- Overview
- Amster Entity Reference
- AcceptTermsAndConditions
- AccountActiveCheck
- AccountActiveDecision
- AccountLockout
- ActiveDirectory
- ActiveDirectoryApplicationModeADAM
- ActiveDirectoryModule
- AdaptiveRiskModule
- AdvancedProperties
- AgentDataStoreDecision
- AgentGroups
- AgentService
- Agents
- AmsterModule
- AnonymousModule
- AnonymousSessionUpgrade
- AnonymousUserMapping
- ApplicationTypes
- Applications
- AttributeCollector
- AttributePresentDecision
- AttributeValueDecision
- AuditEvent
- AuditLogging
- AuthLevelDecision
- AuthTree
- AuthenticateThing
- Authentication
- AuthenticationChains
- AuthenticationModules
- AuthenticationNodes
- AuthenticationTreesConfiguration
- AuthenticatorOath
- AuthenticatorOathModule
- AuthenticatorPush
- AuthenticatorPushModule
- AuthenticatorPushRegistrationModule
- AuthenticatorWebAuthn
- BaseUrlSource
- CORSService
- CRESTReporter
- Captcha
- CertificateCollectorNode
- CertificateModule
- CertificateUserExtractorNode
- CertificateValidationNode
- ChoiceCollector
- CircleOfTrust
- CommonFederationConfiguration
- ConditionTypes
- ConfigurationVersionService
- ConsentCollector
- CookiePresenceDecisionNode
- CorsConfiguration
- CreateObject
- CreatePassword
- Csv
- CtsDataStoreProperties
- Dashboard
- DashboardInstance
- DashboardUserService
- Dashboards
- DataStoreDecision
- DataStoreInstance
- DataStoreModule
- DataStoreService
- DecisionCombiners
- DefaultAdvancedProperties
- DefaultCtsDataStoreProperties
- DefaultDirectoryConfiguration
- DefaultGeneralProperties
- DefaultSdkProperties
- DefaultSecurityProperties
- DefaultSessionProperties
- DefaultUmaDataStoreProperties
- DeviceGeofencing
- DeviceIDService
- DeviceIdMatchModule
- DeviceIdSaveModule
- DeviceLocationMatch
- DeviceMatch
- DeviceProfile
- DeviceProfileCollector
- DeviceProfileSave
- DeviceProfilesService
- DeviceTamperingVerification
- DirectoryConfiguration
- DisplayUsername
- ElasticSearch
- EmailService
- EmailSuspendNode
- EmailTemplateNode
- EnvironmentAndSystemPropertySecretsStore
- FailureURL
- FederationModule
- FileSystemSecretStore
- ForgeRockIAMDirectoryServer
- ForgottenPassword
- ForgottenUsername
- GeneralProperties
- GenericLDAPv3
- GetSessionData
- GlobalScripts
- GlobalSecretsSettings
- Globalization
- GoogleKeyManagementServiceSecretStore
- GoogleKmsMappings
- GraphiteReporter
- HOTPGenerator
- HostedSaml2EntityProvider
- HotpModule
- HsmMappings
- HsmSecretStore
- HttpBasicModule
- IDMProvisioning
- IdRepository
- IdRepositoryUser
- IdentifyExistingUser
- IdentityGatewayAgentGroups
- IdentityGatewayAgents
- IncrementLoginCount
- InnerTreeEvaluator
- IoTService
- J2EEAgentGroups
- J2eeAgents
- JSONStdout
- Jdbc
- JdbcModule
- Jms
- Json
- JwtProofOfPossessionModule
- KBADecision
- KBADefinition
- KBAVerification
- KbaQuestions
- KerberosNode
- KeyStoreMappings
- KeyStoreSecretStore
- LDAPDecision
- LdapModule
- LegacyUserSelfService
- LinkedInClient
- Logging
- LoginCountDecision
- MembershipModule
- MessageNode
- Meter
- ModifyAuthLevel
- Monitoring
- MsisdnModule
- MultiFederationProtocol
- Naming
- OAuth20
- OAuth2Client
- OAuth2ClientAgentGroups
- OAuth2Clients
- OAuth2Module
- OAuth2Provider
- OAuth2RemoteConsentAgentGroups
- OAuth2SoftwarePublisherAgentGroups
- OAuth2TrustedJWTIssuerAgentGroups
- OAuth2UserApplications
- OIDCClient
- OTPCollectorDecision
- OTPEmailSender
- OTPSMSSender
- OathModule
- OathUserDevices
- OpenDJ
- OpenIDConnect
- OpenIdConnectModule
- PageNode
- PasswordCollector
- PatchObject
- PendingUmaRequests
- PersistentCookieDecision
- PersistentCookieModule
- Platform
- PlatformPassword
- PlatformUsername
- Policies
- PolicyAgents
- PolicyConfiguration
- PollingWaitNode
- ProfileCompletenessDecision
- PrometheusReporter
- ProvisionDynamicAccount
- ProvisionIDMAccount
- PushNotification
- PushNotificationResponse
- PushResultVerifierNode
- PushSender
- PushUserDevices
- QueryFilterDecision
- RESTSecurityTokenServices
- RadiusClient
- RadiusModule
- RadiusServer
- Realms
- Records
- RecoveryCodeCollectorDecision
- RecoveryCodeDisplayNode
- RegisterLogoutWebhook
- RegisterThing
- RemoteConsentAgent
- RemoteConsentService
- RemoteSaml2EntityProvider
- RemoveSessionProperties
- RequiredAttributesPresent
- ResourceSets
- ResourceTypes
- RestApis
- RetryLimitDecision
- SAML2Authentication
- SOAPSecurityTokenServices
- SaeModule
- Saml2Entities
- Saml2Entity
- Saml2Module
- SamlV2ServiceConfiguration
- SamlV2SoapBinding
- ScriptStore
- ScriptTypes
- ScriptedDecision
- ScriptedModule
- Scripting
- ScriptingEngineConfiguration
- Scripts
- SdkProperties
- SecretStores
- Secrets
- SecurID
- SecurityProperties
- SecurityTokenServices
- SelectIdentityProvider
- SelfServiceTreeConfig
- SelfServiceTrees
- ServerInformation
- ServerVersion
- Servers
- Services
- Session
- SessionProperties
- SessionPropertyWhiteList
- SessionUserService
- Sessions
- SetPersistentCookie
- SetSessionProperties
- SharedAgents
- Sites
- SoapSTSAgentGroups
- SoapStsAgents
- SocialAuthInstagramModule
- SocialAuthOAuth2Module
- SocialAuthOpenIDModule
- SocialAuthTwitterModule
- SocialAuthVKontakteModule
- SocialAuthWeChatMobileModule
- SocialAuthWeChatModule
- SocialAuthentication
- SocialFacebook
- SocialGoogle
- SocialIdentityProviders
- SocialIdentityProvidersConfig
- SocialIgnoreProfile
- SocialProviderHandlerNode
- SoftwarePublisher
- Splunk
- StateMetadata
- SubjectAttributes
- SubjectTypes
- SuccessURL
- SunDSWithOpenAMSchema
- SupportedIds
- Syslog
- TermsAndConditionsDecision
- TimeSinceDecision
- TimerStart
- TimerStop
- TivoliDirectoryServer
- TransactionAuthentication
- TrustedJwtIssuer
- TrustedUserDevices
- TwitterClient
- UmaDataStoreProperties
- UmaPolicies
- UmaProvider
- UmaResourceSetLabels
- UmaUserAuditHistory
- User
- UserGroups
- UserPolicies
- UserRegistration
- UserSelfService
- UserServices
- UsernameCollector
- VKClient
- ValidationService
- WeChatClient
- WebAgentGroups
- WebAgents
- WebAuthnAuthenticationNode
- WebAuthnDeviceStorageNode
- WebAuthnRegistrationNode
- WebAuthnUserDevices
- WebhookService
- WindowsDesktopSsoModule
- WindowsNtModule
- WriteFederationInformation
- WsEntity
- ZeroPageLoginCollector
Realm Operations
Agents handler that is responsible for managing agents
Resource path: /realm-config/agents/2.2_Agent
Resource version: 1.0
am> create PolicyAgents --realm Realm --id id --body body
The unique identifier for the resource.
The resource in JSON format, described by the following JSON schema:
{ "type" : "object", "properties" : { "cdssoRootUrl" : { "title" : "Agent Key Value(s)", "description" : "Set the agent properties with a key/value pair. This property is used by AM to receive agent requests for credential assertions about users. Currently, only one property is valid and all other properties will be ignored. Use the following format: <br> agentRootURL=protocol://hostname:port/ <br> The entry must be precise and agentRootURL is case sensitive.", "propertyOrder" : 22500, "items" : { "type" : "string" }, "type" : "object", "exampleValue" : "", "properties" : { "inherited" : { "type" : "boolean", "required" : true }, "value" : { "type" : "array", "required" : true } } }, "userpassword" : { "title" : "Password", "description" : "", "propertyOrder" : 100, "required" : true, "type" : "string", "format" : "password", "exampleValue" : "" }, "status" : { "title" : "Status", "description" : "Status of the agent configuration.", "propertyOrder" : 200, "type" : "object", "exampleValue" : "", "properties" : { "inherited" : { "type" : "boolean", "required" : true }, "value" : { "type" : "string", "required" : true } } }, "description" : { "title" : "Description", "description" : "", "propertyOrder" : 22400, "type" : "object", "exampleValue" : "", "properties" : { "inherited" : { "type" : "boolean", "required" : true }, "value" : { "type" : "string", "required" : true } } } } }
am> delete PolicyAgents --realm Realm --id id
The unique identifier for the resource.
Obtain the collection of all secondary configuration types related to the resource.
am> action PolicyAgents --realm Realm --actionName getAllTypes
Obtain the collection of secondary configuration types that have yet to be added to the resource.
am> action PolicyAgents --realm Realm --actionName getCreatableTypes
Obtain the collection of secondary configuration instances that have been added to the resource.
am> action PolicyAgents --realm Realm --actionName nextdescendents
Querying the agents of a specific type
am> query PolicyAgents --realm Realm --filter filter
A CREST formatted query filter, where "true" will query all.
am> read PolicyAgents --realm Realm --id id
The unique identifier for the resource.
am> update PolicyAgents --realm Realm --id id --body body
The unique identifier for the resource.
The resource in JSON format, described by the following JSON schema:
{ "type" : "object", "properties" : { "cdssoRootUrl" : { "title" : "Agent Key Value(s)", "description" : "Set the agent properties with a key/value pair. This property is used by AM to receive agent requests for credential assertions about users. Currently, only one property is valid and all other properties will be ignored. Use the following format: <br> agentRootURL=protocol://hostname:port/ <br> The entry must be precise and agentRootURL is case sensitive.", "propertyOrder" : 22500, "items" : { "type" : "string" }, "type" : "object", "exampleValue" : "", "properties" : { "inherited" : { "type" : "boolean", "required" : true }, "value" : { "type" : "array", "required" : true } } }, "userpassword" : { "title" : "Password", "description" : "", "propertyOrder" : 100, "required" : true, "type" : "string", "format" : "password", "exampleValue" : "" }, "status" : { "title" : "Status", "description" : "Status of the agent configuration.", "propertyOrder" : 200, "type" : "object", "exampleValue" : "", "properties" : { "inherited" : { "type" : "boolean", "required" : true }, "value" : { "type" : "string", "required" : true } } }, "description" : { "title" : "Description", "description" : "", "propertyOrder" : 22400, "type" : "object", "exampleValue" : "", "properties" : { "inherited" : { "type" : "boolean", "required" : true }, "value" : { "type" : "string", "required" : true } } } } }