Category: Generic Backends
Access and audit logs concern client operations rather than the server and tools, and so are not listed here. Instead, this document covers severe and fatal error messages for the server and its tools, such as those logged in logs/errors, and logs/replication.
- ID: 2
Severity: ERROR
Message: An attempt was made to configure the root DSE backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed.
- ID: 9
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the root DSE backend. If you wish to alter the contents of the root DSE itself, then it may be possible to do so by modifying the "%s" entry in the configuration.
- ID: 11
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unwilling to perform a search (connection ID %d, operation ID %d) with a base DN of "%s" in the root DSE backend. The base DN for searches in this backend must be the DN of the root DSE itself.
- ID: 13
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to process the search with connection ID %d and operation ID %d because it had an invalid scope of %s.
- ID: 14
Severity: ERROR
Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to open the LDIF writer for the root DSE backend: %s.
- ID: 15
Severity: ERROR
Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to export the root DSE entry to the specified LDIF target: %s.
- ID: 17
Severity: ERROR
Message: The root DSE backend does not provide a facility for backup and restore operations. The contents of the root DSE should be backed up as part of the Directory Server configuration.
- ID: 21
Severity: ERROR
Message: An attempt was made to configure the monitor backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed, and no monitor information will be available over protocol.
- ID: 23
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unwilling to add entry "%s" because add operations are not supported in the "%s" backend.
- ID: 24
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unwilling to remove entry "%s" because delete operations are not supported in the "%s" backend.
- ID: 25
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the monitor backend. If you wish to alter the contents of the base monitor entry itself, then it may be possible to do so by modifying the "%s" entry in the configuration.
- ID: 26
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unwilling to rename entry "%s" because modify DN operations are not supported in the "%s" backend.
- ID: 27
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to export the base monitor entry: %s.
- ID: 28
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to export the monitor entry for monitor provider %s: %s.
- ID: 29
Severity: ERROR
Message: The "%s" backend does not support LDIF import operations.
- ID: 32
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to retrieve the requested entry from the "%s" backend because the provided DN was null.
- ID: 34
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to retrieve the requested entry %s from the monitor backend because the DN is not below the monitor base of %s.
- ID: 38
Severity: ERROR
Message: An attempt was made to configure the schema backend without providing a configuration entry. This is not allowed, and no schema information will be available over protocol.
- ID: 45
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to export the base schema entry: %s.
- ID: 48
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to retrieve the requested entry %s from the schema backend because the DN is equal to one of the schema entry DNs.
- ID: 49
Severity: ERROR
Message: An unexpected error occurred while trying to open the LDIF writer for the schema backend: %s.
- ID: 55
Severity: ERROR
Message: The Directory Server was unable to obtain a lock on entry %s after multiple attempts. This could mean that the entry is already locked by a long-running operation or that the entry has previously been locked but was not properly unlocked.
- ID: 91
Severity: ERROR
Message: The task defined in entry %s is invalid because it has an invalid state %s.
- ID: 92
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to parse the scheduled start time value %s from task entry %s.
- ID: 93
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to parse the actual start time value %s from task entry %s.
- ID: 94
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to parse the completion time value %s from task entry %s.
- ID: 95
Severity: ERROR
Message: Task entry %s is missing required attribute %s.
- ID: 96
Severity: ERROR
Message: There are multiple instances of attribute %s in task entry %s.
- ID: 98
Severity: ERROR
Message: There are multiple values for attribute %s in task entry %s.
- ID: 99
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while executing the task defined in entry %s: %s.
- ID: 100
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to hold the recurring task ID.
- ID: 101
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold the recurring task ID, but only a single instance is allowed.
- ID: 102
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the recurring task ID.
- ID: 103
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the recurring task ID, but only a single value is allowed.
- ID: 104
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to specify recurring task schedule.
- ID: 105
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold recurring task schedule, but only a single instance is allowed.
- ID: 106
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify recurring task schedule.
- ID: 107
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify recurring task schedule, but only a single value is allowed.
- ID: 108
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided recurring task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?.
- ID: 109
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s as a Directory Server task. Is this class a subclass of %s?.
- ID: 110
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to perform internal initialization on an instance of class %s with the information contained in the provided entry: %s.
- ID: 121
Severity: ERROR
Message: The specified task data backing file %s already exists and the Directory Server will not attempt to overwrite it. Please delete or rename the existing file before attempting to use that path for the new backing file, or choose a new path.
- ID: 122
Severity: ERROR
Message: The specified path %s for the new task data backing file appears to be an invalid path. Please choose a new path for the task data backing file.
- ID: 123
Severity: ERROR
Message: The parent directory %s for the new task data backing file %s does not exist. Please create this directory before attempting to use this path for the new backing file or choose a new path.
- ID: 124
Severity: ERROR
Message: The parent directory %s for the new task data backing file %s exists but is not a directory. Please choose a new path for the task data backing file.
- ID: 125
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine the new path to the task data backing file: %s.
- ID: 130
Severity: ERROR
Message: New entries in the task backend may only be added immediately below %s for scheduled tasks or immediately below %s for recurring tasks.
- ID: 133
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to add recurring task %s to the task scheduler because another recurring task already exists with the same ID.
- ID: 134
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to schedule task %s because another task already exists with the same ID.
- ID: 136
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to schedule the next iteration of recurring task %s: %s.
- ID: 137
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is not a fatal error, so the task scheduler will attempt to continue parsing the file and schedule any additional tasks that it contains.
- ID: 138
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to read an entry from the tasks backing file %s on or near line %d: %s. This is an unrecoverable error, and parsing cannot continue.
- ID: 139
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s read from the tasks backing file is invalid because it has no parent and does not match the task root DN of %s.
- ID: 140
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse entry %s as a recurring task and add it to the scheduler: %s.
- ID: 141
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to parse entry %s as a task and add it to the scheduler: %s.
- ID: 142
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s read from the tasks backing file %s has a DN which is not valid for a task or recurring task definition and will be ignored.
- ID: 143
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to read from the tasks data backing file %s: %s.
- ID: 144
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a new tasks backing file %s for use with the task scheduler: %s.
- ID: 145
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided task entry does not contain attribute %s which is needed to specify the fully-qualified name of the class providing the task logic.
- ID: 146
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided task entry contains multiple attributes with type %s, which is used to hold the task class name, but only a single instance is allowed.
- ID: 147
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided task entry does not contain any values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the fully-qualified name of the class providing the task logic.
- ID: 148
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided task entry contains multiple values for the %s attribute, which is used to specify the task class name, but only a single value is allowed.
- ID: 149
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to load class %s specified in attribute %s of the provided task entry: %s. Does this class exist in the Directory Server classpath?.
- ID: 150
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to create an instance of class %s as a Directory Server task. Is this class a subclass of %s?.
- ID: 151
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to perform internal initialization on an instance of class %s with the information contained in the provided entry: %s.
- ID: 153
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to rename the new tasks backing file from %s to %s: %s. If the Directory Server is restarted, then the task scheduler may not work as expected.
- ID: 154
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to write the new tasks data backing file %s: %s. Configuration information reflecting the latest update may be lost.
- ID: 161
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove pending task %s because no such task exists.
- ID: 162
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove pending task %s because the task is no longer pending.
- ID: 163
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove completed task %s because no such task exists in the list of completed tasks.
- ID: 164
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because its DN is either not appropriate for that backend or it is not below the scheduled or recurring tasks base entry.
- ID: 165
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because there is no scheduled task associated with that entry DN.
- ID: 166
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to delete entry %s from the task backend because the associated task is currently running.
- ID: 167
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove entry %s from the task backend because there is no recurring task associated with that entry DN.
- ID: 168
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because the provided base DN %s is not valid for entries in the task backend.
- ID: 169
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because there is no scheduled task associated with the provided search base entry %s.
- ID: 170
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to process the search operation in the task backend because there is no recurring task associated with the provided search base entry %s.
- ID: 171
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to initialize the "%s" backend because the provided configuration entry is null.
- ID: 186
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unwilling to update entry "%s" because modify operations are not supported in the "%s" backend.
- ID: 192
Severity: ERROR
Message: Exactly one base DN must be provided for use with the memory-based backend.
- ID: 193
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s already exists in the memory-based backend.
- ID: 194
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s does not belong in the memory-based backend.
- ID: 195
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to add entry %s because its parent entry %s does not exist in the memory-based backend.
- ID: 196
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s does not exist in the "%s" backend.
- ID: 197
Severity: ERROR
Message: Cannot delete entry %s because it has one or more subordinate entries.
- ID: 199
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to create an LDIF writer: %s.
- ID: 200
Severity: ERROR
Message: Cannot write entry %s to LDIF: %s.
- ID: 201
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to create an LDIF reader: %s.
- ID: 202
Severity: ERROR
Message: An unrecoverable error occurred while reading from LDIF: %s.
- ID: 203
Severity: ERROR
Message: An unexpected error occurred while processing the import: %s.
- ID: 205
Severity: ERROR
Message: Cannot rename entry %s because it has one or more subordinate entries.
- ID: 206
Severity: ERROR
Message: Cannot rename entry %s because the target entry is in a different backend.
- ID: 207
Severity: ERROR
Message: Cannot rename entry %s because the new parent entry %s doesn't exist.
- ID: 210
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to register the base DNs %s in the Directory Server: %s.
- ID: 212
Severity: ERROR
Message: The schema backend does not support the %s modification type.
- ID: 213
Severity: ERROR
Message: The schema backend does not support the modification of the %s attribute type. Only attribute types, object classes, ldap syntaxes, name forms, DIT content rules, DIT structure rules, and matching rule uses may be modified.
- ID: 222
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to write the updated schema: %s.
- ID: 227
Severity: ERROR
Message: The server will not allow removing all values for the %s attribute type in the server schema.
- ID: 248
Severity: ERROR
Message: Circular reference detected for attribute type %s in which the superior type chain references the attribute type itself.
- ID: 249
Severity: ERROR
Message: Circular reference detected for objectclass %s in which the superior class chain references the objectclass itself.
- ID: 250
Severity: ERROR
Message: Circular reference detected for DIT structure rule %s in which the superior rule chain references the DIT structure rule itself.
- ID: 251
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to create copies of the existing schema files before applying the updates: %s. The server was able to restore the original schema configuration, so no additional cleanup should be required.
- ID: 252
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to create copies of the existing schema files before applying the updates: %s. A problem also occurred when attempting to restore the original schema configuration, so the server may be left in an inconsistent state and could require manual cleanup.
- ID: 253
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to write new versions of the server schema files: %s. The server was able to restore the original schema configuration, so no additional cleanup should be required.
- ID: 254
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to write new versions of the server schema files: %s. A problem also occurred when attempting to restore the original schema configuration, so the server may be left in an inconsistent state and could require manual cleanup.
- ID: 255
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove attribute type %s from the server schema because no such attribute type is defined.
- ID: 261
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove objectclass %s from the server schema because no such objectclass is defined.
- ID: 265
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove name form %s from the server schema because no such name form is defined.
- ID: 267
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove DIT content rule %s from the server schema because no such DIT content rule is defined.
- ID: 268
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove DIT structure rule %s from the server schema because no such DIT structure rule is defined.
- ID: 270
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove matching rule use %s from the server schema because no such matching rule use is defined.
- ID: 293
Severity: ERROR
Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the Directory Server schema.
- ID: 294
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to find a file containing concatenated schema element definitions in order to determine if any schema changes were made with the server offline. The file was expected in the %s directory and should have been named either %s or %s.
- ID: 295
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether any schema changes had been made by directly editing the schema files with the server offline: %s.
- ID: 296
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to write file %s containing a concatenated list of all server schema elements: %s. The server may not be able to accurately identify any schema changes made with the server offline.
- ID: 298
Severity: ERROR
Message: The Directory Server is not configured to allow task %s to be invoked.
- ID: 305
Severity: ERROR
Message: Indexes are not supported in the "%s" backend.
- ID: 307
Severity: ERROR
Message: LDIF import and export operations are not supported in the "%s" backend.
- ID: 308
Severity: ERROR
Message: Backup and restore operations are not supported in the "%s" backend.
- ID: 329
Severity: ERROR
Message: The root container for backend %s has not been initialized preventing this backend from processing the requested operation.
- ID: 330
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to obtain a write lock on entry %s.
- ID: 331
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because it does not represent a task entry. Only task entries may be modified in the task backend.
- ID: 332
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because it does not represent a valid task in the server.
- ID: 333
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because the associated task has completed running. Completed tasks cannot be modified.
- ID: 334
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s cannot be modified because the server does not currently support modifying recurring task entries.
- ID: 335
Severity: ERROR
Message: The task associated with entry %s is currently running. The only modification allowed for running tasks is to replace the value of the ds-task-state attribute with "cancel".
- ID: 339
Severity: ERROR
Message: The LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s only supports a single base DN, but was configured for use with multiple base DNs.
- ID: 342
Severity: ERROR
Message: LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s has multiple entries with a DN of %s.
- ID: 343
Severity: ERROR
Message: LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s includes entry %s which is not below the base DN defined for that backend.
- ID: 344
Severity: ERROR
Message: LDIF file %s configured for use with the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s contains entry %s but its parent entry has not yet been read.
- ID: 345
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to create file %s to write an updated version of the data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s.
- ID: 346
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to write updated data to file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s.
- ID: 347
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to rename file %s to %s while writing updated data for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s.
- ID: 348
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s already exists in the LDIF backend.
- ID: 349
Severity: ERROR
Message: The parent for entry %s does not exist.
- ID: 350
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s does not exist.
- ID: 351
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s has one or more subordinate entries and cannot be deleted until all of its subordinate entries are removed first.
- ID: 352
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s does not exist.
- ID: 353
Severity: ERROR
Message: Source entry %s does not exist.
- ID: 354
Severity: ERROR
Message: Target entry %s already exists.
- ID: 355
Severity: ERROR
Message: The new parent DN %s does not exist.
- ID: 356
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry %s specified as the search base DN does not exist.
- ID: 357
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to create the writer for the LDIF export operation: %s.
- ID: 358
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to write entry %s during the LDIF export: %s.
- ID: 359
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to create the reader for the LDIF import operation: %s.
- ID: 360
Severity: ERROR
Message: An unrecoverable error occurred while attempting to read data from the import file: %s. The LDIF import cannot continue.
- ID: 365
Severity: ERROR
Message: The target entry %s does not exist.
- ID: 366
Severity: ERROR
Message: The target entry %s does not exist.
- ID: 369
Severity: ERROR
Message: This backend does not provide support for the numSubordinates operational attribute.
- ID: 371
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid number of tokens.
- ID: 372
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid minute token.
- ID: 373
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid hour token.
- ID: 374
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid day of the month token.
- ID: 375
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid month of the year token.
- ID: 376
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid day of the week token.
- ID: 377
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task entry attribute %s holding the recurring task schedule has invalid tokens combination yielding a nonexistent calendar date.
- ID: 378
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to export task backend data: %s.
- ID: 407
Severity: ERROR
Message: The information for backup %s could not be found in the backup directory %s.
- ID: 412
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to schedule task %s because its dependency task %s is missing.
- ID: 416
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to remove ldap syntax description %s from the server schema because no such ldap syntax description is defined.
- ID: 418
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to decode the ldapsyntax description "%s": %s.
- ID: 419
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid number of tokens.
- ID: 420
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid minute token.
- ID: 421
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid hour token.
- ID: 422
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid day of the month token.
- ID: 423
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid month of the year token.
- ID: 424
Severity: ERROR
Message: The provided recurring task schedule value has an invalid day of the week token.
- ID: 425
Severity: ERROR
Message: The schema backend does not support the Replace modification type for the %s attribute type.
- ID: 426
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to close file %s for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s: %s.
- ID: 427
Severity: ERROR
Message: The file %s written for the LDIF backend defined in configuration entry %s is 0 bytes long and unusable.
- ID: 428
Severity: ERROR
Message: Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-size has a value of %d but the JVM has only %d available. Consider using ds-cfg-db-cache-percent.
- ID: 429
Severity: ERROR
Message: Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-percent has a value of %d%% but the JVM has only %d%% available.
- ID: 430
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to process the virtual list view request because the target assertion could not be decoded as a valid value for the '%s' attribute type.
- ID: 433
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to list the files to backup for backend '%s': %s.
- ID: 438
Severity: ERROR
Message: Insufficient free memory (%d bytes) to perform import. At least %d bytes of free memory is required.
- ID: 440
Severity: ERROR
Message: The attribute '%s' cannot have indexing of type '%s' because it does not have a corresponding matching rule.
- ID: 441
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to process the virtual list view request because the target start position was before the beginning of the result set.
- ID: 443
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry database does not contain a record for ID %s.
- ID: 444
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to examine the entry with ID %s for sorting purposes: %s.
- ID: 445
Severity: ERROR
Message: Execution error during backend operation: %s.
- ID: 447
Severity: ERROR
Message: The backend database directory could not be created: %s.
- ID: 451
Severity: ERROR
Message: The backend database directory '%s' is not a valid directory.
- ID: 453
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry '%s' cannot be added because an entry with that name already exists.
- ID: 454
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry '%s' cannot be added because its parent entry does not exist.
- ID: 455
Severity: ERROR
Message: There is no index configured for attribute type '%s'.
- ID: 457
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to decode an attribute description token from the compressed schema definitions: %s.
- ID: 458
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to decode an object class set token from the compressed schema definitions: %s.
- ID: 459
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while attempting to store compressed schema information in the database: %s.
- ID: 460
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while parsing the search filter %s defined for VLV index %s: %s.
- ID: 461
Severity: ERROR
Message: Sort attribute %s for VLV index %s is not defined in the server schema.
- ID: 462
Severity: ERROR
Message: Database exception: %s.
- ID: 463
Severity: ERROR
Message: A plugin caused the delete operation to be aborted while deleting a subordinate entry %s.
- ID: 464
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry '%s' cannot be removed because it has subordinate entries.
- ID: 465
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry '%s' cannot be removed because it does not exist.
- ID: 466
Severity: ERROR
Message: An entry container named '%s' is alreadly registered for base DN '%s'.
- ID: 467
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry database does not contain a valid record for ID %s.
- ID: 468
Severity: ERROR
Message: I/O error occurred while exporting entry: %s.
- ID: 469
Severity: ERROR
Message: The backend must be disabled before the import process can start.
- ID: 471
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unable to create the temporary directory %s.
- ID: 481
Severity: ERROR
Message: The import has been aborted because the entry '%s' does not have a parent entry.
- ID: 482
Severity: ERROR
Message: Entry record is not compatible with this version of the backend database. Entry version: %x.
- ID: 483
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while reading from index %s. The index seems to be corrupt and is now operating in a degraded state. The index must be rebuilt before it can return to normal operation.
- ID: 484
Severity: ERROR
Message: The following paged results control cookie value was not recognized: %s.
- ID: 487
Severity: ERROR
Message: A plugin caused the modify DN operation to be aborted while moving and/or renaming an entry from %s to %s.
- ID: 489
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry cannot be renamed to '%s' because an entry with that name already exists.
- ID: 490
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry '%s' cannot be renamed because it does not exist.
- ID: 491
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry '%s' cannot be modified because it does not exist.
- ID: 492
Severity: ERROR
Message: The entry cannot be moved because the new parent entry '%s' does not exist.
- ID: 493
Severity: ERROR
Message: The database environment could not be opened: %s.
- ID: 494
Severity: ERROR
Message: Rebuilding system index(es) must be done with the backend containing the base DN disabled.
- ID: 495
Severity: ERROR
Message: The backend database files could not be removed: %s.
- ID: 496
Severity: ERROR
Message: The requested search operation included both the simple paged results control and the virtual list view control. These controls are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together.
- ID: 497
Severity: ERROR
Message: The search results cannot be sorted because the given search request is not indexed.
- ID: 498
Severity: ERROR
Message: The search base entry '%s' does not exist.
- ID: 499
Severity: ERROR
Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to perform an unindexed search.
- ID: 500
Severity: ERROR
Message: Unchecked exception during database transaction: %s.
- ID: 501
Severity: ERROR
Message: There is no VLV index configured with name '%s'.
- ID: 561
Severity: ERROR
Message: The database logging level string '%s' provided for configuration entry '%s' is invalid. The value must be one of OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, or ALL. Note that these values are case sensitive.
- ID: 569
Severity: ERROR
Message: Configuration attribute ds-cfg-db-cache-size has a value of %d which is less than the minimum: %d.
- ID: 579
Severity: ERROR
Message: The backend must be disabled before verification process can start.
- ID: 583
Severity: ERROR
Message: Missing ID %d%n%s.
- ID: 584
Severity: ERROR
Message: Missing entry %s in VLV index %s.
- ID: 585
Severity: ERROR
Message: Reference to unknown entry ID %s%n%s.
- ID: 586
Severity: ERROR
Message: Reference to entry ID %s has a key which does not match the expected key%n%s.
- ID: 587
Severity: ERROR
Message: Empty ID set: %n%s.
- ID: 588
Severity: ERROR
Message: Duplicate reference to ID %d%n%s.
- ID: 589
Severity: ERROR
Message: Reference to unknown ID %d%n%s.
- ID: 590
Severity: ERROR
Message: Reference to entry <%s> which does not match the value%n%s.
- ID: 591
Severity: ERROR
Message: File dn2id is missing key %s.
- ID: 592
Severity: ERROR
Message: File dn2id has ID %d instead of %d for key %s.
- ID: 593
Severity: ERROR
Message: File dn2id has DN <%s> referencing unknown ID %d.
- ID: 594
Severity: ERROR
Message: File dn2id has DN <%s> referencing entry with wrong DN <%s>.
- ID: 595
Severity: ERROR
Message: The stored entry count in id2entry (%d) does not agree with the actual number of entry records found (%d).
- ID: 596
Severity: ERROR
Message: File id2childrenCount has wrong number of children for DN <%s> (got %d, expecting %d).
- ID: 597
Severity: ERROR
Message: File id2ChildrenCount references non-existing EntryID <%d>.
- ID: 600
Severity: ERROR
Message: Ignoring schema definition '%s' because the following error occurred while it was being parsed: %s.
- ID: 601
Severity: ERROR
Message: Schema definition could not be parsed as valid attribute value.
- ID: 602
Severity: ERROR
Message: Attribute %s is set as confidential on a backend whose entries are still cleartext. Enable confidentiality on the backend first.
- ID: 603
Severity: ERROR
Message: The attribute '%s' cannot enable confidentiality for keys and values at the same time.
- ID: 604
Severity: ERROR
Message: Cannot encode entry for writing on storage: %s.
- ID: 605
Severity: ERROR
Message: Input stream ended unexpectedly while decoding entry.
- ID: 606
Severity: ERROR
Message: Confidentiality cannot be disabled on suffix '%s' because the following indexes have confidentiality still enabled: %s.
- ID: 608
Severity: ERROR
Message: Error while enabling confidentiality with cipher %s, %d bits: %s.
- ID: 609
Severity: ERROR
Message: The import has been aborted because the data to be imported contains duplicate copies of entry '%s'.
- ID: 611
Severity: ERROR
Message: Proxy backend '%s' could not discover remote servers capabilities: %s.
- ID: 615
Severity: ERROR
Message: Proxy backend '%s' is non functional because it could not find any primary nor secondary servers via the service discovery mechanism '%s'.
- ID: 616
Severity: ERROR
Message: Proxy backend '%s' cannot find the configured service discovery mechanism '%s'.
- ID: 622
Severity: ERROR
Message: No backend is associated with the base DN '%s'.
- ID: 624
Severity: ERROR
Message: Proxy backend '%s' cannot register itself against base DN %s because this base DN is already registered against backend '%s'.
- ID: 625
Severity: ERROR
Message: Proxy backend '%s' is being deregistered from base DN %s because local backend '%s' is registering against it. Local backends take precedence over proxy backends.
- ID: 639
Severity: ERROR
Message: The partition base DN '%s' should be subordinate to one of the base DNs %s of proxy backend '%s'.
- ID: 640
Severity: ERROR
Message: Backend database cache preload for backend '%s' is not supported in this release.
- ID: 644
Severity: ERROR
Message: There are insufficient resources to perform the operation.
- ID: 645
Severity: ERROR
Message: The time-to-live (TTL) feature can only be enabled for generalized time ordering indexes.
- ID: 646
Severity: ERROR
Message: An unexpected error occurred while purging expired entries: %s.
- ID: 650
Severity: ERROR
Message: The partition base DN '%s' shouldn't be subordinate to one of the other partition base DNs %s of proxy backend '%s'.
- ID: 656
Severity: ERROR
Message: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the key managers from the key manager provider `%s`.
- ID: 658
Severity: ERROR
Message: Could not stop export-ldif threads after 30 seconds. Now forcing stop by interrupting them.