
On-Demand Training

Getting Started With PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud for Administrators

This course shows students how to administer PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud (Advanced Identity Cloud), formerly known as ForgeRock® Identity Cloud. 


Administering Identities

Manage identities with the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud (Advanced Identity Cloud) admin UI and implement delegated administration to manage organizations and reset user passwords.

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Student Guide

Administering Identities

This student guide contains your slides and instructor notes

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Administering Identities

Your workbook contains all your exercise instructions and should be used together with your exercise environment

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Initial Exercise Instructions

Administering Identities

Please use this exercise setup guide to initiate this chapter's exercise labs on CloudShare. You will have to follow this guide only once per chapter.

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Virtual Exercise Environment

Administering Identities

This brings you to your virtual exercise environment where you can complete your exercises using your workbook. Your lab exercises are chapter-based.

Manage User identities
Describe the options for managing user profiles in your Advanced Identity Cloud tenant.
Demonstrate how to add a user profile in the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI.
Lab: Manage a User Profile
Use the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI to manage user profiles.

Adding Identities With Bulk Import
Describe how bulk import adds user profiles to Advanced Identity Cloud from a CSV file.
Explore CSV files, then demonstrate bulk import to onboard users and troubleshoot import failures.
Lab: Import Test Users
Quickly add test users to the Alpha realm using bulk import, and troubleshoot import errors.

Managing Organizations
Describe the organization managed object and the roles and privileges within an organization model.
Demonstrate how to implement the organization example from the Object Modeling Guide and run scope ...
Lab: Organization Model Administration
Implement a simple organization model and explore delegated administration capabilities.

Delegating User Management
Understand how internal roles and privileges enable help desk team members to reset user passwords.
Demonstrate how to configure an internal role and assign it to help desk team members to let them ...
Lab: Delegate Password Reset
Configure an internal role and assign it to help desk team members to let them reset user passwords.