SSH Connector


Connectors continue to be released outside the IDM release. For the latest documentation, refer to the ICF documentation.

The SSH connector is an implementation of the Scripted Groovy Connector Toolkit, and is based on Java Secure Channel (JSch) and the Java implementation of the Expect library (Expect4j). This connector lets you interact with any SSH server, using Groovy scripts for the ICF operations.

The SSH connector is a poolable connector. This means that each connector instance is placed into a connection pool every time an action is completed. Subsequent actions can re-use connector instances from the connector pool. When a new connector instance is created, a new SSH client connection is created against the target SSH server. This SSH connection remains open as long as the connector instance is in the connection pool. Note that when a new action is performed, it finds the SSH connection in the exact state that it was left by the previous action.

The following image shows the relationship between SSH connector instances and SSH connections to the target server:

SSH Connector Instances and SSH Connections

Configure Authentication to the SSH Server


Connectors continue to be released outside the IDM release. For the latest documentation, refer to the ICF documentation.

The SSH connector authenticates to the SSH server using either a login/password or a public/private key. The authentication method is specified in the authenticationType property in the connector configuration.

Authenticate with a login and password

To authenticate with a login and password, set the authenticationType to PASSWORD in the connector configuration file, and set a user and password. For example:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "authenticationType" : "PASSWORD",
    "user" : "<USERNAME>",
    "password" : "<PASSWORD>",

The password is encrypted when IDM loads the provisioner file.

Authenticate with a passphrase and private key

To authenticate with a secure certificate, generate a pair of public/private keys. Install the public key on the server side and the private key on the IDM host (where the connector is located). Set the authenticationType to PUBKEY in the connector configuration file and set the user, password, passphrase and privateKey properties. For example:

"configurationProperties" : {
    "authenticationType" : "PUBKEY",
    "user" : "<USERNAME>",
    "password" : "<PASSWORD>",
    "passphrase" : "secret",
    "privateKey" : ["-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
              "-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----"

The default value for the passphrase property is null. If you do not set a passphrase for the private key, the passphrase value must be equal to an empty string.

You must set a value for the password property, because the connector uses sudo to perform actions on the SSH server.

The private key (PEM certificate) must be defined as a JSON String array.

The values of the passphrase, password and privateKey are encrypted when IDM loads the provisioner file.

Configure the SSH Connector


Connectors continue to be released outside the IDM release. For the latest documentation, refer to the ICF documentation.

You cannot configure the SSHL connector through the UI. Configure the connector over REST, as described in "Configure Connectors Over REST".

Alternatively, use the sample connector configuration (provisioner.openicf-ssh.json) in the /path/to/openidm/samples/ssh/conf/ directory. Copy the sample connector configuration to your project's conf/ directory, and adjust it to match your environment.

Set the authentication properties, as described in "Configure Authentication to the SSH Server". In addition, set at least the following properties:


Specify the hostname or IP address of the SSH server.


Set the port on which the SSH server listens.

Default: 22


The username of the account that connects to the SSH server.

This account must be able to ssh into the server, with the password provided in the next parameter.


The password of the account that is used to connect to the SSH server.


A string representing the remote SSH session prompt. This must be the exact prompt string, in the format username@target:, for example admin@myserver:~$ . Include any trailing spaces.

This list describes the required configuration properties of the SSH connector. You can generally use the default values. For a list of all the configuration properties, see "Configuration properties".


A string that shows the full path to the sudo command, for example /usr/bin/sudo.


If set to true (the default), the input command echo is disabled. If set to false, every character that is sent to the server is sent back to the client in the expect() call.


Sets the terminal type to use for the session. The list of supported types is determined by your Linux/UNIX system. For more information, see the terminfo manual page (man terminfo).

Default: vt102


If set to true, indicates that the default environment locale should be changed to the value of the locale property.

Default: false


Sets the locale for the LC_ALL, LANG and LANGUAGE environment variables, if setLocale is set to true.

Default: en_US.utf8


Specifies the connection timeout to the remote server, in milliseconds.

Default: 5000


Specifies the timeout used by the expect() calls in scripts, in milliseconds.

Default: 5000


Sets the authentication type, either PASSWORD or PUBKEY. For more information, see "Configure Authentication to the SSH Server".



If true, the connector throws an exception when the expectTimeout is reached for an operation. Otherwise, the operation fails silently.

Default: true


The path to the Groovy scripts that will perform the ICF operations, relative to your IDM installation directory. The sample connector configuration expects the scripts in project-dir/tools, so this parameter is set to &{idm.instance.dir}/tools in the sample configuration.


The directory in which the compiler should look for compiled classes. The default classpath, if not is specified, is install-dir/lib.


The name of the Groovy script that is used for each ICF operation.

OpenICF Interfaces Implemented by the SSH Connector

The SSH Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.

  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.

  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.

Script on Resource

Runs a script on the target resource that is managed by this connector.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

SSH Connector Configuration

The SSH Connector has the following configurable properties.

Configuration properties

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
customSensitiveConfiguration GuardedString null

Description is not available

createScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

targetDirectory File null

Description is not available

customizerScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

warningLevel int 1

Description is not available

authenticateScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

scriptExtensions String[] ['groovy']

Description is not available

scriptOnResourceScriptFileName String null
Script On Resource

Description is not available

minimumRecompilationInterval int 100

Description is not available

deleteScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

scriptBaseClass String null

Description is not available

scriptRoots String[] null

Description is not available

customConfiguration String null

Description is not available

resolveUsernameScriptFileName String null
Resolve Username

Description is not available

searchScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

tolerance int 10

Description is not available

updateScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

debug boolean false

Description is not available

classpath String[] []

Description is not available

disabledGlobalASTTransformations String[] null

Description is not available

schemaScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

verbose boolean false

Description is not available

testScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

sourceEncoding String UTF-8

Description is not available

syncScriptFileName String null

Description is not available

recompileGroovySource boolean false

Description is not available

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

Basic Configuration Properties

PropertyTypeDefault Encrypted [a] Required [b]
host String null

The hostname to connect to

port int 22

TCP port to use (defaults to 22)

user String null

The user name used to login to remote server

password GuardedString null

The password used to login to remote server

passphrase GuardedString null

The passphrase used to read the private key when using Public Key authentication

privateKey String[] []

The base 64 encoded value (PEM) of the private key used for Public Key authentication

authenticationType String PASSWORD

Defines which authentication type should be use: PASSWORD or PUBKEY (defaults to PASSWORD)

prompt String root@localhost:#

A string representing the remote SSH session prompt (defaults to root@localhost:# )

sudoCommand String /usr/bin/sudo

A string representing the sudo command (defaults to /usr/bin/sudo)

echoOff boolean true

Disable the input command echo (default to true)

terminalType String vt102

Defines the terminal type to use for the session (default to vt102)

locale String en_US.utf8

Define the locale for LC_ALL, LANG and LANGUAGE environment variables to use if setLocale=true

setLocale boolean false

Defines if the default environment locale should be changed with the value provided for locale (defaults to false)

connectionTimeout int 5000

Defines the connection timeout to the remote server in milliseconds (default to 5000)

expectTimeout long 5000

Defines the timeout used by the expect() calls in the scripts in milliseconds (default to 5000)

throwOperationTimeoutException boolean true

Defines if an OperationTimeoutException should be thrown if any call to expect times out (defaults to true)

promptReadyTimeout long 20

Defines the "prompt ready" timeout for the promptReady() command in milliseconds (default to 20)

[a] Indicates whether the property value is considered confidential, and therefore encrypted in OpenIDM.

[b] A list of operations in this column indicates that the property is required for those operations.

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