On-Demand Training

Getting Started With PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud for Administrators

This course shows students how to administer PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud (Advanced Identity Cloud), formerly known as ForgeRock® Identity Cloud. 


Integrating With Advanced Identity Cloud

Understand the use of Applications, synchronize identities between PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud (Advanced Identity Cloud) and external applications, and explore how Identity Gateway can protect web applications when it is integrated with Advanced Identity Cloud.

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Student Guide

Integrating With Advanced Identity Cloud

This student guide contains your slides and instructor notes

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Integrating With Advanced Identity Cloud

Your workbook contains all your exercise instructions and should be used together with your exercise environment

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Initial Exercise Instructions

Integrating With Advanced Identity Cloud

Please use this exercise setup guide to initiate this chapter's exercise labs on CloudShare. You will have to follow this guide only once per chapter.

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Virtual Exercise Environment

Integrating With Advanced Identity Cloud

This brings you to your virtual exercise environment where you can complete your exercises using your workbook. Your lab exercises are chapter-based.

Defining Applications
Describe the supported application types that can be added to Advanced Identity Cloud using the ...
Lab: Register a Bookmark App
Register a new Bookmark app to direct users to a specific application URL.

Synchronizing Identities
Describe how to configure connections between Advanced Identity Cloud and an external identity ...
Demonstrate how to configure communication between an on-prem LDAP resource and Advanced Identity ...
Demonstrate how to enable and disable debug logging.
Demonstrate how to add an LDAP application in the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI that connects to ...
Lab: Configure an RCS Cluster
Prepare Advanced Identity Cloud and configure an RCS to enable a connection.
Lab: Configure Debug Logging
Enable debug logging when the Java RCS is experiencing issues, then disable debug logging after ...
Lab: Add an Authoritative Application
Add an LDAP application in the Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI that connects to an authoritative ...
Describe how to create a mapping, and synchronize identities.
Demonstrate how to synchronize identities from a directory server to Advanced Identity Cloud.
Demonstrate how to synchronize passwords from a directory server to Advanced Identity Cloud.
Demonstrate how to synchronize identities from Advanced Identity Cloud to a directory server.
Lab: Create Inbound Mappings and Run Reconciliation
Create inbound mappings between an LDAP authoritative source and Advanced Identity Cloud, and run ...
Lab: Synchronize Passwords
Synchronize the PingDS passwords into Advanced Identity Cloud using the Advanced Identity Cloud ...
Lab: Create Target Application With Outbound Mappings
Create a new LDAP application for outbound provisioning of Advanced Identity Cloud identities based ...

Protecting Web Resources
Introduce the concept of protection enforcement with edge clients.
Describe the use cases for integrating Advanced Identity Cloud with Identity Gateway.
Demonstrate how to integrate Identity Gateway with Advanced Identity Cloud and access the Identity ...
Lab: Integrate Identity Gateway Sample Application
Configure Identity Gateway to protect a sample application, where authentication uses Advanced ...