This guide describes tasks and configurations you might repeat throughout the life cycle of a deployment in your organization. It is for people who maintain PingGateway services for their organization.
Audit the deployment
The following sections describe how to set up auditing for your deployment. For information about how to include user ID in audit logs, refer to Recording User ID in Audit Events.
For information about the audit framework and each event handler, refer to Audit framework.
Record access audit events in CSV
This section describes how to record access audit events in a CSV file, using tamper-evident logging. For information about the CSV audit event handler, refer to CsvAuditEventHandler.
The CSV handler does not sanitize messages when writing to CSV log files. Do not open CSV logs in spreadsheets or other applications that treat data as code. |
Before you start, prepare PingGateway and the sample application as described in the Quick install.
Set up secrets for tamper-evident logging:
Locate a directory for secrets, and go to it:
$ cd /path/to/secrets
Generate a key pair in the keystore.
The CSV event handler expects a JCEKS-type keystore with a key alias of
for the signing key, where the key is generated with theRSA
key algorithm and theSHA256withRSA
signature algorithm:$ keytool \ -genkeypair \ -keyalg RSA \ -sigalg SHA256withRSA \ -alias "signature" \ -dname ",O=Example Corp,C=FR" \ -keystore audit-keystore \ -storetype JCEKS \ -storepass password \ -keypass password
Because keytool converts all characters in its key aliases to lowercase, use only lowercase in alias definitions of a keystore. -
Generate a secret key in the keystore.
The CSV event handler expects a JCEKS-type keystore with a key alias of
for the symmetric key, where the key is generated with theHmacSHA256
key algorithm and 256-bit key size:$ keytool \ -genseckey \ -keyalg HmacSHA256 \ -keysize 256 \ -alias "password" \ -keystore audit-keystore \ -storetype JCEKS \ -storepass password \ -keypass password
Verify the content of the keystore:
$ keytool \ -list \ -keystore audit-keystore \ -storetype JCEKS \ -storepass password Keystore type: JCEKS Keystore provider: SunJCE Your keystore contains 2 entries password, ... SecretKeyEntry, signature, ... PrivateKeyEntry, Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 4D:...:D1
Set up PingGateway
Set up PingGateway for HTTPS, as described in Configure PingGateway for TLS (server-side).
Add the following route to PingGateway, replacing
with your path:-
{ "name": "30-csv", "baseURI": "", "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/home/csv-audit')}", "heap": [ { "name": "AuditService", "type": "AuditService", "config": { "eventHandlers": [ { "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.csv.CsvAuditEventHandler", "config": { "name": "csv", "logDirectory": "/tmp/logs", "security": { "enabled": "true", "filename": "/path/to/secrets/audit-keystore", "password": "password", "signatureInterval": "1 day" }, "topics": [ "access" ] } } ], "config": { } } } ], "auditService": "AuditService", "handler": "ForgeRockClientHandler" }
The route calls an audit service configuration for publishing log messages to the CSV file,
.When a request matches
, audit events are logged to the CSV file.The route uses the
as its handler, to send theX-ForgeRock-TransactionId
header with its requests to external services. -
Test the setup:
In your browser’s privacy or incognito mode, go to
The home page of the sample application is displayed, and the file
is updated.
Record access audit events with a JMS audit event handler
This procedure is an example of how to record access audit events with a JMS audit event handler configured to use the ActiveMQ message broker. This example is not tested on all configurations, and can be more or less relevant to your configuration. |
For information about configuring the JMS event handler, refer to JmsAuditEventHandler.
Before you start, prepare PingGateway as described in the Quick install.
Download the following files:
ActiveMQ binary. PingGateway is tested with ActiveMQ Classic 5.15.11.
ActiveMQ Client. Use a version that corresponds to your ActiveMQ version.
Add the files to the configuration:
Create the directory
, where$HOME/.openig
is the instance directory, and add .jar files to the directory.
Create a consumer that subscribes to the
topic.From the ActiveMQ installation directory, run the following command:
$ ./bin/activemq consumer --destination topic://audit
Set up PingGateway
Set up PingGateway for HTTPS, as described in Configure PingGateway for TLS (server-side).
Add the following route to PingGateway:
{ "name": "30-jms", "MyCapture" : "all", "baseURI": "", "condition" : "${request.uri.path == '/activemq_event_handler'}", "heap": [ { "name": "AuditService", "type": "AuditService", "config": { "eventHandlers" : [ { "class" : "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.jms.JmsAuditEventHandler", "config" : { "name" : "jms", "topics": [ "access" ], "deliveryMode" : "NON_PERSISTENT", "sessionMode" : "AUTO", "jndi" : { "contextProperties" : { "java.naming.factory.initial" : "org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory", "java.naming.provider.url" : "tcp://", "topic.audit" : "audit" }, "topicName" : "audit", "connectionFactoryName" : "ConnectionFactory" } } } ], "config" : { } } } ], "auditService": "AuditService", "handler" : { "type" : "StaticResponseHandler", "config" : { "status" : 200, "headers" : { "Content-Type" : [ "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" ] }, "entity" : "Message from audited route" } } }
When a request matches the
route, this configuration publishes JMS messages containing audit event data to an ActiveMQ managed JMS topic, and the StaticResponseHandler displays a message. -
Test the setup:
In your browser’s privacy or incognito mode, go to
Depending on how ActiveMQ is configured, audit events are displayed on the ActiveMQ console or written to file.
Record access audit events with a JSON audit event handler
This section describes how to record access audit events with a JSON audit event handler. For information about configuring the JSON event handler, refer to JsonAuditEventHandler.
Set up PingGateway
Set up PingGateway for HTTPS, as described in Configure PingGateway for TLS (server-side).
Add the following route to PingGateway:
{ "name": "30-json", "baseURI": "", "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/home/json-audit')}", "heap": [ { "name": "AuditService", "type": "AuditService", "config": { "eventHandlers": [ { "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.JsonAuditEventHandler", "config": { "name": "json", "logDirectory": "/tmp/logs", "topics": [ "access" ], "rotationRetentionCheckInterval": "1 minute", "buffering": { "maxSize": 100000, "writeInterval": "100 ms" } } } ] } } ], "auditService": "AuditService", "handler": "ReverseProxyHandler" }
Notice the following features of the route:
The route calls an audit service configuration for publishing log messages to the JSON file,
. When a request matches/home/json-audit
, a single line per audit event is logged to the JSON file. -
The route uses the
as its handler, to send theX-ForgeRock-TransactionId
header with its requests to external services.
Test the setup:
In your browser’s privacy or incognito mode, go to
The home page of the sample application is displayed and the file
is created or updated with a message. The following example message is formatted for easy reading, but it is produced as a single line for each event:{ "_id": "830...-41", "timestamp": "2019-...540Z", "eventName": "OPENIG-HTTP-ACCESS", "transactionId": "830...-40", "client": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 51666 }, "server": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 8080 }, "http": { "request": { "secure": false, "method": "GET", "path": "", "headers": { "accept": ["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8"], "host": [""], "user-agent": ["Mozilla/5.0 ... Firefox/66.0"] } } }, "response": { "status": "SUCCESSFUL", "statusCode": "200", "elapsedTime": 212, "elapsedTimeUnits": "MILLISECONDS" }, "ig": { "exchangeId": "b3f...-29", "routeId": "30-json", "routeName": "30-json" } }
Record access audit events to standard output
This section describes how to record access audit events to standard output. For more information about the event handler, refer to JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler.
Before you start, prepare PingGateway and the sample application as described in the Quick install.
Set up PingGateway
Set up PingGateway for HTTPS, as described in Configure PingGateway for TLS (server-side).
Add the following route to PingGateway:
{ "name": "30-jsonstdout", "baseURI": "", "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/home/jsonstdout-audit')}", "heap": [ { "name": "AuditService", "type": "AuditService", "config": { "eventHandlers": [ { "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.stdout.JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler", "config": { "name": "jsonstdout", "elasticsearchCompatible": false, "topics": [ "access" ] } } ], "config": {} } } ], "auditService": "AuditService", "handler": "ReverseProxyHandler" }
Notice the following features of the route:
The route matches requests to
. -
The route calls the audit service configuration for publishing access log messages to standard output. When a request matches
, a single line per audit event is logged.
In your browser’s privacy or incognito mode, go to
The home page of the sample application is displayed, and a message like this is published to standard output:
{ "_id": "830...-61", "timestamp": "2019-...89Z", "eventName": "OPENIG-HTTP-ACCESS", "transactionId": "830...-60", "client": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 51876 }, "server": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 8080 }, "http": { "request": { "secure": false, "method": "GET", "path": "", "headers": { "accept": ["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8"], "host": [""], "user-agent": ["Mozilla/5.0 ... Firefox/66.0"] } } }, "response": { "status": "SUCCESSFUL", "statusCode": "200", "elapsedTime": 10, "elapsedTimeUnits": "MILLISECONDS" }, "ig": { "exchangeId": "b3f...-41", "routeId": "30-jsonstdout", "routeName": "30-jsonstdout" }, "source": "audit", "topic": "access", "level": "INFO" }
Trust transaction IDs from other products
Each audit event is identified by a unique transaction ID that can be communicated across products and recorded for each local event. By using the transaction ID, requests can be tracked as they traverse the platform, making it easier to monitor activity and to enrich reports.
The X-ForgeRock-TransactionId
header is automatically set in all outgoing HTTP
calls from one ForgeRock product to another. Customers can also set this header
themselves from their own applications or scripts that call into the
Ping Identity Platform.
To reduce the risk of malicious attacks, by default PingGateway does not trust transaction ID headers from client applications.
If you trust the transaction IDs sent by your client applications, consider
setting Java system property org.forgerock.http.TrustTransactionHeader
Add the following system property in
# Specify a JVM option
# Include it into the JAVA_OPTS environment variable
All incoming X-ForgeRock-TransactionId
headers are trusted, and
monitoring or reporting systems that consume the logs can allow requests to be
correlated as they traverse multiple servers.
Safelist audit event fields for the logs
To prevent logging of sensitive data for an audit event, the Common Audit Framework uses a safelist to specify which audit event fields appear in the logs.
By default, only safelisted audit event fields are included in the logs. For information about how to include non-safelisted audit event fields, or exclude safelisted audit event fields, refer to Including or excluding audit event fields in logs.
Audit event fields use JSON pointer notation, and are taken from the JSON schema for the audit event content. The following event fields are safelisted:
Include or exclude audit event fields in logs
The safelist is designed to prevent logging of sensitive data for audit events by specifying which audit event fields appear in the logs. You can add or remove messages from the logs as follows:
To include audit event fields in logs that are not safelisted, configure the
property of AuditService.Before you include non-safelisted audit event fields in the logs, consider the impact on security. Including some headers, query parameters, or cookies in the logs could cause credentials or tokens to be logged, and allow anyone with access to the logs to impersonate the holder of these credentials or tokens. -
To exclude safelisted audit event fields from the logs, configure the
property of AuditService. For an example, refer to Exclude safelisted audit event fields from logs.
Before you start, set up and test the example in
Recording access audit events in JSON.
Note the audit event fields in the log file access.audit.json
with the following route:-
{ "name": "30-json-excludeif", "baseURI": "", "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/home/json-audit-excludeif$')}", "heap": [ { "name": "AuditService", "type": "AuditService", "config": { "config": { "filterPolicies": { "field": { "excludeIf": [ "/access/http/request/headers/host", "/access/http/request/path", "/access/server", "/access/response" ] } } }, "eventHandlers": [ { "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.JsonAuditEventHandler", "config": { "name": "json", "logDirectory": "/tmp/logs", "topics": [ "access" ], "rotationRetentionCheckInterval": "1 minute", "buffering": { "maxSize": 100000, "writeInterval": "100 ms" } } } ] } } ], "auditService": "AuditService", "handler": "ReverseProxyHandler" }
Notice that the AuditService is configured with an
property to exclude audit event fields from the logs. -
In your browser’s privacy or incognito mode, go to
The home page of the sample application is displayed and the file
is updated:{ "_id": "830...-41", "timestamp": "2019-...540Z", "eventName": "OPENIG-HTTP-ACCESS", "transactionId": "830...-40", "client": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 51666 }, "http": { "request": { "secure": false, "method": "GET", "headers": { "accept": ["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"], "user-agent": ["Mozilla/5.0 ... Firefox/66.0"] } } }, "ig": { "exchangeId": "b3f...-56", "routeId": "30-json-excludeif", "routeName": "30-json-excludeif" } }
Compare the audit event fields in
with those produced in Recording access audit events in JSON, and note that the audit event fields specified by theexcludeIf
property no longer appear in the logs.
Record user ID in audit events
The following sections provide examples of how to capture the AM user ID in audit logs.
Sample scripts are available in the openig-samples.jar
file, to capture the
user ID after SSO, CDSSO, OpenID, or SAML authentication. The scripts inject the
user ID into the RequestAuditContext so that it is available when the audit event
is written.
Using the notes in the sample scripts, adapt the script for your deployment.
For example, configure which user_info
field to capture in the audit event.
The audit service in these examples use a JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler, which writes audit events to standard output, but can be any other audit service.
Record user ID in audit logs after SSO authentication
Before you start, set up and test the example in Cross-domain single sign-on (CDSSO).
Add the following script to PingGateway:
package scripts.groovy import org.forgerock.openig.openam.SsoTokenContext import /** * Sample ScriptableFilter implementation to capture the user id from the session * and inject it into the RequestAuditContext for later use when the audit event * is written. * * This ScriptableFilter should be added in the filter chain at whatever point the * desired user id is available - e.g. on the session after SSO. * * "handler": { * "type": "Chain", * "config": { * "filters": [ { * "name": "SingleSignOnFilter-1", * "type": "SingleSignOnFilter", * "config": { * "amService": "AmService-1" * } * }, { * "type" : "ScriptableFilter", * "config" : { * "file" : "InjectUserIdSso.groovy", * "type": "application/x-groovy" * } * } * ], * "handler" : "ReverseProxyHandler", * } * * When using the SSO/ CDSSO flow then the SsoTokenContext is guaranteed to exist and * be populated if there was no error. The RequestAuditContext is also guaranteed to * be available. Note also that if the SessionInfoFilter is present in the route then * a SessionInfoContext would be available in the context chain and could be queried * for user info. * * Implementors may decide which user id field to capture in the audit event: * - The sessionInfo universalId - 'universalId' - is always available as * provided by AM and resembles - * e.g. "id=bonnie,ou=user,o=myrealm,ou=services,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org". * - The sessionInfo username - mapped to 'username') resembles - e.g. "bonnie". * Field 'username' should be preferred to 'uid', which also points to 'username'. * * Additional error handling may be required. * * @see RequestAuditContext * @see SsoTokenContext * @see org.forgerock.openig.openam.SessionInfoContext */ def requestAuditContext = context.asContext(RequestAuditContext.class) def ssoTokenContext = context.asContext(SsoTokenContext.class) // The sessionInfo 'universalId' is always available, though 'username' may be unknown requestAuditContext.setUserId(ssoTokenContext.universalId) // Propagate the request to the next filter/ handler in the chain next.handle(context, request)
The script captures the user ID after SSO or CDSSO authentication, and injects it into the RequestAuditContext so that it is available when the audit event is written.
with the following route:-
{ "name": "audit-sso", "baseURI": "", "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/home/audit-sso$')}", "heap": [ { "name": "AuditService", "type": "AuditService", "config": { "eventHandlers": [ { "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.stdout.JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler", "config": { "name": "jsonstdout", "elasticsearchCompatible": false, "topics": [ "access" ] } } ], "config": {} } }, { "name": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1", "type": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore" }, { "name": "AmService-1", "type": "AmService", "config": { "agent": { "username": "ig_agent", "passwordSecretId": "" }, "secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1", "url": "" } } ], "auditService": "AuditService", "handler": { "type": "Chain", "config": { "filters": [ { "name": "SingleSignOnFilter-1", "type": "SingleSignOnFilter", "config": { "amService": "AmService-1" } }, { "type" : "ScriptableFilter", "config" : { "file" : "InjectUserIdSso.groovy", "type": "application/x-groovy" } } ], "handler": "ReverseProxyHandler" } } }
Notice the following features of the route compared to
The route matches requests to
. -
An audit service is included to publish access log messages to standard output.
The chain includes a scriptable filter that refers to
Test the setup:
In your browser’s privacy or incognito mode, go to The SingleSignOnFilter redirects the request to AM for authentication.
Log in to AM as user
, passwordCh4ng31t
, and then allow the application to access user information.The profile page of the sample application is displayed. The script captures the user ID from the session, and the audit service includes it with the audit event.
Search the standard output for a message like this, containing the user ID:
{ "_id": "23a...-23", "timestamp": "...", "eventName": "OPENIG-HTTP-ACCESS", "transactionId": "23a...-22", "userId": "id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "client": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 57843 }, "server": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 8080 }, "http": { "request": { "secure": false, "method": "GET", "path": "", "headers": { "accept": ["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,/;q=0.8"], "host": [""], "user-agent": [...] } } }, "response": { "status": "SUCCESSFUL", "statusCode": "200", "elapsedTime": 276, "elapsedTimeUnits": "MILLISECONDS" }, "ig": { "exchangeId": "1dc...-26", "routeId": "audit-sso", "routeName": "audit-sso" }, "source": "audit", "topic": "access", "level": "INFO" }
Record user ID in audit logs after OpenID connect authentication
Before you start, set up and test the example in AM as OIDC provider.
Set up the script:
Add the following example script to PingGateway:
package scripts.groovy import import /** * Sample script implementation supporting user id injection in an OpenId scenario. * This sample captures the user id and injects it into the RequestAuditContext for * later use when the audit event is written. * * This ScriptableFilter should be added in the filter chain at whatever point the * desired user id is available - e.g. after OpenId client authentication (in the * OAuth2 authentication filter chain) - as follows: * * "handler" : { * "type" : "Chain", * "config" : { * "filters" : [ { * "type" : "OAuth2ClientFilter", * "config" : { * ... * "target" : "${}", * "registrations" : [ "ClientRegistrationWithOpenIdScope" ], * } * }, { * "type" : "ScriptableFilter", * "config" : { * "file" : "InjectUserIdOpenId.groovy", * "type": "application/x-groovy" * } * } ], * "handler" : "display-user-info-groovy-handler" * } * } * * The ClientRegistration associated with the above OAuth2ClientFilter config will * require the 'openid' scope. The OAuth2SessionContext is guaranteed to exist and * be populated on successful authentication. The userinfo will then be populated * according to the OAuth2ClientFilter OpenId 'target' configuration (e.g. in this * sample, on the AttributesContext). The 'target' referenced will be populated * with a 'user_info' JSON value containing the userinfo. It should be noted that * the OAuth2ClientFilter 'target' config is a config-time expression, and cannot * be used in a ScriptableFilter to read runtime data. The RequestAuditContext is * also guaranteed to be available. * * Implementors may decide which 'user_info' field to capture in the audit event: * - The userinfo 'sub' field is the user's "complex" ID marked with a type - e.g. * "(usr!bonnie)". * - The userinfo 'subName' field is the user's username (or resource name) - e.g. * "bonnie". * - To capture the universalId (consistent with the session info universalId), * it is necessary to configure AM to provide it as a claim in the id-token. To * do this, edit the OIDC Claims Script to include the following line just prior * to the UserInfoClaims creation: * computedClaims["universalId"] = identity.universalId * - This will include 'universalId' in the userinfo which we can use with audit * e.g. "id=bonnie,ou=user,o=myrealm,ou=services,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" * * Additional error handling may be required. * * @see RequestAuditContext * @see AttributesContext */ def requestAuditContext = context.asContext(RequestAuditContext.class) def attributesContext = context.asContext(AttributesContext.class) // The OAuth2ClientFilter captures userinfo based on its 'target' configuration. // In this sample 'target' is configured as the AttributesContext with key "target". // We can query this for 'user_info' values: 'sub', 'subName' or anything else // made available via the OIDC Claims Script (see above). def oauth2UserInfo = attributesContext.getAttributes().get("target") requestAuditContext.setUserId(oauth2UserInfo.get("user_info").get("sub")) // Propagate the request to the next filter/ handler in the chain next.handle(context, request)
The script captures the user ID from the AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter
object, by default at${attributes.openid}
, and injects it into the RequestAuditContext so that it is available when the audit event is written. -
Edit the script to get the attributes from the
with the following route:-
{ "name": "audit-oidc", "baseURI": "", "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/home/id_token')}", "heap": [ { "name": "AuditService", "type": "AuditService", "config": { "eventHandlers": [ { "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.stdout.JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler", "config": { "name": "jsonstdout", "elasticsearchCompatible": false, "topics": [ "access" ] } } ], "config": {} } }, { "name": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1", "type": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore" } ], "auditService": "AuditService", "handler": { "type": "Chain", "config": { "filters": [ { "name": "AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter-1", "type": "AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter", "config": { "clientEndpoint": "/home/id_token", "failureHandler": { "type": "StaticResponseHandler", "config": { "status": 500, "headers": { "Content-Type": [ "text/plain" ] }, "entity": "Error in OAuth 2.0 setup." } }, "registrations": [ { "name": "oidc-user-info-client", "type": "ClientRegistration", "config": { "clientId": "oidc_client", "clientSecretId": "", "issuer": { "name": "Issuer", "type": "Issuer", "config": { "wellKnownEndpoint": "" } }, "scopes": [ "openid", "profile", "email" ], "secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1", "tokenEndpointAuthMethod": "client_secret_basic" } } ], "requireHttps": false, "cacheExpiration": "disabled" } }, { "type" : "ScriptableFilter", "config" : { "file" : "InjectUserIdOpenId.groovy", "type": "application/x-groovy" } } ], "handler": "ReverseProxyHandler" } } }
Notice the following features of the route compared to
An audit service is included to publish access log messages to standard output.
The chain includes a scriptable filter that refers to
Test the setup:
In your browser’s privacy or incognito mode, go to The AM login page is displayed.
Log in to AM as user
, passwordCh4ng31t
, and then allow the application to access user information.The home page of the sample application is displayed. The script captures the user ID from the
target, and the audit service includes it with the audit event. -
Search the standard output for a message like this, containing the user ID:
{ "_id": "b64...-25", "timestamp": "2021...", "eventName": "OPENIG-HTTP-ACCESS", "transactionId": "b64...-24", "userId": "(usr!demo)", "client": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 64443 }, "server": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 8080 }, "http": { "request": { "secure": false, "method": "GET", "path": "", "headers": { "accept": ["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,/;q=0.8"], "host": [""], "user-agent": [...] } } }, "response": { "status": "SUCCESSFUL", "statusCode": "200", "elapsedTime": 199, "elapsedTimeUnits": "MILLISECONDS" }, "ig": { "exchangeId": "1dc...-26", "routeId": "audit-oidc", "routeName": "audit-oidc" }, "source": "audit", "topic": "access", "level": "INFO" }
Record user ID in audit logs after SAML authentication
This example uses the deprecated SamlFederationHandler. The SamlFederationHandler is replaced by the SamlFederationFilter and will be removed in a future release. |
Before you start, set up and test the SamlFederationHandler example under SAML.
Set up the script:
Add the following example script to PingGateway:
package scripts.groovy import org.forgerock.http.session.SessionContext import /** * Sample ScriptableFilter implementation to capture the user id obtained from a * SAML assertion. The IG SamlFederationHandler captures this and locates it on * the SessionContext with the key as the configured SAML 2 user id key. We then * take this and inject it into the RequestAuditContext for later use when the * audit event is written. * * This ScriptableFilter should be added in the filter chain together with the * SamlFederationHandler, as follows. Note that the InjectUserIdSaml.groovy script * operates on the response, injecting the userId as captured by the handler. * * { * "condition" : "${matches(request.uri.path,'^/api/saml')}", * "handler" : { * "type" : "Chain", * "config" : { * "filters" : [ { * "type" : "ScriptableFilter", * "config" : { * "file" : "InjectUserIdSaml.groovy", * "type": "application/x-groovy" * } * } ], * "handler" : { * "name" : "saml_handler_SPOne", * "type" : "SamlFederationHandler", * "config" : { * "assertionMapping" : { * "SPOne_userName" : "uid", * "SPOne_password" : "mail" * }, * "redirectURI" : "/api/home", * "logoutURI" : "", * "subjectMapping" : "SubjectName_SPOne", * "authnContext" : "AuthnContext_SPOne", * "sessionIndexMapping" : "SessionIndex_SPOne" * } * } * } * } * } * * The SessionContext and RequestAuditContext are guaranteed to be available and the * SessionContext will have been populated with userinfo on successful authentication. * * Implementors may decide which user id field to capture in the audit event: * - This should be based on SAML attribute mappings and/ or the subject mapping (if * transient names are not used). * - Other attributes are available, such as 'uid' and 'userName', though it must be * noted that there is an expectation that the IDP makes available the user id. * - In this sample, 'SPOne_userName' maps to the 'uid'. * * Additional error handling may be required. * * @see RequestAuditContext * @see SessionContext */ // Propagate the request to the next filter/ handler in the chain next.handle(context, request) .then({ response -> def requestAuditContext = context.asContext(RequestAuditContext.class) def sessionContext = context.asContext(SessionContext.class) // Inject the user id as captured by the SamlFederationHandler requestAuditContext.setUserId(sessionContext.getSession().get("SPOne_userName")) return response })
The script captures the user ID from the SessionContext subject or attribute mappings, provided by the SamlFederationHandler from the inbound assertions. It injects the user ID into the RequestAuditContext so that it is available when the audit event is written.
.The script captures the user ID from the assertionMapping
, which is mapped in the route tocn
with the following route:-
{ "name": "audit-saml", "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/saml')}", "session": "JwtSession", "heap": [ { "name": "AuditService", "type": "AuditService", "config": { "eventHandlers": [ { "class": "org.forgerock.audit.handlers.json.stdout.JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler", "config": { "name": "jsonstdout", "elasticsearchCompatible": false, "topics": [ "access" ] } } ], "config": {} } } ], "auditService": "AuditService", "handler": { "type": "Chain", "config": { "filters": [ { "type" : "ScriptableFilter", "config" : { "file" : "InjectUserIdSaml.groovy", "type": "application/x-groovy" } } ], "handler": { "type": "SamlFederationHandler", "config": { "useOriginalUri": true, "assertionMapping": { "username": "cn", "password": "sn" }, "subjectMapping": "sp-subject-name", "redirectURI": "/home/federate" } } } } }
Notice the following features of the route compared to
An audit service is included to publish access log messages to standard output.
The main Handler is a Chain, that includes a scriptable filter to refer to
. -
The script uses the assertionMapping
to capture the user ID.
Test the setup:
In your browser’s privacy or incognito mode, go to IDP-initiated SSO.
Log in to AM with username
and passwordCh4ng31t
.PingGateway returns the response page showing that the the demo user has logged in. The script captures the user ID from the session, and the audit service includes it with the audit event.
Search the standard output for a message like this, containing the user ID:
{ "_id": "82f...-14", "timestamp": "2021-...", "eventName": "OPENIG-HTTP-ACCESS", "transactionId": "82f...-13", "userId": "demo", "client": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 60655 }, "server": { "ip": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "port": 8080 }, "http": { "request": { "secure": false, "method": "POST", "path": "", "headers": { "accept": ["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,/;q=0.8"], "content-type": ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], "host": [""], "user-agent": [...] } } }, "response": { "status": "SUCCESSFUL", "statusCode": "302", "elapsedTime": 2112, "elapsedTimeUnits": "MILLISECONDS" }, "ig": { "exchangeId": "1dc...-26", "routeId": "audit-saml", "routeName": "audit-saml" }, "source": "audit", "topic": "access", "level": "INFO" }
Monitor services
This page describes how to set up and maintain monitoring in your deployment.
Push to an OpenTelemetry service
PingGateway can push traces to an OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) endpoint over HTTP. When you use it with other applications with OpenTelemetry support, the service helps you analyze the flows through PingGateway and the other applications to understand performance and system behavior.
This capability is available in Technology preview. It isn’t yet supported, may be functionally incomplete, and is subject to change without notice. |
OpenTelemetry support is disabled by default.
Enable it with the "openTelemetry"
setting in AdminHttpApplication (admin.json
Make sure the OTLP exporter targets the endpoint for the OpenTelemetry service in your deployment.
The following example targets the default endpoint:
"openTelemetry": {
"tracing": {
"enabled": true,
"exporter": {
"type": "otlp",
"config": {
"endpoint": "http://localhost:4318/v1/traces"
When tracing is enabled, traces always span requests entering PingGateway and any requests started by PingGateway;
for example, proxied requests to the sample application.
The span ends when PingGateway receives or returns a response or when an error arises during processing.
If a ClientHandler or ReverseProxyHandler has the retry feature enabled,
PingGateway records the number of retries as a http.request.resend_count
span attribute in the trace.
Trace sampling is alwaysOn
by default, meaning PingGateway samples every operation.
Adjust this in the configuration settings as required for your deployment and traffic.
Use the "tracing": true
decoration on other configuration objects
or in "globalDecorators"
to activate additional tracing points.
Access the monitoring endpoints
All ForgeRock products automatically expose a monitoring endpoint to expose metrics in a standard Prometheus format, and as a JSON format monitoring resource.
In PingGateway, metrics are available for each router, subrouter, and route in the configuration. When a TimerDecorator is configured, timer metrics are also available.
Learn more about PingGateway monitoring endpoints and available metrics in Monitoring.
Monitor at the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint
Prometheus metric names are deprecated and expected to be replaced with names ending in _total. The information provided by the metric is not deprecated. Other Prometheus metrics are not affected. |
All ForgeRock products automatically expose a monitoring endpoint where Prometheus can scrape metrics, in a standard Prometheus format.
When PingGateway is set up as described in the Quick install, the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint is available at the following endpoints:
By default, no special setup or configuration is required to access metrics at these endpoints. The following example queries the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint for a route.
Tools such as Grafana are available to create customized charts and graphs based on the information collected by Prometheus. For more information on installing and running Grafana, refer to the Grafana website.
Set up PingGateway:
Set up PingGateway for HTTPS, as described in Configure PingGateway for TLS (server-side).
Add the following route to PingGateway:
{ "name": "myroute1", "handler": { "type": "StaticResponseHandler", "config": { "status": 200, "headers": { "Content-Type": [ "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" ] }, "entity": "Hello world, from myroute1!" } }, "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/myroute1')}" }
The route contains a StaticResponseHandler to display a simple message.
Test the setup:
Access the route a few times, on
Query the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint:
$ curl -v \ --cacert /path/to/secrets/ \
Metrics for
are displayed.Vert.x monitoring is enabled by default to provide additional metrics for HTTP, TCP, and the internal component pool. The metrics provide low-level information about requests and responses, such as the number of bytes, duration, and the number of concurrent requests.
Monitor the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint (deprecated)
All ForgeRock products expose a monitoring endpoint where metrics are exposed as a JSON format monitoring resource.
When PingGateway is set up as described in Quick install, the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint is available at
By default, no special setup or configuration is required to access metrics at this endpoint. The following example queries the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint for a route, and restricts the query to specific metrics only.
Before you start, prepare PingGateway as described in the Quick install.
Set up PingGateway and some example routes, as described in the first few steps of Monitor the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint.
Query the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint:
$ curl ""
Metrics for
are displayed:{ "result" : [ { "_id" : "gateway._router.deployed-routes", "value" : 1.0, "_type" : "gauge" }, { "_id" : "gateway._router.route.default.request", "count" : 204, "_type" : "counter" }, { "_id" : "", "value" : 0.0, "_type" : "gauge" }, { "...": "...", "_id" : "gateway._router.route.myroute1.response.status.unknown", "count" : 0, "_type" : "counter" }, { "_id" : "gateway._router.route.myroute1.response.time", "count" : 204, "max" : 0.420135, "mean" : 0.08624678327176545, "min" : 0.045079999999999995, "p50" : 0.070241, "p75" : 0.096049, "p95" : 0.178534, "p98" : 0.227217, "p99" : 0.242554, "p999" : 0.420135, "stddev" : 0.046611762381930474, "m15_rate" : 0.2004491450567003, "m1_rate" : 2.8726563452698075, "m5_rate" : 0.5974045160056258, "mean_rate" : 0.010877725092634833, "duration_units" : "milliseconds", "rate_units" : "calls/second", "total" : 17.721825, "_type" : "timer" } ], "resultCount" : 11, "pagedResultsCookie" : null, "totalPagedResultsPolicy" : "EXACT", "totalPagedResults" : 11, "remainingPagedResults" : -1 }
Vert.x monitoring is enabled by default to provide additional metrics for HTTP, TCP, and the internal component pool. The metrics provide low-level information about requests and responses, such as the number of bytes, duration, the number of concurrent requests, and so on.
Change the query to access metrics only for
:"gateway._router.route.myroute1".Note that metric for the router,
"_id" : "gateway._router.deployed-routes"
, is no longer displayed.
Monitor Vert.x metrics
Vert.x metric names are deprecated and expected to be replaced with names ending in _total. The information provided by the metric is not deprecated. Other Prometheus metrics are not affected. |
Vert.x monitoring is enabled by default to provide metrics for HTTP, TCP, and the internal component pool. The metrics provide low-level information about requests and responses, such as the number of bytes, duration, the number of concurrent requests, and so on.
To disable Vert.x monitoring, add the following lines to admin.json
, and
restart PingGateway:
"vertx": {
"metricsEnabled": false
For more information, refer to AdminHttpApplication (admin.json
Protect monitoring endpoints
By default, no special credentials or privileges are required for read-access to the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint and Common REST Monitoring Endpoint.
To protect the monitoring endpoints, add an admin.json
file to your
configuration, with a filter declared in the heap and named
. The following procedure gives an example of how to
manage access to the monitoring endpoints.
Set up the procedure in Monitor at the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint, query the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint, and note that metrics for
are displayed:$ curl -v ""
Add the following script to the PingGateway configuration:
/* * This script is a simple implementation of HTTP basic access authentication on * server side. * It expects the following arguments: * - realm: the realm to display when the user agent prompts for * username and password if none were provided. * - username: the expected username * - passwordSecretId: the secretId to find the password * - secretsProvider: the SecretsProvider to query for the password */ import static org.forgerock.util.promise.Promises.newResultPromise; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import org.forgerock.util.encode.Base64; import org.forgerock.secrets.Purpose; import org.forgerock.secrets.GenericSecret; String authorizationHeader = request.getHeaders().getFirst("Authorization"); if (authorizationHeader == null) { // No credentials provided, return 401 Unauthorized Response response = new Response(Status.UNAUTHORIZED); response.getHeaders().put("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + realm + "\""); return newResultPromise(response); } return secretsProvider.getNamed(Purpose.PASSWORD, passwordSecretId) .thenAsync(password -> { // Build basic authentication string -> username:password StringBuilder basicAuthString = new StringBuilder(username).append(":"); password.revealAsUtf8{ p -> basicAuthString.append(new String(p).trim()) }; String expectedAuthorization = "Basic " + Base64.encode(basicAuthString.toString().getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())); // Incorrect credentials provided, return 403 forbidden if (!expectedAuthorization.equals(authorizationHeader)) { return newResultPromise(new Response(Status.FORBIDDEN)); } // Correct credentials provided, continue. return next.handle(context, request); }, noSuchSecretException -> { throw new RuntimeException(noSuchSecretException); });
The script is a simple implementation of the HTTP basic access authentication scheme. For information about scripting filters and handlers, refer to Extend.
Add the following heap configuration for MetricsProtectionFilter to
:{ ..., "heap": [ { "name": "ClientHandler", "type": "ClientHandler" }, { "name": "mySecretsProvider", "type": "Base64EncodedSecretStore", "config": { "secrets": { "": "cGFzc3dvcmQ=" } } }, { "name": "MetricsProtectionFilter", "type": "ScriptableFilter", "config": { "type": "application/x-groovy", "file": "BasicAuthResourceServerFilter.groovy", "args": { "realm": "/", "username": "myUsername", "passwordSecretId": "", "secretsProvider": "${heap['mySecretsProvider']}" } } } ], ... }
Notice the following features of the configuration:
The MetricsProtectionFilter uses the script to protect the monitoring endpoint.
The MetricsProtectionFilter requires the username
, and a password provided by the SecretsProvider in the heap.
Restart PingGateway.
Query the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint without providing credentials, and note that an HTTP 401 Unauthorized is returned:
$ curl -v ""
Query the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint by providing correct credentials, and note that metrics are displayed:
$ curl -v "" -u myUsername:password
Query the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint by providing incorrect credentials`, and note that an HTTP 403 Forbidden is returned:
$ curl -v "" -u myUsername:wrong-password
Manage sessions
For information about PingGateway sessions, refer to Sessions. Change PingGateway session properties in the following ways:
Mode | To change the session properties |
Stateless sessions |
Configure the JwtSession object in the route that processes a request, or in its ascending configuration. For example, define the
Stateful sessions |
Change the For example, add the following lines to
Manage logs
Log messages in PingGateway and third-party dependencies are recorded using
the Logback implementation of the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) API.
The following log levels are supported: TRACE
, and OFF
. For a full description of the options for logging, refer to
the Logback website.
Default logging behavior
By default, log messages are recorded with the following configuration:
When PingGateway starts, log messages for PingGateway and third-party dependencies, such as the ForgeRock Common Audit framework, are displayed on the console and written to
, where$HOME/.openig
is the instance directory. -
When a capture point for the default CaptureDecorator is defined in a route, for example, when
"capture: "all"
is set as a top-level attribute of the JSON, log messages for requests and responses passing through the route are written to a log file in$HOME/.openig/logs
.When no capture point is defined in a route, only exceptions thrown during request or response processing are logged.
For more information, refer to Capturing log messages for routes and CaptureDecorator.
By default, log messages with the level
or higher are recorded, with the titles and the top line of the stack trace. Messages on the console are highlighted with a color related to their log level.
The content and format of logs in PingGateway is defined by the reference
delivered with PingGateway. This file defines the
following configuration items for logs:
A root logger to set the overall log level, and to write all log messages to the
appenders. -
appender to define the format of log messages on the console. -
appender to separate log messages according to the keyrouteId
, to define when log files are rolled, and to define the format of log messages in the file. -
An exception logger, called
, to write log messages for exceptions attached to responses.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Prevent log flow attacks, by limiting repeated log messages.
Configuration properties:
* AllowedRepetitions (int): Threshold above which repeated messages are no longer logged.
* CacheSize (int): When CacheSize is reached, remove the oldest entry.
<!--<turboFilter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.turbo.DuplicateMessageFilter" />-->
<!-- Allow configuration of JUL loggers within this file, without performance impact -->
<contextListener class="ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator" />
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%nopex[%thread] %highlight(%-5level) %boldWhite(%logger{35}) @%mdc{routeId:-system} - %replace(%message){'([\r\n])(.)', '$1[CONTINUED]$2'}%n%highlight(%replace(%rootException{short}){'(^|[\r\n])(.)', '$1[CONTINUED]$2'})</pattern>
<appender name="SIFT" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.sift.SiftingAppender">
<!-- Create a separate log file for each <key> -->
<appender name="FILE-${routeId}" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- Rotate files daily -->
<!-- each file should be at most 100MB, keep 30 days worth of history, but at most 3GB -->
<pattern>%nopex%date{"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss,SSSXXX", UTC} | %-5level | %thread | %logger{20} | @%mdc{routeId:-system} | %replace(%message%n%xException){'([\r\n])(.)', '$1[CONTINUED]$2'}</pattern>
<!-- Disable logs of exceptions attached to responses by defining 'level' to OFF -->
<logger name="org.forgerock.openig.filter.LogAttachedExceptionFilter" level="INHERITED" />
<root level="${ROOT_LOG_LEVEL:-INFO}">
<appender-ref ref="SIFT" />
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
Using a custom Logback file
To change the logging behavior, create a new logback file at
, and restart PingGateway. The
custom Logback file overrides the default configuration.
To take into account edits to logback.xml
, stop and restart
PingGateway, or edit the configuration
parameter to add a scan and an
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="5 seconds">
The logback.xml
file is scanned after both of the following criteria
are met:
The specified number of logging operations have occurred, where the default is 16.
has elapsed.
If the custom logback.xml
contains errors, messages like these are
displayed on the console but log messages are not recorded:
14:38:59,667 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter@20:72 … 14:38:59,690 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction …
Change the global log level
The global log level is set by default to INFO
by the following line of the
default logback.xml
<root level="${ROOT_LOG_LEVEL:-INFO}">
The log level set in logback.xml
supercedes the log level set by
environment variables. When the global log level is not set in logback.xml
set the global log level.
To persist the log level for all future PingGateway instances:
Add an environment variable in
, where$HOME/.openig
is the instance directory:export ROOT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG
Alternatively, add a system property in
, where$HOME/.openig
is the instance directory:export JAVA_OPTS="-DROOT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG"
If both an environment variable and system property is set, the system property takes precedence.
To persist the log level for PingGateway instances launched from the same shell, add an environment variable in the shell before you start PingGateway:
$ export ROOT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG $ /path/to/PingGateway-2024.9.0/bin/ $HOME/.openig
C:\set ROOT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG C:\path\to\identity-gateway-2024.9.0\bin\start.bat %appdata%\OpenIG
To persist the log level for a single PingGateway instance:
$ export ROOT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG /path/to/PingGateway-2024.9.0/bin/ $HOME/.openig
C:\set ROOT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG C:\path\to\identity-gateway-2024.9.0\bin\start.bat %appdata%\OpenIG
Change the log level for different object types
To change the log level for a single object type without changing it for the
rest of the configuration, edit logback.xml
to add a logger defined by
the fully qualified class name or package name of the object, and set its log
The following line in logback.xml
sets the ClientHandler log level to
, but does not change the log level of other classes or packages:
<logger name="org.forgerock.openig.handler.ClientHandler" level="ERROR" />
To facilitate debugging, in logback.xml
add loggers defined by the
fully qualified package name or class name of the object. For example, add
loggers for the following feature:
Feature | Logger |
OAuth 2.0 client authentication: |
Expression resolution |
WebSocket notifications |
Session management with JwtSession |
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect and token resolution and validation |
AM policies, SSO, CDSSO, and user profiles |
WebSocket tunnelling |
Secret resolution |
AllowOnlyFilter |
Condition of a route |
Header field size |
Change the character set and format of log messages
By default, logs use the system default character set where PingGateway is running.
If your logs might contain characters that are not in your system
character set, edit logback.xml to change the encoder part of the SIFT
The following lines add the date to log messages, and change the character set:
<pattern>%d{yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss} | %-5level | %thread | %logger{20} | %message%n%xException</pattern>
For more information about what information you can include in the logs, and its format, refer to PatternLayoutEncoder and Layouts in the Logback documentation.
Log in scripts
The logger object provides
access to a unique SLF4J logger instance for scripts. Events are logged as
defined in by a dedicated logger in logback.xml
, and are included in
the logs with the name of with the scriptable object.
To log events for scripts:
Add logger objects to the script to enable logging at different levels. For example, add some of the following logger objects:
logger.error("ERROR") logger.warn("WARN")"INFO") logger.debug("DEBUG") logger.trace("TRACE")
Add a logger to
to reference the scriptable object and set the log level. The logger is defined by the type and name of the scriptable object that references the script, as follows:-
For example, the following logger logs trace-level messages for a
ScriptableFilter named cors_filter
<logger name="org.forgerock.openig.filter.ScriptableFilter.cors_filter" level="TRACE" />
The resulting messages in the logs contain the name of the scriptable object:
14:54:38:307 | TRACE | http-nio-8080-exec-6 | o.f.o.f.S.cors_filter | TRACE
Log the BaseUriDecorator
During setup and configuration, it can be helpful to display log messages from
the BaseUriDecorator. To record a log message each time a request URI is rebased
, edit logback.xml
to add a logger defined by the fully qualified
class name of the BaseUriDecorator appended by the name of the baseURI
<logger name="org.forgerock.openig.decoration.baseuri.BaseUriDecorator.baseURI" level="TRACE" />
Each time a request URI is rebased, a log message similar to this is created:
12:27:40| TRACE | http-nio-8080-exec-3 | o.f.o.d.b.B.b.{Router}/handler| Rebasing request to
Stop exception logging
To stop recording log messages for exceptions, edit logback.xml
set the level to OFF
<logger name="org.forgerock.openig.filter.LogAttachedExceptionFilter" level="OFF" />
Capture the context or entity of messages for routes
To capture the context or entity of inbound and outbound messages for a route, or for an individual handler or filter in the route, configure a CaptureDecorator. Captured information is written to SLF4J logs.
During debugging, consider using a CaptureDecorator to capture the entity and context of requests and responses. However, increased logging consumes resources, such as disk space, and can cause performance issues. In production, reduce logging by disabling the CaptureDecorator properties |
For more information about the decorator configuration, refer to CaptureDecorator.
Studio provides an easy way to capture messages while developing your configuration. The following image illustrates the capture points where you can log messages on a route:
In Studio, select ROUTES, and then select a route with the icon.
On the left side of the screen, select Capture, and then select capture options. You can capture the body and context of messages passing to and from the user agent, the protected application, and the Ping Identity Platform.
Select Deploy to push the route to the PingGateway configuration.
You can check the
folder to see that the route is there. -
Access the route, and then check
for a log file named by the route, where$HOME/.openig
is the instance directory. The log file should contain the messages defined by your capture configuration.
Limit repetitive log messages
To keep log files clean and readable, and to prevent log flow attacks, limit
the number of repeat log messages. Add a custom logback.xml
with a
. This filter detects duplicate messages,
and after the specified number of repetitions, drops repeated messages.
The following example allows 5 repetitions of a log message, and holds the last 10 repeated messages in the cache:
<turboFilter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.turbo.DuplicateMessageFilter" allowedRepetitions="5" CacheSize="10" />
The DuplicateMessageFilter has the following limitations:
Filters out all duplicate messages. It does not filter per logger, or logger instance, or logger name.
Detects repetition of raw messages, meaning that the following example messages are considered as repetition:
logger.debug("Hello {}.", name0); logger.debug("Hello {}.", name1);
Doesn’t limit the lifespan of the cache. After the specified number of repetitions is reached, the repeated log messages never appear again, even if they’re frequently hit.
Tune performance
Tune deployments in the following steps:
Consider the issues that impact the performance of a deployment. See Define requirements and constraints.
Tune and test the downstream servers and applications:
Tune the downstream web container and JVM to achieve performance targets.
Test downstream servers and applications in a pre-production environment, under the expected load, and with common use cases.
Increase hardware resources as required, and then re-tune the deployment.
Define requirements and constraints
When you consider performance requirements, bear in mind the following points:
The capabilities and limitations of downstream services or applications on your performance goals.
The increase in response time due to the extra network hop and processing, when PingGateway is inserted as a proxy in front of a service or application.
The constraint that downstream limitations and response times place on PingGateway.
Service level objectives
A service level objective (SLO) is a target that you can measure quantitatively. Where possible, define SLOs to set out what performance your users expect. Even if your first version of an SLO consists of guesses, it is a first step towards creating a clear set of measurable goals for your performance tuning.
When you define SLOs, bear in mind that PingGateway can depend on external resources that can impact performance, such as AM’s response time for token validation, policy evaluation, and so on. Consider measuring remote interactions to take dependencies into account.
Consider defining SLOs for the following metrics of a route:
Average response time for a route.
The response time is the time to process and forward a request, and then receive, process, and forward the response from the protected application.
The average response time can range from less than a millisecond, for a low latency connection on the same network, to however long it takes your network to deliver the response.
Distribution of response times for a route.
Because applications set timeouts based on worst case scenarios, the distribution of response times can be more important than the average response time.
Peak throughput.
The maximum rate at which requests can be processed at peak times. Because applications are limited by their peak throughput, this SLO is arguably more important than an SLO for average throughput.
Average throughput.
The average rate at which requests are processed.
Metrics are returned at the monitoring endpoints. For information about monitoring endpoints, refer to Monitoring. For examples of how to set up monitoring in PingGateway, refer to Monitor services.
Available resources
With your defined SLOs, inventory the server, networks, storage, people, and other resources. Estimate whether it is possible to meet the requirements, with the resources at hand.
Before you can improve the performance of your deployment, establish an accurate benchmark of its current performance. Consider creating a deployment scenario that you can control, measure, and reproduce.
For information about running Ping Identity Platform benchmark tests, refer to the ForgeOps documentation on benchmarks. Adapt the scenarios as necessary for your PingGateway deployment.
Tune PingGateway
Consider the following recommendations for improving performance, throughput, and response times. Adjust the tuning to your system workload and available resources, and then test suggestions before rolling them out into production.
Log messages in PingGateway and third-party dependencies are recorded using the Logback implementation of the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) API. By default, logging level is INFO.
To reduce the number of log messages, consider setting the logging level to
. For information, refer to Manage logs.
Buffering message content
PingGateway creates a TemporaryStorage object to buffer content during processing. For information about this object and its default values, refer to TemporaryStorage.
Messages bigger than the buffer size are written to disk, consuming I/O resources and reducing throughput.
The default size of the buffer is 64 KB. If the number of concurrent messages in your application is generally bigger than the default, consider allocating more heap memory or changing the initial or maximum size of the buffer.
To change the values, add a TemporaryStorage object named TemporaryStorage
and use non-default values.
When caches are enabled, PingGateway can reuse cached information without making additional or repeated queries for the information. This gives the advantage of higher system performance, but the disadvantage of lower trust in results.
When caches are disabled, PingGateway must query a data store each time it needs data. This gives the disadvantage of lower system performance, and the advantage of higher trust in results.
All caches provide similar configuration properties for timeout, defining the duration to cache entries. When the timeout is lower, the cache is evicted more frequently, and consequently, the performance is lower but the trust in results is higher.
When you configure caches in PingGateway, make choices to balance your required performance with your security needs.
Learn more about PingGateway caches in Caches.
WebSocket notifications
By default, PingGateway receives WebSocket notifications from AM for the following events:
When a user logs out of AM, or when the AM session is modified, closed, or times out. PingGateway can use WebSocket notifications to evict entries from the session cache. For an example of setting up session cache eviction, refer to Session cache eviction.
When AM creates, deletes, or changes a policy decision. PingGateway can use WebSocket notifications to evict entries from the policy cache. For an example of setting up policy cache eviction, refer to Notifications and the policy cache.
When PingGateway automatically renews a WebSocket connection to AM. To configure WebSocket renewal, refer to the
property of AmService.
If the WebSocket connection is lost, during that time the WebSocket is not connected, PingGateway behaves as follows:
Responds to session service calls with an empty SessionInfo result.
When the SingleSignOn filter recieves an empty SessionInfo call, it concludes that the user is not logged in, and triggers a login redirect.
Responds to policy evaluations with a deny policy result.
By default, PingGateway waits for five seconds before trying to re-establish the WebSocket connection. If it can’t re-establish the connection, it keeps trying every five seconds.
To disable WebSocket notifications, or change any of the parameters, configure
the notifications
property in AmService. For information, refer to
Tune the ClientHandler/ReverseProxyHandler
The ClientHandler/ReverseProxyHandler communicates as a client to a downstream third-party service or protected application. The performance of the communication is determined by the following parameters:
The number of available connections to the downstream service or application.
The connection timeout, which is the maximum time to connect to a server-side socket before timing out and abandoning the connection attempt.
The socket timeout, which is the maximum time a request can take before a response is received after which the request is deemed to have failed.
Configure PingGateway in conjunction with PingGateway’s first-class Vert.x
configuration, and the vertx
property of admin.json
For more information, refer to AdminHttpApplication (admin.json
Object | Vert.x Option | Description |
PingGateway (first-class) |
The number of deployed Vert.x Verticles. This setting is effectively the number of cores that PingGateway operates across, or in other words, the number of available threads. Each instance operates on the same port on its own event-loop thread. Default: Number of available cores. (This is the optimal value.) |
root.vertx |
The size of the pool available to service Verticles for event-loop threads. To guarantee that a single thread handles all I/O events for a single request or response, PingGateway deploys a Verticle onto each event loop. Configure Default: 2 * number of available cores. For more information, refer to Reactor and Multi-Reactor. |
root.connectors.<connector>.vertx |
The maximum number of connections to queue before refusing requests. Default: 1024 |
The TCP connection send buffer size. Set this property according to the available RAM and required number of concurrent connections. Default: Use the Java TCP send buffer size default settings that Java inherits from the operating system. |
The TCP receive buffer size. Set this property according to the available RAM and required number of concurrent connections. Default: Use the Java TCP receive buffer size default settings that Java inherits from the operating system. |
Set this property when HTTP headers manage large values (such as JWT). Default: 8 KB (8,192 bytes) |
Object | Vert.x Option | Description |
root.vertx |
The interval at which Vert.x checks for blocked threads and logs a warning. Default: 1 second |
The maximum execution time before Vert.x logs a warning. Default: 2 seconds |
The threshold at which warning logs are accompanied by a stack trace to identify cause. Default: 5 seconds |
Whether to log network activity. Default: |
Set the maximum number of file descriptors and processes per user
Each PingGateway instance in your environment should have access to at least 65,536 file descriptors to handle multiple client connections.
Ensure that every PingGateway instance is allocated enough file descriptors.
For example, use the ulimit -n
command to check the limits for a
particular user:
$ su - iguser
$ ulimit -n
It may also be necessary to increase the number of processes available to the user running the PingGateway processes.
For example, use the ulimit -u
command to check the process limits
for a user:
$ su - iguser
$ ulimit -u
Before increasing the file descriptors for the PingGateway instance, ensure that the total amount of file descriptors configured for the operating system is higher than 65,536. If the PingGateway instance uses all of the file descriptors, the operating system will run out of file descriptors. This may prevent other services from working, including those required for logging in the system. |
Refer to your operating system’s documentation for instructions on how to display and increase the file descriptors or process limits for the operating system and for a given user.
Tune PingGateway’s JVM
Start tuning the JVM with default values, and monitor the execution, paying particular attention to memory consumption, and GC collection time and frequency. Incrementally adjust the configuration, and retest to find the best settings for memory and garbage collection.
Make sure there is enough memory to accommodate the peak number of required connections, and make sure timeouts in PingGateway and its container support latency in downstream servers and applications.
PingGateway makes low memory demands, and consumes mostly YoungGen memory. However, using caches, or proxying large resources, increases the consumption of OldGen memory. For information about how to optimize JVM memory, refer to the Oracle documentation.
Consider these points when choosing a JVM:
Find out which version of the JVM is available. More recent JVMs usually contain performance improvements, especially for garbage collection.
Choose a 64-bit JVM if you need to maximize available memory.
Consider these points when choosing a GC:
Test GCs in realistic scenarios, and load them into a pre-production environment.
Choose a GC that is adapted to your requirements and limitations. Consider comparing the Garbage-First Collector (G1) and Parallel GC in typical business use cases.
The G1 is targeted for multi-processor environments with large memories. It provides good overall performance without the need for additional options. The G1 is designed to reduce garbage collection, through low-GC latency. It is largely self-tuning, with an adaptive optimization algorithm.
The Parallel GC aims to improve garbage collection by following a high-throughput strategy, but it requires more full garbage collections.
Learn more in Best practice for JVM Tuning with G1 GC.
Rotate keys
The following sections give an overview of how to manage rotation of encryption keys and signing keys, and include examples for key rotation based on use cases from the Gateway guide.
About key rotation
Key rotation is the process of generating a new version of a key, assigning that version as the active key to encrypt or sign new messages, or as a valid key to decrypt or validate messages, and then deprovisioning the old key.
Why and when to rotate keys
Regular key rotation is a security consideration that is sometimes required for internal business compliance. Regularly rotate keys to:
Limit the amount of data protected by a single key.
Reduce dependence on specific keys, making it easier to migrate to stronger algorithms.
Prepare for when a key is compromised. The first time you try key rotation shouldn’t be during a real-time recovery.
Key revocation is a type of key rotation, done exceptionally if you suspect that a key has been compromised. To decide when to revoke a key, consider the following points:
If limited use of the old keys can be tolerated, provision the new keys and then deprovision the old keys. Messages produced before the new keys are provisioned are impacted.
If use of the old keys cannot be tolerated, deprovision the old keys before you provision the new keys. The system is unusable until new keys are provisioned.
Steps for rotating symmetric keys
The following steps outline key rotation and revocation for symmetric keys managed by a KeyStoreSecretStore. For an example, refer to Rotate keys in a shared JWT session.
Using OpenSSL, Keytool, or another key creation mechanism, create the new symmetric key. The keystore should contain the old key and the new key.
Provision the new key.
In the
property of KeyStoreSecretStore, add the alias for the new key after the alias for the old key. The new key is now valid. Because the old key is the first key in the list, it is the active key. -
Move the new key to be the first key in the list. The new key is now the active key.
Deprovision the old key.
To ensure that no messages or users are impacted, wait until messages encrypted or signed with the old key are out of the system before you deprovision the old key.
In the
property of KeyStoreSecretStore, delete the alias for the old key. The old key can no longer be used. -
Using OpenSSL, Keytool, or another key creation mechanism, delete the old symmetric key.
Steps for rotating asymmetric keys
The following steps outline the process for key rotation and revocation for asymmetric keys managed by a KeyStoreSecretStore or HsmSecretStore. For an example, refer to Rotate keys for stateless access tokens signed with a KeyStoreSecretStore.
Create new asymmetric keys for signing and encryption, using OpenSSL, Keytool, or another key creation mechanism.
Provision the message consumer with the private portion of the new encryption key, and the public portion of the new signing key.
The message consumer can now decrypt and verify messages with the old key and the new key.
Provision the message producer, with the public portion of the new encryption key, and the private portion of the signing key. The message producer starts encrypting and signing messages with the new key, and stops using the old key.
Deprovision the message consumer with the private portion of the old encryption key, and the public portion of the old signing key. The message consumer can no longer decrypt and verify messages with the old key.
To ensure that no messages or users are impacted, wait until messages encrypted or signed with the corresponding old key are out of the system before you deprovision the old key.
Deprovision the message producer, with the public portion of the old encryption key, and the private portion of old signing key.
Key rotation for keys in a JWK set
When keys are provided by a JWK Set from AM, the key rotation is
transparent to PingGateway. AM generates a key ID (kid
) for each
key it exposes at the jwk_uri
. For more information, refer to
Mapping and rotating secrets in AM’s Security guide.
When PingGateway processes a request with a JWT containing a kid
PingGateway uses the kid
to identify the key in the JWK Set. If the kid
is available at the jwk_uri
on AM, PingGateway processes the request.
Otherwise, PingGateway tries all compatible secrets from the JWK Set. If
none of the secrets work, the JWT is rejected.
Rotate keys for stateless access tokens signed with a KeyStoreSecretStore
This example extends the example in Signed tokens with KeyStoreSecretStore to rotate the keys that sign an access token and verify the signature.
Before you start, set up and test the example in Signed tokens with KeyStoreSecretStore.
Set up the new keys:
Generate a new private key called
, and a corresponding public certificate calledx509certificate-new.pem
:$ openssl req -x509 \ -newkey rsa:2048 \ -nodes \ -subj "/" \ -keyout keystore_directory/signature-key-new.key \ -out keystore_directory/x509certificate-new.pem \ -days 365 ... writing new private key to 'keystore_directory/signature-key-new.key'
Convert the private key and certificate files into a new PKCS#12 keystore file:
$ openssl pkcs12 \ -export \ -in keystore_directory/x509certificate-new.pem \ -inkey keystore_directory/signature-key-new.key \ -out keystore_directory/keystore-new.p12 \ -passout pass:password \ -name signature-key-new
List the keys in the new keystore:
$ keytool -list \ -keystore "keystore_directory/keystore-new.p12" \ -storepass "password" \ -storetype PKCS12 ... Your keystore contains 1 entry Alias name: signature-key-new
Import the new keystore into
, so thatkeystore.p12
contains both keys:$ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore_directory/keystore-new.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass password -destkeystore keystore_directory/keystore.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12 -deststorepass password Entry for alias signature-key-new successfully imported ...
List the keys in
, to make sure it contains the new and old keys:$ keytool -list \ -keystore "keystore_directory/keystore.p12" \ -storepass "password" \ -storetype PKCS12 ... Your keystore contains 2 entries Alias name: signature-key Alias name: signature-key-new
Set up AM:
Copy the updated keystore to AM:
to AM:$ cp keystore_directory/keystore.p12 am_keystore_directory/AM_keystore.p12
List the keys in the updated AM keystore:
$ keytool -list \ -keystore "am_keystore_directory/AM_keystore.p12" \ -storepass "password" \ -storetype PKCS12 ... Your keystore contains 2 entries Alias name: signature-key Alias name: signature-key-new
Restart AM to update the keystore cache.
Update the KeyStoreSecretStore on AM:
In AM, select Secret Stores > keystoresecretstore.
Select the Mappings tab, and in .signing.RSA
add the aliassignature-key-new
.The mapping now contains two aliases, but the alias
is still the active alias. AM still usessignature-key
to sign tokens. -
.AM now uses
to sign tokens.
Set up PingGateway:
Set up PingGateway for HTTPS, as described in Configure PingGateway for TLS (server-side).
Import the public certificate to the PingGateway keystore, with the alias
:$ keytool -import \ -trustcacerts \ -rfc \ -alias verification-key-new \ -file "keystore_directory/x509certificate-new.pem" \ -keystore "ig_keystore_directory/IG_keystore.p12" \ -storetype PKCS12 \ -storepass "password" ... Trust this certificate? [no]: yes Certificate was added to keystore
List the keys in the PingGateway keystore:
$ keytool -list \ -keystore "ig_keystore_directory/IG_keystore.p12" \ -storepass "password" \ -storetype PKCS12 ... Your keystore contains 2 entries Alias name: verification-key Alias name: verification-key-new
, edit the KeyStoreSecretStore mapping with the new verification key:"mappings": [ { "secretId": "stateless.access.token.verification.key", "aliases": [ "verification-key", "verification-key-new" ] } ]
If the Router
is disabled, restart PingGateway to reload the route.PingGateway can now check the authenticity of access tokens signed with
, the old key, andverification-key-new
, the new key. However, AM signs with the old key.
Test the setup:
Get an access token for the demo user, using the scope
:$ mytoken=$(curl -s \ --user "client-application:password" \ --data "grant_type=password&username=demo&password=Ch4ng31t&scope=myscope" \ | jq -r ".access_token")
Display the token:
$ echo ${mytoken}
Access the route by providing the token returned in the previous step:
$ curl -v \ --cacert /path/to/secrets/ \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${mytoken}" \ ... Decoded access_token: { sub=demo, cts=OAUTH2_STATELESS_GRANT, ...
from the AM keystore:-
Delete the key from the keystore:
$ keytool -delete \ -keystore "am_keystore_directory/AM_keystore.p12" \ -storepass "password" \ -alias signature-key
List the keys in the AM keystore to make sure
is removed:$ keytool -list \ -keystore "am_keystore_directory/AM_keystore-new.p12" \ -storepass "password" \ -storetype PKCS12
Restart AM.
from the PingGateway keystore:-
Delete the key from the keystore:
$ keytool -delete \ -keystore "ig_keystore_directory/IG_keystore.p12" \ -storepass "password" \ -alias verification-key
List the keys in the PingGateway keystore to make sure that
is removed:$ keytool -list \ -keystore "ig_keystore_directory/IG_keystore.p12" \ -storepass "password" \ -storetype PKCS12
In AM, delete the mapping for
. -
In PingGateway, delete the mapping for
from the routers-stateless-signed-ksss.json
. If the RouterscanInterval
is disabled, restart PingGateway to reload the route.
Rotate keys in a shared JWT session
This section builds on the example in Share JWT session between multiple instances of PingGateway to rotate a key used in a shared JWT session.
When a JWT session is shared between multiple instances of PingGateway, the instances are able to share the session information for load balancing and failover.
Before you start, set up the example in Set up shared secrets for multiple instances of PingGateway, where three instances of PingGateway share a JwtSession and use the same authenticated encryption key. Instance 1 acts as a load balancer, and generates a session. Instances 2 and 3 access the session information.
Test the setup with the existing key,
Access instance 1 to generate a session:
$ curl -v GET /log-in-and-generate-session HTTP/1.1 ... HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 84 Set-Cookie: IG=eyJ...HyI; Path=/;; HttpOnly ... Sam Carter logged IN. (JWT session generated)
Using the JWT cookie returned in the previous step, access instance 2:
$ curl -v --header "cookie:IG=<JWT cookie>" GET /webapp/browsing?one HTTP/1.1 ... cookie: IG=eyJ...QHyI ... HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... Hello, Sam Carter !! (instance2)
Note that instance 2 can access the session info.
Using the JWT cookie again, access instance 3:
$ curl -v --header "Cookie:IG=<JWT cookie>" GET /webapp/browsing?two HTTP/1.1 ... cookie: IG=eyJ...QHyI ... HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... Hello, Sam Carter !! (instance3)
Note that instance 3 can access the session info.
Commission a new key:
Generate a new encryption key, called
, in the existing keystore:$ keytool \ -genseckey \ -alias symmetric-key-new -keystore /path/to/secrets/jwtsessionkeystore.pkcs12 \ -storepass password \ -storetype PKCS12 \ -keyalg HmacSHA512 \ -keysize 512
Make sure the keystore contains the old key and the new key:
$ keytool \ -list \ -keystore /path/to/secrets/jwtsessionkeystore.pkcs12 \ -storepass password \ -storetype PKCS12 ... Your keystore contains 2 entries symmetric-key, ... symmetric-key-new ...
Add the key alias to
, andinstance3-retrieve-session-username.json
, for each PingGateway instance, as follows:"mappings": [{ "secretId": "", "aliases": ["symmetric-key", "symmetric-key-new"] }]
If the Router
is disabled, restart PingGateway to reload the route.The active key is
, and the valid key issymmetric-key-new
. -
Test the setup again, as described in step 1, and make sure instances 2 and 3 can still access the session information.
Make the new key the active key for generating sessions:
, change the order of the keys to makesymmetric-key-new
the active key, andsymmetric-key
the valid key:"mappings": [{ "secretId": "", "aliases": ["symmetric-key-new", "symmetric-key"] }]
Don’t change
. -
Test the setup again, as described in step 1, and make sure instances 2 and 3 can still access the session information.
Instance 1 creates the session using the new active key,
is declared as a valid key in instances 2 and 3, the instances can still access the session. It isn’t necessary to makesymmetric-key-new
the active key.
Decommission the old key:
Remove the old key from all of the routes, as follows:
"mappings": [{ "secretId": "", "aliases": ["symmetric-key-new"] }]
is the only key in the routes. -
Remove the old key,
, from the keystore:-
:$ keytool \ -delete \ -alias symmetric-key \ -keystore /path/to/secrets/jwtsessionkeystore.pkcs12 \ -storepass password \ -storetype PKCS12 \ -keypass password
Make sure the keystore contains only
:$ keytool \ -list \ -keystore /path/to/secrets/jwtsessionkeystore.pkcs12 \ -storepass password \ -storetype PKCS12 ... Your keystore contains 1 entry symmetric-key-new ...
Test the setup again, as described in step 1, and make sure instances 2 and 3 can still access the session information.
ForgeRock provides support services, professional services, training through ForgeRock University, and partner services to help you set up and maintain your deployments.
Getting support
Ping Identity provides support services, professional services, training, and partner services to assist you in setting up and maintaining your deployments. For a general overview of these services, see
Ping Identity has staff members around the globe who support our international customers and partners. For details on Ping Identity’s support offering, visit
Ping Identity publishes comprehensive documentation online:
The Ping Identity Knowledge Base offers a large and increasing number of up-to-date, practical articles that help you deploy and manage Ping Identity Platform software.
While many articles are visible to everyone, Ping Identity customers have access to much more, including advanced information for customers using Ping Identity Platform software in a mission-critical capacity.
Ping Identity product documentation, such as this document, aims to be technically accurate and complete with respect to the software documented. It is visible to everyone and covers all product features and examples of how to use them.
Getting info about the problem
When trying to solve a problem, save time by asking the following questions:
How do you reproduce the problem?
What behavior do you expect, and what behavior do you have?
When did the problem start occurring?
Are their circumstances in which the problem does not occur?
Is the problem permanent, intermittent, getting better, getting worse, or staying the same?
If you contact ForgeRock for help, include the following information with your request:
The product version and build information. This information is included in the logs when PingGateway starts up. If PingGateway is running in development mode, and set up as described in the Quick install, access the information at or
Description of the problem, including when the problem occurs and its impact on your operation.
Steps you took to reproduce the problem.
Relevant access and error logs, stack traces, and core dumps.
Description of the environment, including the following information:
Machine type
Operating system and version
Web server or container and version
Java version
Patches or other software that might affect the problem
Start up
After a first startup, PingGateway doesn’t restart or load routes.
If PingGateway doesn’t restart or load routes after a first startup, search
for lines containing Error while starting…
or Unable to start …
and use the error message to debug the issue.
PID file already exists
If PingGateway shuts down without using the
or stop.bat
script, the PID file isn’t removed and PingGateway can’t restart.
This can happen when you use the PingGateway service to stop or restart
PingGateway, or when PingGateway is deployed in Docker.
Remove the PID file or change the configuration as described in Allow startup when there is an existing PID file.
Requests redirected to AM instead of to the resource
By default, AM 5 and later writes cookies to the fully qualified
domain name of the server; for example,
. Therefore, a
host-based cookie, rather than a domain-based cookie, is set.
Consequently, after authentication through PingAM, requests can be redirected to PingAM instead of to the resource.
To resolve this issue, add a cookie domain to the PingAM configuration. For
example, in the AM admin UI, go to
Configure > Global Services > Platform, and add the
Sample application not displayed correctly
When the sample application is used with PingGateway in the documentation examples, the sample application must serve static resources, such as the .css. Add the following route to the PingGateway configuration:
"name" : "00-static-resources",
"baseURI" : "",
"condition": "${find(request.uri.path,'^/css') or matchesWithRegex(request.uri.path, '^/.*\\\\.ico$') or matchesWithRegex(request.uri.path, '^/.*\\\\.gif$')}",
"handler": "ReverseProxyHandler"
StaticResponseHandler results in a blank page
Define an entity for the response, as in the following example:
"name": "AccessDeniedHandler",
"type": "StaticResponseHandler",
"config": {
"status": 403,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": [ "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ]
"entity": "<html><body><p>User does not have permission</p></body></html>"
No handler to dispatch to
- Symptom
The following errors are in
:... | ERROR | main | o.f.o.h.r.RouterHandler | no handler to dispatch to
08:22:54:974 | ERROR | http-... | o.f.o.h.DispatchHandler | no handler to dispatch to for URI ''
- Cause
PingGateway is not configured to handle the incoming request or the request to the specified URI:
"no handler to dispatch to": the router cannot find a route that accepts the incoming request. This error happens when none of the route conditions match the incoming request and there is no default route.
"no handler to dispatch to for URI": the router cannot find a route that can handle the request to the specified URI because none of the route conditions match the request path (URI).
- Solution
If the errors occur during the startup, they are safe to ignore. If the errors occur after the startup, do the following:
Identify why the request matched none of the Route conditions, and adapt the conditions. For examples, refer to Example conditions and requests.
Add a default handler to the Router.
Add a default route for when no condition is met.
Object not found in heap
If you have the following error, you have specified "handler": "Router2"
or in the route, but no handler configuration object
named Router2 exists:
org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValueException: /handler:
object Router2 not found in heap
at org.forgerock.openig.heap.HeapImpl.resolve(
at org.forgerock.openig.heap.HeapImpl.resolve(
at org.forgerock.openig.heap.HeapImpl.getHandler(
Make sure you have added an entry for the handler, and that you have correctly spelled its name.
Extra or missing character / invalid JSON
When the JSON for a route is not valid, PingGateway does not load the route. Instead, a description of the error appears in the log.
Use a JSON editor or JSON validation tool such as JSONLint to make sure your JSON is valid.
Route not used
PingGateway loads all configurations at startup, and, by default, periodically reloads changed route configurations.
If you make changes to a route that result in an invalid configuration, PingGateway logs errors, but it keeps the previous, correct configuration, and continues to use the old route.
PingGateway only uses the new configuration after you save a valid version or when you restart PingGateway.
Of course, if you restart PingGateway with an invalid route configuration,
then PingGateway tries to load the invalid route at startup and logs an error.
In that case, if there is no default handler to accept any incoming request for
the invalid route, then you have an error, No handler to dispatch to
Skipped routes
PingGateway returns an exception if it loads a route for which it can’t resolve a requirement. For example, when you load a route that uses an AmService object, the object must be available in the AM configuration.
If you add routes to a configuration when the environment is not ready, rename the route to prevent PingGateway from loading it. For example, rename a route as follows:
$ mv $HOME/.openig/config/routes/03-sql.json $HOME/.openig/config/routes/03-sql.inactive
If necessary, restart PingGateway to reload the configuration. When you have
configured the environment, change the file extension back to .json
Can’t deploy routes in Studio
Studio deploys and undeploys routes through a main router named _router
which is the name of the main router in the default configuration. If you use a
custom config.json
, make sure it contains a main router named _router
For information about creating routes in Studio, refer to the Studio guide.
Timeout errors
Log is flushed with timeout exception warnings on sending a request
Problem: After a request is sent to PingGateway, PingGateway seems to hang. An HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error is produced, and the PingGateway log is flushed with SocketTimeoutException warnings.
Possible cause: The baseURI
configuration is missing or causes the request
to return to PingGateway, so PingGateway can’t produce a response to the
Possible solution: Configure the baseURI
to use a different host and port
to PingGateway.
Other problems
Incorrect values in the flat files
Make sure the user running PingGateway can read the flat file. Remember that values include spaces and tabs between the separator, so make sure the values are not padded with spaces.
Problem accessing URLs
The following error can be encountered when using an AssignmentFilter
described in AssignmentFilter and
setting a string value for one of the headers.
Problem accessing /myURL . Reason:
java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List
Caused by:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List
All headers are stored in lists so the header must be addressed with a
subscript. For example, rather than trying to set request.headers['Location']
for a redirect in the response object, you should instead set
. A header without a subscript leads to the
error above.
URI Too Long error
When a request is longer than 4096 bytes, it can cause an HTTP 414 URI Too Long response.
The default limit for request length is set by the Vert.x configuration
. This default acts on the connectors
of admin.json.
When working with requests constructed with parameters and query
strings, such as for SAML or token transformation, where the request can become long consider setting the
Vert.x property getMaxInitialLineLength
to increase the limit.
The following example configuration in admin.json
increases the
request length limit to 9999 bytes:
"connectors": [
"vertx": {
"maxInitialLineLength": 9999,
"Ignored" message logged
The following log message indicates that the client or server side has disconnected and PingGateway has ignored the event.
[vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] DEBUG ... @system - Connection error. Ignored. [CONTINUED]java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException: null
This type of error occurs when a network component closes the connection. This can occur when:
A load balancer or firewall terminates or times out connections
Third-party network changes prevent successful connections
Increase logging to provide more information, as described in Manage logs.