Latest update: 7.0.2
- Overview
- Amster Entity Reference
- AcceptTermsAndConditions
- AccountActiveCheck
- AccountActiveDecision
- AccountLockout
- ActiveDirectory
- ActiveDirectoryApplicationModeADAM
- ActiveDirectoryModule
- AdaptiveRiskModule
- AdvancedProperties
- AgentDataStoreDecision
- AgentGroups
- AgentService
- Agents
- AmsterModule
- AnonymousModule
- AnonymousSessionUpgrade
- AnonymousUserMapping
- ApplicationTypes
- Applications
- AttributeCollector
- AttributePresentDecision
- AttributeValueDecision
- AuditEvent
- AuditLogging
- AuthLevelDecision
- AuthTree
- AuthenticateThing
- Authentication
- AuthenticationChains
- AuthenticationModules
- AuthenticationNodes
- AuthenticationTreesConfiguration
- AuthenticatorOath
- AuthenticatorOathModule
- AuthenticatorPush
- AuthenticatorPushModule
- AuthenticatorPushRegistrationModule
- AuthenticatorWebAuthn
- BaseUrlSource
- CORSService
- CRESTReporter
- Captcha
- CertificateCollectorNode
- CertificateModule
- CertificateUserExtractorNode
- CertificateValidationNode
- ChoiceCollector
- CircleOfTrust
- CommonFederationConfiguration
- ConditionTypes
- ConfigurationVersionService
- ConsentCollector
- CookiePresenceDecisionNode
- CorsConfiguration
- CreateObject
- CreatePassword
- Csv
- CtsDataStoreProperties
- Dashboard
- DashboardInstance
- DashboardUserService
- Dashboards
- DataStoreDecision
- DataStoreInstance
- DataStoreModule
- DataStoreService
- DecisionCombiners
- DefaultAdvancedProperties
- DefaultCtsDataStoreProperties
- DefaultDirectoryConfiguration
- DefaultGeneralProperties
- DefaultSdkProperties
- DefaultSecurityProperties
- DefaultSessionProperties
- DefaultUmaDataStoreProperties
- DeviceGeofencing
- DeviceIDService
- DeviceIdMatchModule
- DeviceIdSaveModule
- DeviceLocationMatch
- DeviceMatch
- DeviceProfile
- DeviceProfileCollector
- DeviceProfileSave
- DeviceProfilesService
- DeviceTamperingVerification
- DirectoryConfiguration
- DisplayUsername
- ElasticSearch
- EmailService
- EmailSuspendNode
- EmailTemplateNode
- EnvironmentAndSystemPropertySecretsStore
- FailureURL
- FederationModule
- FileSystemSecretStore
- ForgeRockIAMDirectoryServer
- ForgottenPassword
- ForgottenUsername
- GeneralProperties
- GenericLDAPv3
- GetSessionData
- GlobalScripts
- GlobalSecretsSettings
- Globalization
- GoogleKeyManagementServiceSecretStore
- GoogleKmsMappings
- GraphiteReporter
- HOTPGenerator
- HostedSaml2EntityProvider
- HotpModule
- HsmMappings
- HsmSecretStore
- HttpBasicModule
- IDMProvisioning
- IdRepository
- IdRepositoryUser
- IdentifyExistingUser
- IdentityGatewayAgentGroups
- IdentityGatewayAgents
- IncrementLoginCount
- InnerTreeEvaluator
- IoTService
- J2EEAgentGroups
- J2eeAgents
- JSONStdout
- Jdbc
- JdbcModule
- Jms
- Json
- JwtProofOfPossessionModule
- KBADecision
- KBADefinition
- KBAVerification
- KbaQuestions
- KerberosNode
- KeyStoreMappings
- KeyStoreSecretStore
- LDAPDecision
- LdapModule
- LegacyUserSelfService
- LinkedInClient
- Logging
- LoginCountDecision
- MembershipModule
- MessageNode
- Meter
- ModifyAuthLevel
- Monitoring
- MsisdnModule
- MultiFederationProtocol
- Naming
- OAuth20
- OAuth2Client
- OAuth2ClientAgentGroups
- OAuth2Clients
- OAuth2Module
- OAuth2Provider
- OAuth2RemoteConsentAgentGroups
- OAuth2SoftwarePublisherAgentGroups
- OAuth2TrustedJWTIssuerAgentGroups
- OAuth2UserApplications
- OIDCClient
- OTPCollectorDecision
- OTPEmailSender
- OTPSMSSender
- OathModule
- OathUserDevices
- OpenDJ
- OpenIDConnect
- OpenIdConnectModule
- PageNode
- PasswordCollector
- PatchObject
- PendingUmaRequests
- PersistentCookieDecision
- PersistentCookieModule
- Platform
- PlatformPassword
- PlatformUsername
- Policies
- PolicyAgents
- PolicyConfiguration
- PollingWaitNode
- ProfileCompletenessDecision
- PrometheusReporter
- ProvisionDynamicAccount
- ProvisionIDMAccount
- PushNotification
- PushNotificationResponse
- PushResultVerifierNode
- PushSender
- PushUserDevices
- QueryFilterDecision
- RESTSecurityTokenServices
- RadiusClient
- RadiusModule
- RadiusServer
- Realms
- Records
- RecoveryCodeCollectorDecision
- RecoveryCodeDisplayNode
- RegisterLogoutWebhook
- RegisterThing
- RemoteConsentAgent
- RemoteConsentService
- RemoteSaml2EntityProvider
- RemoveSessionProperties
- RequiredAttributesPresent
- ResourceSets
- ResourceTypes
- RestApis
- RetryLimitDecision
- SAML2Authentication
- SOAPSecurityTokenServices
- SaeModule
- Saml2Entities
- Saml2Entity
- Saml2Module
- SamlV2ServiceConfiguration
- SamlV2SoapBinding
- ScriptStore
- ScriptTypes
- ScriptedDecision
- ScriptedModule
- Scripting
- ScriptingEngineConfiguration
- Scripts
- SdkProperties
- SecretStores
- Secrets
- SecurID
- SecurityProperties
- SecurityTokenServices
- SelectIdentityProvider
- SelfServiceTreeConfig
- SelfServiceTrees
- ServerInformation
- ServerVersion
- Servers
- Services
- Session
- SessionProperties
- SessionPropertyWhiteList
- SessionUserService
- Sessions
- SetPersistentCookie
- SetSessionProperties
- SharedAgents
- Sites
- SoapSTSAgentGroups
- SoapStsAgents
- SocialAuthInstagramModule
- SocialAuthOAuth2Module
- SocialAuthOpenIDModule
- SocialAuthTwitterModule
- SocialAuthVKontakteModule
- SocialAuthWeChatMobileModule
- SocialAuthWeChatModule
- SocialAuthentication
- SocialFacebook
- SocialGoogle
- SocialIdentityProviders
- SocialIdentityProvidersConfig
- SocialIgnoreProfile
- SocialProviderHandlerNode
- SoftwarePublisher
- Splunk
- StateMetadata
- SubjectAttributes
- SubjectTypes
- SuccessURL
- SunDSWithOpenAMSchema
- SupportedIds
- Syslog
- TermsAndConditionsDecision
- TimeSinceDecision
- TimerStart
- TimerStop
- TivoliDirectoryServer
- TransactionAuthentication
- TrustedJwtIssuer
- TrustedUserDevices
- TwitterClient
- UmaDataStoreProperties
- UmaPolicies
- UmaProvider
- UmaResourceSetLabels
- UmaUserAuditHistory
- User
- UserGroups
- UserPolicies
- UserRegistration
- UserSelfService
- UserServices
- UsernameCollector
- VKClient
- ValidationService
- WeChatClient
- WebAgentGroups
- WebAgents
- WebAuthnAuthenticationNode
- WebAuthnDeviceStorageNode
- WebAuthnRegistrationNode
- WebAuthnUserDevices
- WebhookService
- WindowsDesktopSsoModule
- WindowsNtModule
- WriteFederationInformation
- WsEntity
- ZeroPageLoginCollector
Global Operations
An object of property key-value pairs
Resource path: /global-config/servers/server-default/properties/general
Resource version: 1.0
am> read DefaultGeneralProperties --global
am> update DefaultGeneralProperties --global --body body
The resource in JSON format, described by the following JSON schema:
{ "type" : "object", "properties" : { "amconfig.header.installdir" : { "title" : "System", "type" : "object", "propertyOrder" : 0, "properties" : { "" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Base installation directory", "propertyOrder" : 0, "required" : true, "description" : "Base directory where product's data resides. (property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Default Locale", "propertyOrder" : 1, "required" : true, "description" : "Default locale for the product. (property name:" }, "com.sun.identity.client.notification.url" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Notification URL", "propertyOrder" : 2, "required" : true, "description" : "The location of notification service end point. It is usually the product's deployment URI/notificationservice. (property name: com.sun.identity.client.notification.url)" }, "" : { "enum" : [ "on", "off" ], "options" : { "enum_titles" : [ "On", "Off" ] }, "type" : "string", "title" : "XML Validation", "propertyOrder" : 3, "required" : true, "description" : "Specifies if validation is required when parsing XML documents. (property name:" } } }, "amconfig.header.debug" : { "title" : "Debugging", "type" : "object", "propertyOrder" : 1, "properties" : { "" : { "enum" : [ "off", "error", "warning", "message" ], "options" : { "enum_titles" : [ "Off", "Error", "Warning", "Message" ] }, "type" : "string", "title" : "Debug Level", "propertyOrder" : 0, "required" : true, "description" : "Debug level for all components in the product. (property name:" }, "" : { "enum" : [ "on", "off" ], "options" : { "enum_titles" : [ "On", "Off" ] }, "type" : "string", "title" : "Merge Debug Files", "propertyOrder" : 1, "required" : true, "description" : "On : Directs all debug data to a single file (debug.out); Off : creates separate per-component debug files (property name :" }, "" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Debug Directory", "propertyOrder" : 2, "required" : true, "description" : "Directory where debug files reside. (property name:" } } }, "amconfig.header.mailserver" : { "title" : "Mail Server", "type" : "object", "propertyOrder" : 2, "properties" : { "" : { "type" : "string", "title" : "Mail Server Host Name", "propertyOrder" : 0, "required" : true, "description" : "(property name:" }, "" : { "type" : "integer", "title" : "Mail Server Port Number", "propertyOrder" : 1, "required" : true, "description" : "(property name:" } } } } }