PingGateway 2024.9


The root object for request context information.

Contexts is a map of available contexts that implement the Context interface. The contexts map is populated dynamically when creating bindings to evaluate expressions and scripts.

If a context type appears multiple times in the chain of contexts, only the last value of the context is exposed in the contexts map. For example, if a route contains two JwtBuilderFilters each providing data in the JwtBuilderContext, only data from the last processed JwtBuilderFilter is contained in ${contexts.jwtBuilder}. Data from the first processed JwtBuilderFilter can be accessed by scripts and extensions through the Context API. The following example script accesses data from the first processed JwtBuilderFilter:

Context second = context.get("jwtBuilder")
     .flatMap(ctx -> ctx.get("jwtBuilder"))

The map keys are strings and the values are context objects. All context objects use their version of the following properties:

"context-Name": string

Context name.

"context-ID": string

Read-only string uniquely identifying the context object.

"context-rootContext": boolean

True if the context object is a RootContext (has no parent).

"context-Parent": Context object

Parent of this context object.

Contexts provide contextual information to downstream filters and handlers about a handled request. The context can include information about the client making the request, the session, the authentication or authorization identity of the user, and any other state information associated with the request.

Contexts provide a way to access state information throughout the duration of the HTTP session between the client and protected application. Interaction with additional services can also be captured in the context.

Filters can enrich existing contexts (store objects in sessions or attributes) or provide new contexts tailored for a purpose. The list of available contexts is dynamic and depends on which filters have been executed when a context is queried. For example, a context can be queried by a script, at startup, or at runtime.

Unlike session information, which spans multiple request/response exchanges, contexts last only for the duration of the request/response exchange and are then lost.

Summary of contexts

Type Accessible at Populated by Contains

contexts.attributes.attributes and attributes

PingGateway core, when a request enters PingGateway

Map of request attributes for use by filters at different positions in the chain


Indication to the FragmentFilter and DataPreservationFilter that a login redirect is pending


Decrypted AM password of the current user


CDSSO token properties, session user ID, full claims set


Information about errors occurring during CDSSO authentication


PingGateway core, when a request enters PingGateway

Information about the client sending the request and the client certificate when using mTLS


Map of keys and values extracted with a FileAttributesFilter


Information and claims for an identity request JWT issued by PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud to PingGateway


AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter when loginHandler is specified.

The original target URI for a request received by PingGateway


Built JWT as string, JsonValue, or map


Properties of a JWT after validation


Properties of a JWT after validation fails


Properties of an OAuth 2.0 access token after validation


OAuth 2.0 authorization operation error and error description


Issued token and its scopes


A PingOne Protect risk evaluation result for an incoming request


Attributes and advices returned by AM policy decisions


PingGateway core, when a request enters PingGateway

Information about stateful and stateless sessions


AM session information and properties


Map of keys and values extracted with an SqlAttributesFilter


SSO tokens and their validation information


Result of a token transformation


PingGateway core, when a request enters PingGateway

ForgeRock transaction ID of a request


PingGateway core, when a request traverses a route

Routing information associated with a request


User profile information

PingGateway uses these contexts:

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