SocialGoogle
- SocialIdentityProviders
- SocialIdentityProvidersConfig
- SocialIgnoreProfile
- SocialProviderHandlerNode
- SoftwarePublisher
- Splunk
- StateMetadata
- SubjectAttributes
- SubjectTypes
- SuccessURL
- SunDSWithOpenAMSchema
- SupportedIds
- Syslog
- TermsAndConditionsDecision
- TimeSinceDecision
- TimerStart
- TimerStop
- TivoliDirectoryServer
- TransactionAuthentication
- TrustedJwtIssuer
- TrustedUserDevices
- TwitterClient
- UmaDataStoreProperties
- UmaPolicies
- UmaProvider
- UmaResourceSetLabels
- UmaUserAuditHistory
- User
- UserGroups
- UserPolicies
- UserRegistration
- UserSelfService
- UserServices
- UsernameCollector
- VKClient
- ValidationService
- WeChatClient
- WebAgentGroups
- WebAgents
- WebAuthnAuthenticationNode
- WebAuthnDeviceStorageNode
- WebAuthnRegistrationNode
- WebAuthnUserDevices
- WebhookService
- WindowsDesktopSsoModule
- WindowsNtModule
- WriteFederationInformation
- WsEntity
- ZeroPageLoginCollector
Realm Operations
Service for reading and listing the available application types. Application types act as templates for policy sets, and define how to compare resources and index policies. OpenAM provides a default application type that represents web resources called iPlanetAMWebAgentService
Resource path: /applicationtypes
Resource version: 1.0
Lists the application types using a query filter
am> query ApplicationTypes --realm Realm --filter filter
A CREST formatted query filter, where "true" will query all. Fields that can be queried: [*]
Reads an individual application type by the provided application type name
am> read ApplicationTypes --realm Realm --id id
The unique identifier for the resource.