PingGateway 2024.9

System properties

PingGateway supports the following reserved system properties. The names have special meanings in PingGateway. Use them only for their stated purpose:

ig.instance.dir, IG_INSTANCE_DIR

The full path to the directory containing configuration and data for the PingGateway instance.

Default: Linux, $HOME/.openig; Windows, %appdata%\OpenIG

For information about how to use a different location, refer to Configuration location.


When this property is true, PingGateway trusts all incoming X-ForgeRock-TransactionId headers. Monitoring and reporting systems consuming the logs can correlate requests as they traverse multiple servers.

Default: false


When this property is true, PingGateway ignores form encoding errors caused by invalid characters and uses encoded values instead.

Default: false


The maximum size in bytes to which a compressed JWT can be decompressed.

Default: 32 KBytes


When this property is true and the following conditions are met, PingGateway signs JWTs with a deterministic Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA):

  • ECDSA is used for signing

  • Bouncy Castle is installed

Default: true

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