Autonomous Identity 2021.8.0

Upgrading Autonomous Identity

Autonomous Identity provides an upgrade command to update your core software to the latest version while migrating your data.

The upgrade assumes the following:

  • Database Systems are the Same. If your current database is Apache Cassandra, you cannot upgrade to a MongoDB-based system. You will need to run a clean installation with the new version.

  • Host IPs should be the Same. Host IP addresses must be the same for existing components. You must update the ~/autoid-config/hosts file by adding the IP addresses for the Elasticsearch entries. See the instructions below.

  • Registry Key Required. To download the deployment images for the upgrade, you still need a registry key to log into the ForgeRock Google Cloud Registry ( The registry key is only available to ForgeRock Autonomous Identity customers. For specific instructions on obtaining the registry key, see How To Configure Service Credentials (Push Auth, Docker) in Backstage.

Make sure to test the upgrade on a staging or QA server before running it in production.

Upgrade Paths

The upgrade assumes the following upgrade paths depends on your current deployment version. The preferred upgrade path is from your current version to the next major release version to the latest patch version. The following chart summarizes these upgrade paths:

Table 1: Upgrade Paths
Version Upgrade To See

2021.3.x (2021.3.0–2021.3.5)

2021.3.0–2021.3.4 → 2021.3.5 → 2021.8.0

After you upgrade your Autonomous Identity version to 2021.8.0, ForgeRock strongly encourages you to upgrade your Autonomous Identity version to 2021.8.4, which includes important security fixes and features.

Upgrade from Autonomous Identity 2021.3.5 to 2021.8.0

The following instructions are for an upgrade from Autonomous Identity version 2021.3.5 to 2021.8.0.

If you are upgrading from Autonomous Identity version 2021.3.0 to 2021.3.4, you must first upgrade to 2021.3.5, then to version 2021.8.0. See Upgrading Autonomous Identity to 2021.3.5.

Upgrade to version 2021.3.5 to 2021.8.0:

  1. On the deployer machine, back up the 2021.3.5 ~/autoid-config directory or move it to another location.

    $ mv ~/autoid-config ~/backup-2021.3
  2. Create a new ~/autoid-config directory.

    $ mkdir ~/autoid-config
  3. Copy your autoid_registry_key.json from your backup directory to ~/autoid-config.

  4. Copy your original SSH key into the new directory.

    $ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/autoid-config
  5. Change the permission on the SSH key.

    $ chmod 400 ~/autoid-config/id_rsa
  6. Check if you can successfully SSH to the target server.

    $ ssh autoid@<Target-IP-Address>
    Last login: Tue Aug 15 18:19:14 2021
  7. Stop the stack.

    $ docker stack rm configuration-service consul-server consul-client nginx jas openldap selfservice swagger-ui ui api notebook

    You should see:

    Removing service configuration-service_configuration-service
    Removing service consul-server_consul-server
    Removing service consul-client_consul-client
    Removing service nginx_nginx
    Removing service jas_jasnode
    Removing service openldap
    Removing service selfservice_selfservice
    Removing service swagger-ui_swagger-ui
    Removing service ui_zoran-ui
    Removing service api_zoran-api
    Nothing found in stack: notebook
  1. Enter exit to end your SSH session.

  2. From the deployer, repeat the restart Docker command:

    $ sudo systemctl restart docker
  3. On the deployer node, change to the ~/autoid-config directory.

    $ cd ~/autoid-config
  4. Log in to the ForgeRock Google Cloud Registry ( using the registry key. The registry key is only available to ForgeRock Autonomous Identity customers. For specific instructions on obtaining the registry key, see How To Configure Service Credentials (Push Auth, Docker) in Backstage.

    $ docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat autoid_registry_key.json)"

    You should see:

    Login Succeeded
  5. Run the create-template command to generate the script wrapper and configuration files. Note that the command sets the configuration directory on the target node to /config. The --user parameter eliminates the need to use sudo while editing the hosts file and other configuration files.

    $ docker run --user=$(id -u) -v ~/autoid-config:/config -it create-template
  6. Configure your upgraded system by editing the ~/autoid-config/vars.yml , ~/autoid-config/hosts , and ~/autoid-config/vault.yml files on the deployer machine.

    You must keep your configuration settings consistent from one system to another. For 2021.3.x to 2021.8.x upgrades, do not copy-n-paste your hosts file as they are slightly different.
  7. Download the images. This step downloads software dependencies needed for the deployment and places them in the autoid-packages directory. Make sure you are in the ~/autoid-config directory.

    $ ./ download-images
  8. SSH to the target node.

  9. Stop the Spark master and workers.

    $ /opt/autoid/spark/spark-3.0.1-bin-hadoop2.7/sbin/
  1. Rename two log4j jar files in the /opt/autoid/elastic/opendistroforelasticsearch-1.9.0/lib folder. The upgrade installs an older version of the files, and another upgrade to the latest patch release installs the new version of these files.

    $ cd /opt/autoid/elastic/opendistroforelasticsearch-1.9.0/lib/
    $ sudo mv log4j-api-2.17.0.jar log4j-api-2.17.0.jar.bak
    $ sudo mv log4j-core-2.17.0.jar log4j-core-2.17.0.jar.bak
  2. Exit your SSH session.

  3. Run the upgrade.

    $ ./ upgrade
  4. SSH to the target server.

    If you freshly installed 2021.8.0 or run an upgrade where the log4j patch was not applied previously, you can skip steps 22–25.
  5. On the target server, edit the /opt/autoid/res/jas/docker-compose.yml and set the JAS_AUTH_ENABLED to true.

  6. Restart the JAS container.

    $ docker stack rm jas
    $ docker stack deploy -c /opt/autoid/res/jas/docker-compose.yml jas
  7. Remove the nginx container.

    $ docker stack rm nginx
  8. Redeploy the stack.

    $ docker stack deploy -c /opt/autoid/res/nginx/docker-compose.yml nginx
  9. Log out and then log back in to Autonomous Identity.

  10. Add a reference to the Autonomous Identity UI to your /etc/hosts or DNS server.

    <Public IP Address>
  11. Redo the attribute mappings. See Set Attribute Mappings.

  12. Then, run the analytics pipeline with a new role mining analytics step, analytics mine:

    $ analytics ingest
    $ analytics train
    $ analytics mine
    $ analytics predict-as-is
    $ analytics predict-recommendation
    $ analytics publish
    $ analytics create-assignment-index

    You have successfully upgraded your Autonomous Identity server to 2021.8.0. Upgrade your system to the latest patch release for the important new features and security fixes.

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