Access event topic properties
Event Property | Description |
UUID for the message object, such as |
Time that IDM logged the message, in UTC format; for example, |
Name of the audit event: |
UUID of the transaction; you might see the same transaction for the same event in different audit event topics. |
User ID. |
A unique value for the object being tracked. |
IP address of the IDM server. |
Port number used by the IDM server. |
Client IP address. |
Client port number. |
Protocol for request, typically Common REST. |
Common REST operation taken on the object; for example, UPDATE, DELETE, or ACTION. |
Typically, details for an ACTION request. |
Boolean for request security. |
HTTP method requested by the client. |
Path of the HTTP request. |
Parameters sent in the HTTP request, such as a key/value pair. |
HTTP headers for the request (optional). |
HTTP cookies for the request (optional). |
HTTP response headers (optional). |
Normally, SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, or null. |
Message associated with |
Time to execute the access event. |
Units for response time. |
IDM roles associated with the request. |