Accessing Log Files

Autonomous Identity provides different log files to monitor or troubleshoot your system.

Getting Docker Container Information

  • On the target node, get system wide information about the Docker deployment. The information shows the number of containers running, paused, and stopped containers as well as other information about the deployment.

    $ docker info
  • If you want to get debug information, use the -D option. The option specifies that all docker commands will output additional debug information.

    $ docker -D info
  • Get information on all of your containers on your system.

    $ docker ps -a
  • Get information on the docker images on your system.

    $ docker images
  • Get docker service information on your system.

    $ docker service ls
  • Get docker the logs for a service.

    $ docker service logs <service-name>

    For example, to see the nginx service:

    $ docker service logs nginx_nginx

    Other useful arguments:

    • --details. Show extra details.

    • --follow, -f. Follow log output. The command will stream new output from STDOUT and STDERR.

    • --no-trunc. Do not truncate output.

    • --tail {n|all}. Show the number of lines from the end of log files, where n is the number of lines or all for all lines.

    • --timestamps, -t. Show timestamps.

Getting Cassandra Logs

The Apache Cassandra output log is kicked off at startup. Autonomous Identity pipes the output to a log file in the directory, /opt/autoid/.

  • On the target node, get the log file for the Cassandra install.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/cassandra/installcassandra.log
  • Get startup information. Cassandra writes to cassandra.out at startup.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/cassandra.out
  • Get the general Cassandra log file.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/logs/system.log

    By default, the log level is set to INFO. You can change the log level by editing the /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/conf/logback.xml file. After any edits, the change will take effect immediately. No restart is necessary. The log levels from most to least verbose are as follows:

    • TRACE

    • DEBUG

    • INFO

    • WARN

    • ERROR

    • FATAL

  • Get the JVM garbage collector logs.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/logs/gc.log.<number>.current

    For example:

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/logs/gc.log.0.current

    The output is configured in the /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/conf/ file. Add the following JVM properties to enable them:

    • JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDetails"

    • JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps"

    • JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC"

    • JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime"

  • Get the debug log.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/logs/debug.log

Other Useful Cassandra Monitoring Tools and Files

Apache Cassandra has other useful monitoring tools that you can use to observe or diagnose and issue. To see the complete list of options, see the Apache Cassandra documentation.

  • View statistics for a cluster, such as IP address, load, number of tokens,

    $ /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/bin/nodetool status
  • View statistics for a node, such as uptime, load, key cache hit, rate, and other information.

    $ /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/bin/nodetool info
  • View the Cassandra configuration file to determine how properties are pre-set.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/conf/cassandra.yaml

Configuring JMX Authentication for Cassandra

By default, Cassandra makes JMX accessible only from localhost. Autonomous Identity provides a configuration script to enable remote JMX authentication for Cassandra on the target node. Once enabled, you cannot use the nodetool command, for example, nodetool status without authentication parameters.

You can obtain a tar file from ForgeRock with the following files that you run on the deployer node:


  • jmxremote.access

  • jmxremote.password

The script has the following syntax:

-u <remote ssh username for example autoid>
-i <cassandra server IPs list where first ip is seed node>
-c <cassandra home path for example /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2>
-p <cassandra dba password>
-s [Optional: SSL enabled true/false. Default is true]
-h <usage>

Enable JMX Authentication for Cassandra

  1. Obtain the tar file from ForgeRock.

  2. On the deployer node, unpack the tar file and copy the files to the home directory, for example, /home/autoid.

  3. Update the jmxremote.access and jmxremote.password files.

    1. Using a text editor, add the username and privilege in the jmxremote.access file. For example:

      $ autoid   readwrite
    2. Using a text editor, add the username and password in the jmxremote.password file. For example:

      $ autoid   <password>
  4. Run the script to enable JMX authentication with the required properties.

    $ Usage:
    -u autoid
    -i <server IPs list where first IP is seed node>
    -c /opt/autoid/apache-cassandra-3.11.2
    -p <cassandra dba password>
  5. SSH to the target node.

  6. Run nodetool with the Cassandra user and password.

    $ nodetool -u autoid -pw <password> status


    After enabling JMX remote authentication, you cannot use nodetool status alone without the --username and --password parameters.

Apache Spark Logs

Apache Spark provides several ways to monitor the server after an analytics run.

  • To get an overall status of the Spark server, point your browser to elinks http://<spark-master-ip>:8080.

  • Print the logging message sent to the output file during an analytics run.

    $ cat /opt/autoid/spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/logs/<file-name>

    For example:

    $ cat /opt/autoid/spark/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/logs/spark-org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master-1-autonomous-id-test.out
  • Print the data logs that were written during an analytics run.

    $ cat /data/log/files/<filename>

    For example:

    $ cat /data/log/files/f6c0870e-5782-441e-b145-b0e662f05f79.log
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