IG 7.1.2


Manage a store of secrets held in files, specified as follows:

  • Each file must contain only one secret.

  • The file must be in the directory specified by the property directory.

  • The filename must match the mappings property secretId.

  • The file content must match the mappings property format. For example, if the mapping specifies BASE64, the file content must be base64-encoded.

Secrets are read lazily from the filesystem.

For a description of how secrets are managed, see About Secrets.


  "name": string,
  "type": "FileSystemSecretStore",
  "config": {
    "directory": configuration expression<string>,
    "format": configuration expression<enumeration>,
    "suffix": configuration expression<string>,
    "mappings": [ configuration object, ... ],
    "leaseExpiry": configuration expression<duration>


"directory": configuration expression<string>, required

File path to a directory containing secret files. This object checks the specified directory, but not its subdirectories.

"format": configuration expression<enumeration>, optional

Format in which the secret is stored. Use one of the following values:

  • BASE64: Base64-encoded

  • PLAIN: Plain text

Default: BASE64

"suffix": configuration expression<string>, optional

File suffix.

When set, the FileSystemSecretStore will append that suffix to the secret ID and try to find a file with the mapped name.

Default: None

"mappings": array of objects, optional

One or more mappings to define a secret:

secretId: configuration expression<secret-id>, required

The ID of the secret used in your configuration.

format: SecretPropertyFormat reference, required

The format and algorithm of the secret. Use SecretKeyPropertyFormat or PemPropertyFormat.

"leaseExpiry": configuration expression<duration>, optional

The amount of time that secrets produced by this store can be cached before they must be refreshed.

If the duration is zero or unlimited, IG issues a warning, and uses the default value.

Default: 5 minutes

Log Level

To facilitate debugging secrets for the FileSystemSecretStore, in logback.xml add a logger defined by the fully qualified package name of the property resolver. The following line in logback.xml sets the log level to ALL:

<logger name="org.forgerock.secrets.propertyresolver" level="ALL">


The example in Pass Runtime Data in a JWT Signed With a PEM uses a FileSystemSecretStore to manage a private key as PEM file. The PEM file is generated in the directory /path/to/secrets, with the filename id.key.for.signing.jwt. The properties of the FileSystemSecretStore in the route refer to the PEM file.

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