Web Agents 2023.11

Configure Apache or IBM HTTP Web Agent

The examples in this section are for Apache agent on Linux, but you can adapt them to your configuration.

IBM HTTP server 9 supports Apache directives; IBM HTTP server 8,5 does not.

AmAgent directive to switch the agent on or off

Switch the agent on or off globally or independently for different server locations. Server locations include the global environment, a virtual host, a specific location, or a set of directory blocks. Use the following settings:

AmAgent On

The agent protects server locations. It allows or denies requests based on AM policy configuration and not-enforced rules.

AmAgent Off

Apache or IBM HTTP server protects server locations; the agent plays no part in protecting the server locations.

Default: AmAgent is set to On at a global level in the httpd.conf configuration file as follows:

AmAgent On
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off

The AmAgent configuration is hierarchical; when it is On or Off globally it is set for all server locations except those explicitly specified otherwise.

Consider setting AmAgent to Off for the following situations:

  • For server locations that need no AM authentication or policy, such as the public face of a website, or /css or /images directories.

  • When Apache or IBM HTTP server is acting as a reverse proxy to AM or Identity Cloud, and you don’t want the agent to take part in protecting AM or Identity Cloud.

Example where AmAgent is On globally and Off for specific directories

In the following example httpd.conf, the agent is On globally and Off for the /var/www/transaction directory:

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/transaction>
    AmAgent Off
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

AmAgent On
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off
Accessing a resource in /var/www/

The agent protects the resource, and overrides the Require all granted directive.

To access the resource, the request must match a not-enforced rule in the agent configuration or be allowed by an AM policy evaluation.

Accessing a resource in /var/www/transaction

Apache or IBM HTTP server manages the access and applies the Require all granted directive. The agent plays no part in protecting the resource.

AmAgent is Off globally and On for specific server locations

When AmAgent configuration is Off, configure the server location /agent as On. This allows AM to redirect requests to the /agent endpoint after authentication.

In the following example httpd.conf, the agent is Off globally but On for the /var/www/transaction and /agent locations:

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/transaction>
    AmAgent On
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Location /agent>
    AmAgent On

AmAgent Off
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off
Accessing a resource in /var/www/

Apache or IBM HTTP server manages the access and applies the Require all granted directive.The agent plays no part in protecting the resource.

Accessing a resource in /var/www/transaction

The agent protects the resource, and overrides the Require all granted directive.

To access the resource, the request must match a not-enforced rule in the agent configuration or be allowed by an AM policy evaluation.

AmAuthProvider directive to use Apache as the enforcement point

When AmAgent is On, combine AM policy with Apache Require directives to control access globally or independently for different server locations. Server locations include the global environment, a virtual host, a specific location, or a set of directory blocks.

Using multiple authorization sources increases complexity. To reduce the risk of an invalid security configuration, test and validate the directives.

Use the following settings:

AmAuthProvider Off

The agent acts as the enforcement point, allowing or denying requests based on not-enforced rules and AM policies.

AmAuthProvider On

Apache or IBM HTTP server acts as the enforcement point, allowing or denying requests based on AM policy and Apache Require directives

For information about Require directives, refer to Require Directive on the Apache website. Require AmAuth is a directive specifically for Web Agent. When the directive is specified, users must be authenticated with AM. Otherwise, the agent redirects them to AM for authentication.

Default: AmAuthProvider is Off

The AmAuthProvider configuration is hierarchical; when it is On or Off globally it is set for all server locations except those explicitly specified otherwise.

For simplicity, it is recommended to leave AmAuthProvider as Off globally and set it to On for specific locations where you want Apache to act as the enforcement point.

When AmAuthProvider is On and the request doesn’t match a not-enforced rule

When a request doesn’t match a not-enforced rule, the agent does the following:

  • Checks that the user is authenticated with AM, and redirects the user for authentication if not.

  • Requests policy information from AM for the request.

  • Relays the policy information to the Apache Require AmAuth directive.

Apache or IBM HTTP server uses the Require AmAuth directive and other Require directives to allow or deny access to resources.

The following image shows the flow of requests:


When AmAuthProvider is On and the request matches a not-enforced rule

When a request matches a not-enforced rule, the agent does not require the user to be authenticated with AM or request policy information from AM. The Require AmAuth directive returns a neutral value.

Apache or IBM HTTP server uses the other Require directives to allow or deny access to resources.

The following image shows the flow of requests:


Consider the following points for using not-enforced rules when AmAuthProvider is On:

  • Instead of using not-enforced rules to provide caveats to AM policy enforcement, use Apache Require directives.

  • In server locations where the agent is configured with not-enforced rules, set AmAuthProvider to Off to let the agent do the enforcement.

  • If you use not-enforced rules when AmAuthProvider is On, remember that the agent drops out of authorisation decisions for requests that match a rule. Apache Require directives are used to allow or deny requests.

When AmAuthProvider is On and Require AmAuth is not specified

When AmAuthProvider is On, the Require AmAuth directive should always be specified. If AmAuthProvider is On but the Require AmAuth directive is not specified, users are still required to authenticate with AM but Apache does not use policy information from AM in its decision.

The following image shows the flow of requests:


The following example has this configuration:

  • The request doesn’t match a not-enforced rule.

  • AmAuthProvider is On for the /var/www/transaction directory.

  • Require AmAuth is not specified

//Not a recommended configuration

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/transaction>
    AmAuthProvider On
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
        Require ip 19.168.2

AmAgent On
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off
Accessing a resource in /var/www/transaction

Apache or IBM HTTP server uses the Require ip directive to allow or deny the request. The user must be authenticated with AM and a valid user must be set, but AM policy information is ignored.

Example where AmAuthProvider is Off globally and On for specific directories

The example is configured as follows:

  • The request doesn’t match a not-enforced rule

  • AmAuthProvider is Off globally

  • AmAuthProvider is On for the /var/www/transaction directory:

  • Require AmAuth is specified

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/transaction>
    AmAuthProvider On
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
        Require AmAuth
        Require ip 19.168.2

AmAgent On
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off
Accessing a resource in /var/www/

The agent acts as the enforcement point, allowing or denying requests based on not-enforced rules and AM policies.

Accessing a resource in /var/www/transaction

The agent provides AM policy information to the Require AmAuth directive. Apache uses that and the Require ip directive to allow or deny the request.

To access the resource, the user must be authenticated with AM, and the request must meet AM policy requirements and come from the specified IP address.

Apache as a reverse proxy

This section has an example configuration of Apache HTTP Server as a reverse proxy between AM and Web Agent. You can use any reverse proxy that supports the WebSocket protocol.

For information about how to configure Apache for load balancing, and other requirements for your environment, refer to the Apache documentation.

Simplified diagram showing an Apache HTTP Server configured as a reverse proxy between AM and the agent.
Figure 1. Apache HTTP Server reverse proxy configured between the agent and AM
  1. Locate the httpd.conf file in your deployed reverse proxy instance.

  2. Add the modules required for a proxy configuration, as follows:

    # Modules required for proxy
    LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
    LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module modules/mod_proxy_wstunnel.so

    The mod_proxy_wstunnel.so module is required to support the WebSocket protocol used for communication between AM and the agents.

  3. Add the proxy configuration inside the VirtualHost context. Consider the following directives:

    # Proxy Config
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https" (1)
    ProxyPass "/openam/notifications" "ws://am.example.com:8080/am/notifications" Upgrade=websocket (2)
    ProxyPass "/openam" "http://am.example.com:8080/am" (3)
    ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain "openam.internal.example.com" "proxy.example.com" (4)
    ProxyPassReverse "/openam" "http://am.example.com:8080/am" (5)

    (1) RequestHeader: Set to https or http, depending on the proxy configuration. If the proxy is configured for https, as in the above example, set to https. Otherwise, set http. In a later step, you configure AM to recognize the forwarded header and use it in the goto parameter for redirecting back to the agent after authentication.

    (2) ProxyPass: Set to allow WebSocket traffic between AM and the agent. If HTTPS is configured between the proxy and AM, set to use the wss protocol instead of ws.

    (3) ProxyPass: Set to allow HTTP traffic between AM and the agent.

    (4) ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain: Set to rewrite the domain string in `Set-Cookie`headers in the format internal domain (AM’s domain) public domain (proxy’s domain).

    (5) ProxyPassReverse: Set to the same value configured for the ProxyPass directive.

    For more information about configuring Apache HTTP Server as a reverse proxy, refer to the Apache documentation.

  4. Restart the reverse proxy instance.

  5. Configure AM to recover the forwarded header you configured in the reverse proxy. Also, review other configurations that may be required in an environment that uses reverse proxies. For more information, refer to Agent connection to AM through a load balancer/reverse proxy

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