Removing or Protecting Development and Debug Tools

Before you deploy IDM in production, remove or protect development and debug tools, including the Felix web console that is exposed under /system/console. Authentication for this console is not integrated with authentication for IDM.

  • To remove the Felix web console, remove the web console bundle and all of the plugin bundles related to the web console, as follows:

    rm /path/to/openidm/bundle/org.apache.felix.webconsole*.jar
    rm /path/to/openidm/bundle/openidm-felix-webconsole-7.0.4.jar

    Also remove the felix.webconsole.json configuration file from your project's conf directory.

    rm /path/to/project-dir/conf/felix.webconsole.json
  • Alternatively, protect access to the Felix web console by changing the credentials in your project's conf/felix.webconsole.json file. This file contains the username and password to access the console, by default:

      "username" : "admin",
      "password" : "admin"
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