Configuration Changes

When you change configuration objects, take the following points into account:

  • IDM's authoritative configuration source is its repository. Although the JSON files provide a view of the configuration objects, they do not represent the authoritative source.

    Unless you have disabled file writes, IDM updates JSON files after you make configuration changes over REST. You can also edit those JSON files directly. For information on disabling file writes, see "Disabling Automatic Configuration Updates".

  • IDM recognizes changes to JSON files when it is running. The server must be running when you delete configuration objects, even if you do so by editing the JSON files.

  • Avoid editing configuration objects directly in the repository. Rather, edit the configuration over the REST API, or in the configuration JSON files to ensure consistent behavior and that operations are logged.

  • By default, IDM stores its configuration in the repository. If you remove an IDM instance and do not specifically drop the repository, the configuration remains in effect for a new instance that uses that repository. You can disable this persistent configuration in your project's conf/ file by uncommenting the following line:

    # openidm.config.repo.enabled=false

    Disabling persistent configuration means that IDM stores its configuration in memory only.

Read a different version of Configuration Changes: