- Overview
- Amster Entity Reference
- AcceptTermsAndConditions
- AccountActiveCheck
- AccountActiveDecision
- AccountLockout
- ActiveDirectory
- ActiveDirectoryApplicationModeADAM
- ActiveDirectoryModule
- AdaptiveRiskModule
- AdvancedProperties
- AgentDataStoreDecision
- AgentGroups
- AgentService
- Agents
- AmsterModule
- AnonymousModule
- AnonymousSessionUpgrade
- AnonymousUserMapping
- ApplicationTypes
- Applications
- AttributeCollector
- AttributePresentDecision
- AttributeValueDecision
- AuditEvent
- AuditLogging
- AuthLevelDecision
- AuthTree
- AuthenticateThing
- Authentication
- AuthenticationChains
- AuthenticationModules
- AuthenticationNodes
- AuthenticationTreesConfiguration
- AuthenticatorOath
- AuthenticatorOathModule
- AuthenticatorPush
- AuthenticatorPushModule
- AuthenticatorPushRegistrationModule
- AuthenticatorWebAuthn
- BaseUrlSource
- CORSService
- CRESTReporter
- Captcha
- CertificateCollectorNode
- CertificateModule
- CertificateUserExtractorNode
- CertificateValidationNode
- ChoiceCollector
- CircleOfTrust
- CommonFederationConfiguration
- ConditionTypes
- ConfigurationVersionService
- ConsentCollector
- CookiePresenceDecisionNode
- CorsConfiguration
- CreateObject
- CreatePassword
- Csv
- CtsDataStoreProperties
- Dashboard
- DashboardInstance
- DashboardUserService
- Dashboards
- DataStoreDecision
- DataStoreInstance
- DataStoreModule
- DataStoreService
- DecisionCombiners
- DefaultAdvancedProperties
- DefaultCtsDataStoreProperties
- DefaultDirectoryConfiguration
- DefaultGeneralProperties
- DefaultSdkProperties
- DefaultSecurityProperties
- DefaultSessionProperties
- DefaultUmaDataStoreProperties
- DeviceGeofencing
- DeviceIDService
- DeviceIdMatchModule
- DeviceIdSaveModule
- DeviceLocationMatch
- DeviceMatch
- DeviceProfile
- DeviceProfileCollector
- DeviceProfileSave
- DeviceProfilesService
- DeviceTamperingVerification
- DirectoryConfiguration
- DisplayUsername
- ElasticSearch
- EmailService
- EmailSuspendNode
- EmailTemplateNode
- EnvironmentAndSystemPropertySecretsStore
- FailureURL
- FederationModule
- FileSystemSecretStore
- ForgeRockIAMDirectoryServer
- ForgottenPassword
- ForgottenUsername
- GeneralProperties
- GenericLDAPv3
- GetSessionData
- GlobalScripts
- GlobalSecretsSettings
- Globalization
- GoogleKeyManagementServiceSecretStore
- GoogleKmsMappings
- GraphiteReporter
- HOTPGenerator
- HostedSaml2EntityProvider
- HotpModule
- HsmMappings
- HsmSecretStore
- HttpBasicModule
- IDMProvisioning
- IdRepository
- IdRepositoryUser
- IdentifyExistingUser
- IdentityGatewayAgentGroups
- IdentityGatewayAgents
- IncrementLoginCount
- InnerTreeEvaluator
- IoTService
- J2EEAgentGroups
- J2eeAgents
- JSONStdout
- Jdbc
- JdbcModule
- Jms
- Json
- JwtProofOfPossessionModule
- KBADecision
- KBADefinition
- KBAVerification
- KbaQuestions
- KerberosNode
- KeyStoreMappings
- KeyStoreSecretStore
- LDAPDecision
- LdapModule
- LegacyUserSelfService
- LinkedInClient
- Logging
- LoginCountDecision
- MembershipModule
- MessageNode
- Meter
- ModifyAuthLevel
- Monitoring
- MsisdnModule
- MultiFederationProtocol
- Naming
- OAuth20
- OAuth2Client
- OAuth2ClientAgentGroups
- OAuth2Clients
- OAuth2Module
- OAuth2Provider
- OAuth2RemoteConsentAgentGroups
- OAuth2SoftwarePublisherAgentGroups
- OAuth2TrustedJWTIssuerAgentGroups
- OAuth2UserApplications
- OIDCClient
- OTPCollectorDecision
- OTPEmailSender
- OTPSMSSender
- OathModule
- OathUserDevices
- OpenDJ
- OpenIDConnect
- OpenIdConnectModule
- PageNode
- PasswordCollector
- PatchObject
- PendingUmaRequests
- PersistentCookieDecision
- PersistentCookieModule
- Platform
- PlatformPassword
- PlatformUsername
- Policies
- PolicyAgents
- PolicyConfiguration
- PollingWaitNode
- ProfileCompletenessDecision
- PrometheusReporter
- ProvisionDynamicAccount
- ProvisionIDMAccount
- PushNotification
- PushNotificationResponse
- PushResultVerifierNode
- PushSender
- PushUserDevices
- QueryFilterDecision
- RESTSecurityTokenServices
- RadiusClient
- RadiusModule
- RadiusServer
- Realms
- Records
- RecoveryCodeCollectorDecision
- RecoveryCodeDisplayNode
- RegisterLogoutWebhook
- RegisterThing
- RemoteConsentAgent
- RemoteConsentService
- RemoteSaml2EntityProvider
- RemoveSessionProperties
- RequiredAttributesPresent
- ResourceSets
- ResourceTypes
- RestApis
- RetryLimitDecision
- SAML2Authentication
- SOAPSecurityTokenServices
- SaeModule
- Saml2Entities
- Saml2Entity
- Saml2Module
- SamlV2ServiceConfiguration
- SamlV2SoapBinding
- ScriptStore
- ScriptTypes
- ScriptedDecision
- ScriptedModule
- Scripting
- ScriptingEngineConfiguration
- Scripts
- SdkProperties
- SecretStores
- Secrets
- SecurID
- SecurityProperties
- SecurityTokenServices
- SelectIdentityProvider
- SelfServiceTreeConfig
- SelfServiceTrees
- ServerInformation
- ServerVersion
- Servers
- Services
- Session
- SessionProperties
- SessionPropertyWhiteList
- SessionUserService
- Sessions
- SetPersistentCookie
- SetSessionProperties
- SharedAgents
- Sites
- SoapSTSAgentGroups
- SoapStsAgents
- SocialAuthInstagramModule
- SocialAuthOAuth2Module
- SocialAuthOpenIDModule
- SocialAuthTwitterModule
- SocialAuthVKontakteModule
- SocialAuthWeChatMobileModule
- SocialAuthWeChatModule
- SocialAuthentication
- SocialFacebook
- SocialGoogle
- SocialIdentityProviders
- SocialIdentityProvidersConfig
- SocialIgnoreProfile
- SocialProviderHandlerNode
- SoftwarePublisher
- Splunk
- StateMetadata
- SubjectAttributes
- SubjectTypes
- SuccessURL
- SunDSWithOpenAMSchema
- SupportedIds
- Syslog
- TermsAndConditionsDecision
- TimeSinceDecision
- TimerStart
- TimerStop
- TivoliDirectoryServer
- TransactionAuthentication
- TrustedJwtIssuer
- TrustedUserDevices
- TwitterClient
- UmaDataStoreProperties
- UmaPolicies
- UmaProvider
- UmaResourceSetLabels
- UmaUserAuditHistory
- User
- UserGroups
- UserPolicies
- UserRegistration
- UserSelfService
- UserServices
- UsernameCollector
- VKClient
- ValidationService
- WeChatClient
- WebAgentGroups
- WebAgents
- WebAuthnAuthenticationNode
- WebAuthnDeviceStorageNode
- WebAuthnRegistrationNode
- WebAuthnUserDevices
- WebhookService
- WindowsDesktopSsoModule
- WindowsNtModule
- WriteFederationInformation
- WsEntity
- ZeroPageLoginCollector
Realm Operations
The device profile service is responsible for exposing functions to change the collection of User devices. The supported methods are update, delete, query
Resource path: /users/{user}/devices/profile
Resource version: 1.0
Delete user device
am> delete DeviceProfile --realm Realm --id id --user user
The unique identifier for the resource.
The device profile service is responsible for exposing functions to change the collection of User devices. The supported methods are update, delete, query
Query the user devices
am> query DeviceProfile --realm Realm --filter filter --user user
A CREST formatted query filter, where "true" will query all. Fields that can be queried: [*]
The device profile service is responsible for exposing functions to change the collection of User devices. The supported methods are update, delete, query
Update an existing user device alias
am> update DeviceProfile --realm Realm --id id --body body --user user
The unique identifier for the resource.
The resource in JSON format, described by the following JSON schema:
{ "$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "description" : "User devices schema that is used for device profile", "type" : "object", "title" : "User devices schema", "properties" : { "identifier" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Identifier", "description" : "The unique identifier of the device" }, "alias" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Device alias name", "description" : "The alias name of user device" }, "lastSelectedDate" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Last selected date", "description" : "Date when the device was selected last time" }, "metadata" : { "type" : "object", "title" : "Device Metadata", "description" : "The JSON representation of device metadata" }, "location" : { "type" : "object", "title" : "Device Location", "description" : "The current device location", "properties" : { "longitude" : { "type" : "number", "title" : "Location latitude", "description" : "The location latitude" }, "latitude" : { "type" : "number", "title" : "Location longitude", "description" : "The location longitude" } } } } }
The device profile service is responsible for exposing functions to change the collection of User devices. The supported methods are update, delete, query