PingGateway 2024.9


Provides OAuth 2.0 access tokens. When the OAuth2ResourceServerFilter processes a request, it injects the access token into this context.


The context name is oauth2, and is accessible at ${contexts.oauth2}. The context has the following properties:

"accessToken": org.forgerock.http.oauth2.AccessTokenInfo

The AccessTokenInfo is built from the following properties:

"info": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String,Object>, where

  • Key: Claim name

  • Value: Claim value in raw JSON

"token": java.lang.String

Access token identifier issued from the Authorization Server.

"scopes": java.util.Set

A set scopes associated to this token, with the format Set<String>.

"expiresAt": java.lang.Long

Timestamp of when the token expires, in milliseconds since epoch.

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