User Tasks
The User View displays a user's entitlements and profile.
A Tour of the User Detail Page
The User Detail displays a summary of all of the entitlements and confidence scores for a particular user.
The User Detail is partitioned into several areas that display the following:
Range of Confidence Scores. Displays the low, medium, and high confidence scores for the assigned entitlements to the user. Click a circle to highlight the entitlement in the list below the graph. To investigate further, click an entitlement in the list to see the User's Entitlement Detail page.
Not Scored Entitlements. Displays the list of entitlements that could not be scored by Autonomous Identity.
Recommended Entitlements. Displays the recommended entitlements for the user.
Assigned Entitlements. Displays the list of user's assigned entitlements. Admins and supervisors can approve or revoke access for a specific entitlement.
User Detail. Displays the user's attributes within the company as ingested from the company's HR database.
Performing User Tasks
Follow these steps to view not scored entitlements:
On the Entitlements for <User> page, click the Not Scored button.
Review the list and then ask your supervisor to approve or remove it.
Follow these steps to log out of Autonomous Identity:
On the Entitlements for <User> page, click the user icon on the top left.
Click Logout on the top right.
Follow these steps to view return to the User Detail page:
On the Entitlements for <User> page, if you click an entitlement, you may see a a 403 Access Forbidden page. General users cannot see the details of an entitlement for security purposes.
Click the ForgeRock icon on the top left to return to the User Detail page.