PingDS release notes

Documentation updates

In addition to the changes described elsewhere in these notes, the published documentation for each DS version includes the following important changes.

DS 7.5

Date Description


Initial release of PingDS 7.5 software.

  • Added how-to pages for seven common use cases.

  • Extended HDAP documentation with sample code for JavaScript (Node.js), Python, and Ruby.

  • Improved the accuracy of LDAP and Prometheus metrics reference documentation.

  • Fixed errors and misstatements.

DS 7.4

Date Description


Release of Directory Services 7.4.2 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.4.1 software.


Initial release of Directory Services 7.4 software.

DS 7.3

Date Description


Release of Directory Services 7.3.5 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.3.4 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.3.3 software.

  • Removed references to ds-mon-requests-rejected-queue-full from the documentation. DS 6.5.4 removed this metric, though it remained in the LDAP schema.


Release of Directory Services 7.3.2 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.3.1 software.


Initial release of Directory Services 7.3 software.

  • The Log message reference now documents all messages including those related to backup.

  • DS documentation now depicts simpler but sufficient deployments with fewer servers for the following benefits:

    • Less complexity for maintainers.

    • Simpler troubleshooting when problems arise.

    • Cheaper deployments.

    • Less replication traffic.

    Try a simple deployment first and test the results. Use advanced capabilities, such as standalone servers and specialized replication topologies, only when a deployment requires them. For details, refer to the AM and DS deployment documentation.

  • Added Efficiently store backup files.

  • Updated Cache internal nodes to fix the advice about DB cache metrics.

  • Updated Use your own cryptographic keys to list required settings for X.509 key usage extensions.

  • Updated Track last login time and Active accounts to explain last login time format alternatives.

  • Updated the supportextract reference to clarify why the command requires the top -H option.

  • Added Different data under different base DNs to clarify why reusing base DNs for multiple setup profiles can lead to errors.

  • Fixed the JSON File Based Access Log Publisher reference to indicate you can change the log-directory setting without restarting the component.

DS 7.2

Date Description


Release of PingDS 7.2.5 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.2.4 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.2.3 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.2.2 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.2.1 software.

  • Updated the pages on upgrade to clarify which steps apply only to upgrades from DS 6.5 and earlier.

  • Updated After you upgrade to clarify which steps are required.

  • Corrected an example in Audit configuration changes.

  • Updated Indexes to improve the explanation of big indexes.

  • Updated HTTP-based monitoring to clarify that the /metrics/api endpoint represents a collection you query, and requires a _queryFilter query string parameter.

  • Fixed the LDAP metrics reference and Prometheus metrics reference to remove obsolete metrics that were previously identified as removed in the release notes.

  • Updated the Java prerequisites section to recommend Java 11.0.12 or later for deployments on Java 11.


Initial release of Directory Services 7.2 software.

DS 7.1

Date Description


Release of PingDS 7.1.8 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.1.7 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.1.6 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.1.5 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.1.4 software.


Release of Directory Services 7.1.3 software.


  • Updated Configure a NIST-Inspired Subentry Policy to clarify the default PBKDF2 iteration settings for the enabled password storage schemes.

  • Updated Java to clarify that to use TLS 1.3 with PKCS#11, DS requires Java 11.0.8 or later.

  • Updated Deployment Keys to clarify that the need for a single, unique deployment key and password per deployment.


  • Mentioned support for Java 17.

    DS 7.1.1 and later support Java 17.0.3 and later.

  • Updated Encrypt changelog data to clarify that changelog encryption affects only data on disk.

  • Updated JMX-based monitoring to show how to connect with a user using a simple bind and an insecure connection.


Release of Directory Services 7.1.2 software.



  • Clearly indicate in Java that DS requires Java 11.0.6 or later.

  • Updated Clean up admin data to clarify that before removing admin data, you must replace or remove references to admin data from your configuration.


  • Corrected the command in Read-only replicas that configures a server to accept replication updates, and refuse updates from client applications.

  • Updated the list of actions at the beginning of After you upgrade to clarify when and how to change bootstrap replication server settings in an upgrade that involves adding new servers and retiring old servers.




Release of Directory Services 7.1.1 software.

  • Fixed the procedures in After you upgrade to retain access to required secret keys when upgrading a production-mode server in place.


  • Updated Manual initialization to clarify the limitations of alternative methods for manually initializing replicas.

  • Added Replication Status (LDAP) to explain the ds-mon-status attribute values, and actions to take when the status is not Normal.

  • Updated Install DS for custom cases to clarify the steps to follow when you set up DS replicas without a setup profile, and then create backends that you want to replicate.





Initial release of Directory Services 7.1 software.

DS 7.0

Date Description



  • Clearly indicated that DS requires Java 11.0.6 or later.


  • Updated Troubleshooting to clarify that proxied authorization as an anonymous user is supported, but not recommended.

  • Updated Manual Initialization to clarify the limitations of alternative methods for manually initializing replicas.




  • Updated Restore to clarify that even a single directory server replica replays changes after you restore data, and to link to the procedure for restoring data to a known state, should you choose to prevent this.

  • Added Remove a Bootstrap Replication Server to demonstrate how to purge a bootstrap replication server from other servers' configurations.

    DS servers now purge replica state from memory and from changelogs when a replica disappears for longer than the replication purge delay. This happens without any administrative action. They do not purge bootstrap replication servers from their configurations, however. You must do that manually after retiring a bootstrap replication server.

  • Updated the release notes to mention known issue OPENDJ-7905.


Release of Directory Services 7.0.2 software.


  • Adapted the Upgrade Guide to make it easier to use:

    • When Adding New Servers reiterates that replication configuration now happens at setup time, and clarifies that the new replica cannot initially connect to an existing standalone replication server.

      The existing server must be a directory server, not a standalone replication server.

    • After You Upgrade describes how to manually update LDAP schema after upgrade.


Release of Directory Services 7.0.1 software.


  • Fix Javadoc search box.


Initial release of Directory Services 7.0 software.

  • Best practices

    • Updated Java Settings to reflect current recommendations for JVM settings.

    • Added Linux Page Caching to explain how to avoid long pauses when the kernel flushes dirty pages to disk.

    • Added Disaster Recovery.

    • Added On Load Balancers with recommendations for your deployment.

    • Added Tune Settings to underline the importance of revisiting tuning settings during major version upgrades.

    • Added Custom Schema to demonstrate how to add a custom attribute with an enumeration syntax.

    • Updated Server Commands to explain that commands that change server files must run as a user who has the same filesystem permissions as the user who installs and runs the server.

    • Updated Groups to more strongly recommend dynamic groups over static groups.

    • Updated Authentication (Binds) to emphasize the role of identity mappers.

  • Better examples

    • Many more examples throughout the documentation now use secure connections to servers.

    • Updated Getting Started to include Windows PowerShell examples alongside the Bash examples.

    • Updated HTTP-Based Monitoring and LDAP-Based Monitoring to add examples showing how to monitor operation and work queue statistics, database size, and active users.

  • Errata

  • Reorganization

  • Replication

  • REST

  • Security

  • Setup

DS 6.5

Date Description


Release of DS 6.5.6.



Release of DS 6.5.5.

  • Added Linux Page Caching to explain how to avoid long pauses when the kernel flushes dirty pages to disk.




  • Fixed the list of known issues for 6.5.0.


Release of DS 6.5.4.


Release of DS 6.5.3.

  • Updated To Enable the External Change Log to clarify which configuration is required, and to cover standalone directory servers.

    The separate procedure, To Enable the External Change Log (Standalone Server), has been removed.

  • Added an explanation for Crypto Manager support for PKCS#11 modules.

  • Changed dsreplication enable to dsreplication configure in examples.

  • Removed obsolete options in ldifdiff examples.


  • Added OPENDJ-5423 to the list of fixes for DS 6.5.1.


  • Updated Changing Server Certificates to clarify that, when using a keystore to hold DS server keys, the password for the keystore and any private keys it contains must be the same.

  • Updated To Allow a User to Read the Change Log to include access to changelog attributes on the root DSE entry. The IDM liveSync feature requires access to these attributes.

  • Updated LDAP Metrics by Name to fix the types of the ds-mon-updates-inbound-queue and ds-mon-updates-outbound-queue metrics, which are integers.





Release of DS 6.5.2.

  • Updated Java Settings to remove mention of the -XX:+UseAES -XX:+UseAESIntrinsics options.

    Recent JVM versions enable these options automatically. If you enable them manually, you may also need the -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions option.

  • Updated Managing Data Replication to clarify that you should not run dsreplication configure and dsreplication initialize commands at the same time, nor should you run multiple dsreplication configure commands at the same time.


Release of DS 6.5.1.

  • Updated documentation for all setup command profiles that now let you set the domain or the base DN.


Initial release of DS 6.5.

  • Added a new guide, Getting Started , that provides a quick, hands-on looks at what Directory Services software can do.

  • Added a new chapter, Configuring REST APIs, focused on administrative work to build REST APIs.

    The chapter includes a new section, Mapping JSON Profiles to LDAP, as an example for administrators creating new REST APIs starting from JSON resources rather than LDAP entries.

  • Added a new chapter, Deploying for DevOps and SaaS, that focuses on use of DS software in DevOps and SaaS deployments.

  • Added a section, Setting Disk Space Thresholds For Replication Changelog Databases, showing how to set low and full disk thresholds for replication server changelog databases.

  • Updated To Add a New Replica to an Existing Topology to reflect the need to use the dsreplication command installed with a 2.6 server when adding a new server to a replication topology with 2.6.x servers.

  • Rewrote the section, Choosing Load Balancing Settings, to clarify how to choose among the alternatives offered by directory proxy servers.

  • Attribute Types now includes a Used By list in each table of attribute properties.

    The list consists of links to sections describing the object classes that require or allow the the attribute.

  • A new section shows how to back up and restore configuration files. Refer to Backing Up and Restoring Configuration Files.

  • Added a step in To Upgrade Replicated Servers showing how to add missing privileges to the global administrator account.

    These privileges are required when using the dsreplication status command.

  • Added an example of the proxy user and ACI required on DS directory servers.

  • Corrected the synopsis for targattrfilters in ACI Targets.

    The documentation incorrectly suggested (targattrfilters != "expression") as a legal ACI target. In an ACI target, targattrfilters must be set equal to an expression, as in `(targattrfilters = "expression").

    The documentation also incorrectly indicated that you separate targattrfilters expressions with semicolons. Instead, use commas to separate multiple targattrfilters expressions.

  • Clarified in Updating Resources that an update operation requires a JSON payload including all the writable fields of the resource that you want to retain. The update replaces the writable fields of the resource with the values in your JSON payload.

    If you want to change only part of a JSON resource, refer to Patching Resources instead.

  • Updated To Set Up JMX Access to explain how to avoid periodic full garbage collection events when using JMX.

DS 6.0

Date Description


  • Added To Disable Change Number Indexing to explain how to disable change number indexing when not needed. For example, disable change number indexing when using DS as a CTS store for AM.

  • Updated the list of fixed issues to include OPENDJ-4729.



  • Fixed paths to point to the correct ads-truststore file location, which is now /path/to/opendj/db/ads-truststore by default.


  • Clarified that Solaris is no longer supported.


  • Corrected the synopsis for targattrfilters in ACI Targets.

    The documentation incorrectly suggested (targattrfilters != "expression") as a legal ACI target. In an ACI target, targattrfilters must be set equal to an expression, as in `(targattrfilters = "expression").


  • Added a step in To Upgrade Replicated Servers showing how to add missing privileges to the global administrator account.

    These privileges are required when using the dsreplication status command.


Initial release of Directory Services 6.0.

DS 5.5

Date Description


  • Corrected the lists of key fixes for 5.5.0 and 5.5.1.


Release of Directory Services 5.5.3.

  • Added To Disable Change Number Indexing to explain how to disable change number indexing when not needed. For example, disable change number indexing when using DS as a CTS store for AM.



Release of Directory Services 5.5.2.

  • Removed the -A option from the modrate and searchrate tools reference.

    This option was never supported.


Release of Directory Services 5.5.1.

  • Clarified when you must use -XX:+UseCompressedOops.

  • Documented the impact of the name change from OpenDJ to ForgeRock Directory Services.

  • Documented that each backend needs its own backup directory in Backing Up Directory Data.

  • Clarified that Solaris is no longer supported.

  • Fixed contradictory tuning advice for JVM new generation in Java Settings.

  • Corrected the synopsis for targattrfilters in ACI Targets.

    The documentation incorrectly suggested (targattrfilters != "expression") as a legal ACI target. In an ACI target, targattrfilters must be set equal to an expression, as in `(targattrfilters = "expression").

  • Updated Using Built-In Functions to reflect that the read() and readProperties() functions require absolute paths, not relative paths.

  • Fixed the example for setting group-id on a replication server in To Set Up Replication Groups.

  • Fixed the explanation of how the REST to LDAP gateway maps an HTTP Basic user name to an LDAP bind DN in Gateway Configuration File.

  • Fixed broken links to the Configuration Reference.

  • Sorted properties correctly in the Configuration Reference.

  • Fixed an error in the online LDIF export example shown in To Export LDIF Data.

  • The Javadoc now describes all ForgeRock classes and interfaces required to write server plugins and LDAP client applications.


Initial release of Directory Services 5.5.

  • A new LDAP Schema Reference is available.

    This reference covers the LDAP schema elements defined by default.

  • Database Cache Settings now better describes caching for larger directories, such as those with 10 million entries or more.

  • Initializing Replicas has been updated to suggest how to initialize replication depending on your circumstances.

  • The documentation on Breaking a Multi-Role Server Into Standalone Components has been removed.

    Instead of creating a multi-role (DS/RS) server and then splitting it apart, use the setup command to create standalone servers at installation time.

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