PingGateway 2024.9


Uses OAuth 2.0 delegated authorization to authenticate end users. The filter can act as an OpenID Connect relying party or as an OAuth 2.0 client.

AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter performs the following tasks:

  • Allows the user to select an Authorization Server from one or more static client registrations or by discovery and dynamic registration.

    In static client registration, Authorization Servers are provided by Issuer, and registrations are provided by ClientRegistration.

  • Redirects the user through the authentication and authorization steps of an OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant, which results in the Authorization Server returning an access token to the filter.

  • When an authorization grant succeeds, injects the access token data into a configurable target in the context so that subsequent filters and handlers can access the access token. Subsequent requests can use the access token without authenticating again.

  • When an authorization grant fails, the filter injects information about the failure into the OAuth2FailureContext, which is provided to the failureHandler object.

Service URIs

Service URIs are constructed from the clientEndpoint, as follows:


Discover and register dynamically with the end user’s OpenID Provider or with the client registration endpoint as described in RFC 7591, using the value of user-input.

After successful registration, redirect the end user to the provider for authentication and authorization consent. Then redirect the user agent back to the callback client endpoint, and then the goto URI.

The goto URL must use the same scheme, host, and port as the original URI, or be a relative URI (just the path). Otherwise, the request fails with an error.

To redirect a request to a site that does not meet the goto URL criteria, change the original URI by using a ForwardedRequestFilter.


Redirect the end user for authorization with a registration defined by the ClientRegistration properties clientId and issuerName.

The provider corresponding to the registration then authenticates the end user and obtains authorization consent before redirecting the user agent back to the callback client endpoint.

If successful, the filter saves the authorization state in the session and redirects the user agent to the goto URL.

The goto URL must use the same scheme, host, and port as the original URI, or be a relative URI (just the path). Otherwise, the request fails with an error.

To redirect a request to a site that does not meet the goto URL criteria, change the original URI by using a ForwardedRequestFilter.


Remove the authorization state for the end user, and redirect the request to the goto URL.

The goto URL must use the same scheme, host, and port as the original URI, or be a relative URI (just the path). Otherwise, the request fails with an error.

To redirect a request to a site that does not meet the goto URL criteria, change the original URI by using a ForwardedRequestFilter.

If no goto URL is specified in the request, use defaultLogoutGoto.


Handle the callback from the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server occuring as part of the authorization process.

If the callback is handled successfully, the filter saves the authorization state in the context at the specified target location and redirects to the URL provided to the login endpoint during login.

Other request URIs

Restore the authorization state in the specified target location, and call the next filter or handler in the chain.


  "name": string,
  "type": "AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter",
  "config": {
    "clientEndpoint": runtime expression<uri string>,
    "failureHandler": Handler reference,
    "loginHandler": Handler reference,
    "registrations": [ ClientRegistration reference, ... ],
    "metadata": object,
    "cacheExpiration": configuration expression<duration>,
    "executor": ScheduledExecutorService reference,
    "target": lvalue-expression,
    "defaultLoginGoto": runtime expression<url>,
    "defaultLogoutGoto": runtime expression<url>,
    "requireHttps": configuration expression<boolean>,
    "requireLogin": configuration expression<boolean>,
    "revokeOauth2TokenOnLogout": configuration expression<boolean>,
    "openIdEndSessionOnLogout": configuration expression<boolean>,
    "prompt": configuration expression<string>,
    "issuerRepository": Issuer repository reference,
    "discoveryHandler": Handler reference,
    "discoverySecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>,
    "tokenEndpointAuthMethod": configuration expression<enumeration>,
    "tokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg": configuration expression<string>,
    "oAuth2SessionKey": configuration expression<string>,
    "secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference


"clientEndpoint": runtime expression<url>, required

The URI to the client endpoint.

So that routes can accept redirects from the Authorization Server to the callback endpoint, the clientEndpoint must be the same as the route condition or a sub path of the route condition. For example:

  • The same as the route condition:

    "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/discovery')}"
    "clientEndpoint": "/discovery"
  • As a sub path of the route condition:

    "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/home/id_token')}"
    "clientEndpoint": "/home/id_token/sub-path"

    Service URIs are constructed from the clientEndpoint. For example, when clientEndpoint is openid, the service URIs are /openid/login, /openid/logout, and /openid/callback. These endpoints are implicitly reserved, and attempts to access them directly can cause undefined errors.

    The result of the expression must be a string that represents a valid URI, but is not a real object. For example, it would be incorrect to use ${request.uri}, which is not a String but a MutableUri.

    See also Expressions.

"failureHandler": Handler reference, required

An inline handler configuration object, or the name of a handler object defined in the heap.

When the OAuth 2.0 Resource Server denies access to a resource, the failure handler can be invoked only if the error response contains a WWW-Authenticate header (meaning that there was a problem with the OAuth 2.0 exchange). All other responses are forwarded to the user agent without invoking the failure handler.

If the value of the WWW-Authenticate header is invalid_token, the AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter tries to refresh the access token:

  • If the token is refreshed, the AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter tries again to access the protected resource.

  • If the token is not refreshed, or if the second attempt to access the protected resource fails, the AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter invokes the failure handler.

Consider configuring the handler to access information in OAuth2FailureContext.

"loginHandler": Handler reference, required if there are zero or multiple client registrations, optional if there is one client registration

The handler to invoke when the user must select a registered identity provider for login. When registrations contains only one client registration, this handler is optional but is displayed if specified.

Provide the name of a Handler object defined in the heap or an inline handler configuration object.

When you use loginHandler in AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter, retrieve the original target URI for the request from one of the following contexts:

"registrations": array of ClientRegistration references optional

List of client registrations to authenticate PingGateway to the Authorization Server.

The value represents a static client registration with an Authorization Server, as described in ClientRegistration.

"metadata": <object>, required for dynamic client registration and ignored otherwise

The values of the object are evaluated as configuration expression<strings>.

This object holds client metadata as described in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0, and optionally a list of scopes. See that document for additional details and a full list of fields.

This object can also hold client metadata as described in RFC 7591, OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol. See that RFC for additional details.

The following partial list of metadata fields is not exhaustive, but includes metadata that is useful with AM as OpenID Provider:

"redirect_uris": array of configuration expression<url>, required

The array of redirection URIs to use when dynamically registering this client.

One of the registered values must match the clientEndpoint.

"client_name": configuration expression<string>, optional

Name of the client to present to the end user.

"scope": _configuration expression<string>, optional

Space-separated string of scopes to request of the OpenID Provider, for example:

"scope": "openid profile"

This property is available for dynamic client registration with AM, or with Authorization Servers that support RFC 7591, OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol

"cacheExpiration": configuration expression<duration>, optional

Duration for which to cache user-info resources.

PingGateway lazily fetches user info from the OpenID provider. In other words, PingGateway only fetches the information when a downstream Filter or Handler uses the user info. Caching allows PingGateway to avoid repeated calls to OpenID providers when reusing the information over a short period.

Default: 10 minutes

Set this to disabled or zero to disable caching. When caching is disabled, user info is still lazily fetched.

"executor": ScheduledExecutorService reference, optional

A ScheduledExecutorService to schedule the execution of tasks, such as the eviction of entries in the OpenID Connect user information cache.

Default: ScheduledExecutorService

"target": lvalue-expression, optional

An expression that yields the target object. Downstream filters and handlers can use data in the target to enrich the existing request or create a new request.

When the target is openid, the following information can be provided in ${attributes.openid}:

  • access_token: Value of the OAuth 2.0 access token

  • scope: Scopes associated with the OAuth 2.0 access token

  • token_type: Authentication token type; for example, Bearer

  • expires_in: Number of milliseconds until the OAuth 2.0 access token expires

  • id_token: Value of the OpenID Connect token

  • id_token_claims: Claims used in the OpenID Connect token

  • client_endpoint: URL to the client endpoint

  • client_registration: Client ID of the OAuth 2.0 client that enables PingGateway to communicate as an OAuth 2.0 client with an authorization server

  • user_info: Profile attributes of an authenticated user; for example, sub, name, family_name

Data is provided to the target as follows:

  • If the authorization process completes successfully, the AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter injects the authorization state data into the target. In the following example, a downstream StaticRequestFilter retrieves the username and password from the target to log the user in to the sample application.

      "type": "StaticRequestFilter",
      "config": {
        "method": "POST",
        "uri": "",
        "form": {
          "username": [
           "password": [

    For information about setting up this example, refer to Authenticate automatically to the sample application.

  • If the failure handler is invoked, the target can be populated with information such as the exception, client registration, and error, as described in "failureHandler" in this reference page.

    Default: ${attributes.openid}

    See also Expressions.

"defaultLoginGoto": runtime expression<url>,optional

After successful authentication and authorization, if the user accesses the clientEndpoint/login endpoint without providing a landing page URL in the goto parameter, the request is redirected to this URI.

The goto URL must use the same scheme, host, and port as the original URI, or be a relative URI (just the path). Otherwise, the request fails with an error.

To redirect a request to a site that does not meet the goto URL criteria, change the original URI by using a ForwardedRequestFilter.

The result of the expression must be a string that represents a valid URI, but is not a real object. For example, it would be incorrect to use ${request.uri}, which is not a String but a MutableUri.

Default: return an empty page.

"defaultLogoutGoto": runtime expression<url>,optional

If the user accesses the clientEndpoint/logout endpoint without providing a goto URL, the request is redirected to this URI.

The goto URL must use the same scheme, host, and port as the original URI, or be a relative URI (just the path). Otherwise, the request fails with an error.

To redirect a request to a site that does not meet the goto URL criteria, change the original URI by using a ForwardedRequestFilter.

The result of the expression must be a string that represents a valid URI, but is not a real object. For example, it would be incorrect to use ${request.uri}, which is not a String but a MutableUri.

Default: return an empty page.

"requireHttps": configuration expression<boolean>, optional

Whether to require that original target URI of the request uses the HTTPS scheme.

If the received request doesn’t use HTTPS, it is rejected.

Default: true.

"requireLogin": configuration expression<boolean>, optional

Whether to require authentication for all incoming requests.

Default: true.

"revokeOauth2TokenOnLogout": configuration expression<boolean>, optional

When true, call the revocationEndpoint defined in Issuer to revoke the access token or refresh token issued by the Authorization Server during login.

If this property is false or if revocationEndpoint in Issuer isn’t defined, PingGateway doesn’t revoke the tokens.

Processing errors generate warnings in the logs but don’t break the logout flow.

Default: false.

"openIdEndSessionOnLogout": configuration expression<boolean>, optional

When true, redirect the user to the endSessionEndpoint defined in Issuer to log the user out of the Authorization Server. Use this properties to initiate logout from an OpenID Connect resource provider.

If this property is false or if endSessionEndpoint in Issuer isn’t defined, PingGateway doesn’t redirect the user to log the user out of the authorization server.

If the user accesses the endSessionEndpoint endpoint without providing a goto URL, PingGateway redirects the request to the defaultLogoutGoto.

For more information, refer to OpenID Connect Session Management.

Default: false

"prompt": configuration expression<string>, optional

A space-separated, case-sensitive list of strings that indicate whether to prompt the end user for authentication and consent. Use in OIDC flows only.

Refer to the Authorization Server documentation for information about supported prompt values. For example, refer to prompt in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud’s OAuth 2.0 guide or prompt in AM’s OAuth 2.0 guide.

PingGateway provides the following values:

  • none: Don’t display authentication or consent pages. Don’t use this value in the same list as login, consent, or select_account.

  • login: Prompt the end user to reauthenticate even if they have a valid session on the Authorization Server.

  • consent: Prompt the end user to consent before returning information to the Client, even if they have already consented in the session.

  • select_account: Prompt the end user to select a user account.

Example: Prompt the end user to reauthenticate
"prompt": "login"
Example: Prompt the end user to reauthenticate and consent
"prompt": "login consent"
"issuerRepository": Issuer repository reference, optional

A repository of OAuth 2.0 issuers, built from discovered issuers and the PingGateway configuration.

Provide the name of an IssuerRepository object defined in the heap.

Default: Look up an issuer repository named IssuerRepository in the heap. If none is explicitly defined, then a default one named IssuerRepository is created in the current route.

Refer to IssuerRepository.

"discoveryHandler": Handler reference, optional

Use this property for discovery and dynamic registration of OpenID Connect clients.

Provide either the name of a Handler object defined in the heap or an inline Handler configuration object. Usually, set this to the name of a ClientHandler configured in the heap or a chain that ends in a ClientHandler.

Default: The default ClientHandler.

Refer to Handlers, ClientHandler.

"discoverySecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>, required for discovery and dynamic registration

Use this property for discovery and dynamic registration of OAuth 2.0 clients.

This secret ID must point to a CryptoKey.

Specifies the secret ID of the secret used to sign a JWT before the JWT is sent to the Authorization Server.

If discoverySecretId is used, then the tokenEndpointAuthMethod is always private_key_jwt.

"tokenEndpointAuthMethod": configuration expression<enumeration>, optional

Use this property for discovery and dynamic registration of OAuth 2.0 clients.

The authentication method with which a client authenticates to the authorization server or OpenID provider at the token endpoint. For information about client authentication methods, refer to OpenID Client Authentication. The following client authentication methods are allowed:

  • client_secret_basic: Clients that have received a client_secret value from the Authorization Server authenticate with the Authorization Server by using HTTP basic access authentication, as in the following example:

    POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic ....
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • client_secret_post: Clients that have received a client_secret value from the Authorization Server authenticate with the Authorization Server by including the client credentials in the request body, as in the following example:

    POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • private_key_jwt: Clients send a signed JSON Web Token (JWT) to the Authorization Server. PingGateway builds and signs the JWT, and prepares the request as in the following example:

    POST /token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    client_assertion=PHNhbWxwOl ... ZT

    If the Authorization Server doesn’t support private_key_jwt, a dynamic registration falls back on the method returned by the Authorization Server, for example, client_secret_basic or client_secret_post.

    If tokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg is not configured, the RS256 signing algorithm is used for private_key_jwt.

    Consider these points for identity providers:

    • Some providers accept more than one authentication method.

    • If a provider strictly enforces how the client must authenticate, align the authentication method with the provider.

    • If a provider doesn’t support the authentication method, the provider sends an HTTP 400 Bad Request response with an invalid_client error message, according to RFC 6749: Error Response.

    • If the authentication method is invalid, the provider sends an IllegalArgumentException.

Default: If discoverySecretId is used, then the tokenEndpointAuthMethod is always private_key_jwt. Otherwise, it is client_secret_basic.

"tokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg": configuration expression<string>, optional

The JSON Web Algorithm (JWA) used to sign the JWT that is used to authenticate the client at the token endpoint. The property is used when private_key_jwt is used for authentication.

If the Authorization Server sends a notification to use a different algorithm to sign the JWT, that algorithm is used.

Default: If discoverySecretId is used, then the tokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg is RS256. Otherwise, it is not used.

"oAuth2SessionKey": configuration expression<string>, optional

A key to identify an OAuth 2.0 session. The key can be any character string.

To share the same OAuth 2.O session when a user accesses different applications protected by PingGateway, use the same key in each filter.

Default: The complete client endpoint URI. AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilters do not share OAuth 2.O sessions.

"secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference, required if discoverySecretId is used

The SecretsProvider to query for passwords and cryptographic keys.

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