Category: Replication

Access and audit logs concern client operations rather than the server and tools, and so are not listed here. Instead, this document covers severe and fatal error messages for the server and its tools, such as those logged in logs/errors, and logs/replication.

ID: 1

Severity: ERROR

Message: The configured DN is already used by another domain.

ID: 6

Severity: ERROR

Message: Replication Server failed to start : could not bind to the listen port : %d. Error : %s.

ID: 7

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unknown operation type : %s.

ID: 9

Severity: ERROR

Message: Internal Error : Operation %s change number %s was not found in local change list.

ID: 10

Severity: ERROR

Message: Internal Error : Operation %s change number %s was not found in remote change list.

ID: 11

Severity: ERROR

Message: The replication server failed to start because the database %s could not be read : %s.

ID: 12

Severity: ERROR

Message: An Exception was caught while replaying operation %s %s (%s) : %s.

ID: 15

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error %s when searching for server state %s : %s base dn : %s.

ID: 20

Severity: ERROR

Message: Caught IOException while sending topology info (for update) on domain %s for %s server %s : %s.

ID: 21

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error when searching old changes from the database for base DN %s.

ID: 25

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error trying to replay %s, operation could not be decoded :.

ID: 26

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error trying to use the underlying database. The Replication Server is going to shut down: %s.

ID: 29

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error during the Replication Server database trimming or flush process. The Changelog service is going to shutdown: %s.

ID: 32

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error happened handling connection with %s. This connection is going to be closed.

ID: 35

Severity: ERROR

Message: A loop was detected while replaying operation: %s %s (%s) error %s.

ID: 36

Severity: ERROR

Message: An Exception was caught while testing existence or trying to create the directory for the Replication Server database : %s %s.

ID: 44

Severity: ERROR

Message: The current request is rejected due to an import or an export already in progress for the same data.

ID: 45

Severity: ERROR

Message: On domain %s, initialization of server with serverId:%s has been requested from a server with an invalid serverId:%s. %s.

ID: 46

Severity: ERROR

Message: Invalid target for the export.

ID: 47

Severity: ERROR

Message: Domain %s: the server with serverId=%s is unreachable.

ID: 48

Severity: ERROR

Message: No domain matches the provided base DN '%s'.

ID: 49

Severity: ERROR

Message: Multiple domains match the base DN provided.

ID: 50

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provider class does not allow the operation requested.

ID: 54

Severity: ERROR

Message: In Replication server %s: servers %s and %s have the same ServerId : %s.

ID: 55

Severity: ERROR

Message: In Replication server %s: replication servers %s and %s have the same ServerId : %s.

ID: 56

Severity: ERROR

Message: Entry %s was containing some unknown historical information, This may cause some inconsistency for this entry.

ID: 57

Severity: ERROR

Message: A conflict was detected but the conflict information could not be added to entry %s. Conflict with %s %s, Result: %s.

ID: 58

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error happened trying to rename a conflicting entry. DN: %s, Operation: %s, Result: %s.

ID: 61

Severity: ERROR

Message: The Replication is configured for suffix %s but was not able to connect to any Replication Server.

ID: 65

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error occurred while sending an Error Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened.

ID: 66

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error occurred while sending a Message to %s. This connection is going to be closed and reopened.

ID: 67

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not replay operation %s %s with ChangeNumber %s error %s %s.

ID: 68

Severity: ERROR

Message: The entry %s has historical information for attribute %s which is not defined in the schema. This information will be ignored.

ID: 70

Severity: ERROR

Message: The Replication Server socket could not be closed : %s.

ID: 71

Severity: ERROR

Message: The thread listening on the replication server port could not be stopped : %s.

ID: 73

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error occurred when searching for generation id for domain "%s": %s.

ID: 74

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error occurred when looking for the replicated backend : %s. It may be not configured or disabled.

ID: 75

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error occurred when searching in %s for the generation ID : %s.

ID: 76

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error occurred when updating generation ID for domain "%s": %s.

ID: 79

Severity: ERROR

Message: The following error has been received : %s.

ID: 82

Severity: ERROR

Message: Initialization cannot be done because import is not supported by the backend %s.

ID: 83

Severity: ERROR

Message: Initialization cannot be done because export is not supported by the backend %s.

ID: 84

Severity: ERROR

Message: Initialization cannot be done because the following error occurred while locking the backend %s : %s.

ID: 86

Severity: ERROR

Message: Replication server caught exception while listening for client connections: %s.

ID: 87

Severity: ERROR

Message: While clearing the database %s , the following error happened: %s.

ID: 89

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error occurred when testing existence or creating the replication backend : %s.

ID: 93

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred when searching for %s : %s.

ID: 95

Severity: ERROR

Message: The base DN %s is not stored by any of the Directory Server backend.

ID: 109

Severity: ERROR

Message: An Exception was caught while replaying replication message : %s.

ID: 114

Severity: ERROR

Message: Caught exception publishing fake operations for domain %s : %s.

ID: 115

Severity: ERROR

Message: Caught exception computing fake operations for domain %s for replication server %s : %s.

ID: 118

Severity: ERROR

Message: For replicated domain %s, in server with serverId=%s, the generation ID could not be set to value %s in the rest of the topology because this server is NOT connected to any replication server. You should check in the configuration that the domain is enabled and that there is one replication server up and running.

ID: 119

Severity: ERROR

Message: Directory server DS(%s) encountered an unexpected error while connecting to replication server %s for domain "%s": %s.

ID: 121

Severity: ERROR

Message: DN sent by remote replication server: %s does not match local replication server one: %s.

ID: 122

Severity: ERROR

Message: DN sent by replication server: %s does not match local directory server one: %s.

ID: 123

Severity: ERROR

Message: Caught IOException while forwarding ResetGenerationIdMsg to peer replication servers for domain %s : %s.

ID: 124

Severity: ERROR

Message: Computed invalid initial status: %s in DS replication domain %s with server id %s.

ID: 125

Severity: ERROR

Message: Replication server received invalid initial status: %s for replication domain %s from server id %s.

ID: 126

Severity: ERROR

Message: Received invalid requested status %s in DS replication domain %s with server id %s.

ID: 127

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not compute new status in RS replication domain %s for server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event.

ID: 128

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not compute new status in DS replication domain %s with server id %s. Was in %s status and received %s event.

ID: 129

Severity: ERROR

Message: Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s after reset for generation id: %s.

ID: 130

Severity: ERROR

Message: Received change status message does not come from a directory server (dn: %s, server id: %s, msg: %s).

ID: 132

Severity: ERROR

Message: Received invalid new status %s in RS for replication domain %s and directory server id %s.

ID: 134

Severity: ERROR

Message: Replication broker with dn %s and server id %s failed to signal status change because of: %s.

ID: 139

Severity: ERROR

Message: Caught IOException while changing status for domain %s and serverId: %s from status analyzer: %s.

ID: 152

Severity: ERROR

Message: The generation ID could not be reset for domain %s.

ID: 154

Severity: ERROR

Message: The Replication was not started on base-dn %s : %s.

ID: 157

Severity: ERROR

Message: Replication protocol error. Bad message type. %s received, %s required.

ID: 168

Severity: ERROR

Message: The fractional replication ldif import plugin is configured with invalid plugin type %s. Only the ldifImport plugin type is allowed.

ID: 173

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred when accessing the change number database : %s.

ID: 174

Severity: ERROR

Message: The initialization failed because the domain %s is not connected to a replication server.

ID: 175

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not retrieve the configuration for a replication domain matching the entry %s.

ID: 181

Severity: ERROR

Message: The connection from this replication server RS(%s) to replication server RS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" has failed.

Severity: ERROR

Message: Full resync required. Reason: The provided cookie contains unknown replicated domain %s. Current starting cookie <%s>.

Severity: ERROR

Message: Full resync required. Reason: The provided cookie is older than the start of historical in the server for the replicated domain : %s.

Severity: ERROR

Message: Invalid syntax for the provided cookie '%s'.

ID: 189

Severity: ERROR

Message: Domain %s (server id: %s) : remote exporter server disconnection (server id: %s ) detected during initialization.

ID: 190

Severity: ERROR

Message: During initialization from a remote server, the following error occurred : %s.

ID: 191

Severity: ERROR

Message: Connection failure with Replication Server %s during import.

ID: 192

Severity: ERROR

Message: Bad msg id sequence during import. Expected:%s Actual:%s.

ID: 193

Severity: ERROR

Message: The following servers did not acknowledge initialization in the expected time for domain %s. They are potentially down or too slow. Servers list: %s.

ID: 194

Severity: ERROR

Message: The following servers did not end initialization being connected with the right generation (%s). They are potentially stopped or too slow. Servers list: %s.

ID: 195

Severity: ERROR

Message: When initializing remote server(s), connection to Replication Server with serverId=%s is lost.

ID: 196

Severity: ERROR

Message: When initializing remote server(s), the initialized server with serverId=%s is potentially stopped or too slow.

ID: 197

Severity: ERROR

Message: When sending a new initialization request for an initialization from a remote server, the following error occurred %s. The initial error was : %s.

ID: 202

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error while trying to solve conflict with DN : %s ERROR : %s.

ID: 211

Severity: ERROR

Message: The connection from this replication server RS(%s) to directory server DS(%s) at %s for domain "%s" has failed.

ID: 235

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not create replica database because the changelog database is shutting down.

ID: 236

Severity: ERROR

Message: An unexpected error forced the %s thread to shutdown: %s. The changeNumber attribute will not move forward anymore. You can reenable this thread by first setting the "compute-change-number" property to false and then back to true.

ID: 240

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not add change %s to replicaDB %s %s because flushing thread is shutting down.

ID: 243

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error when retrieving changelog state from root path '%s' : IO error on domain directory '%s' when retrieving list of server ids.

ID: 244

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not get or create replica DB for base DN '%s', serverId '%s', generationId '%d': %s.

ID: 245

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not get or create change number index DB in root path '%s', using path '%s'.

ID: 246

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not delete generation id file '%s' for DN '%s': %s.

ID: 247

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not create directory '%s' for server id %s: %s.

ID: 248

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not create generation id file '%s': %s.

ID: 250

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not read server id filename because it uses a wrong format, expecting '[id].server' where [id] is numeric but got '%s'.

ID: 251

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not read generation id because it uses a wrong format, expecting a number but got '%s'.

ID: 252

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not open log file '%s' for write.

ID: 253

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not open a reader on log file '%s'.

ID: 254

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not decode a record from data read in log file '%s'.

ID: 255

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not delete log file '%s'.

ID: 256

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not create log file '%s'.

ID: 258

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not add record '%s' in log file '%s'.

ID: 259

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not synchronize written records to file system for log file '%s'.

ID: 260

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not seek to position %d for reader on log file '%s'.

ID: 261

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not create root directory '%s' for log file: %s.

ID: 262

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not decode DN from domain state file '%s', from line '%s'.

ID: 263

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not read domain state file '%s'. The replication server cannot continue, it should be restored from a backup. Cause was : %s.

ID: 264

Severity: ERROR

Message: There is a mismatch between domain state file and actual domain directories found in file system. Expected domain ids : '%s'. Actual domain ids found in file system: '%s'.

ID: 265

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not create a new domain id %s for domain DN %s and save it in the domain state file. Replication will continue, but if the domain state file cannot be written when stopping the server, it should be restored from backup. Cause was : %s.

ID: 267

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not decode the key from string [%s].

ID: 270

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not initialize the log '%s' : %s.

ID: 271

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not retrieve key bounds from log file '%s'.

ID: 272

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not retrieve read-only log files from log '%s'.

ID: 273

Severity: ERROR

Message: While purging log, could not delete log file(s): '%s'.

ID: 274

Severity: ERROR

Message: The following log '%s' must be released but it is not referenced.

ID: 279

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not read replica offline state file '%s' for domain %s, it should contain exactly one line corresponding to the offline CSN.

ID: 280

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not read content of replica offline state file '%s' for domain %s.

ID: 282

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not retrieve file length of log file '%s'.

ID: 283

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while recovering the replication change log file '%s'. The recovery has been aborted and this replication server will be removed from the replication topology. The change log file system may be read-only, full, or corrupt and must be fixed before this replication server can be used. The underlying error was: %s.

ID: 286

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred when searching base DN '%s' with filter '%s' in changelog backend : %s.

ID: 287

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred when retrieving attribute value for attribute '%s' for entry DN '%s' in changelog backend : %s.

ID: 288

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not create file '%s' to store last log rotation time %d.

ID: 289

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not delete file '%s' that stored the previous last log rotation time.

ID: 290

Severity: ERROR

Message: Cursor on log '%s' has been aborted after a purge or a clear.

ID: 291

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not position and read newest record from log file '%s'.

ID: 293

Severity: ERROR

Message: The change number index could not be reset to start with %d in base DN '%s' because starting CSN '%s' does not exist in the change log.

ID: 294

Severity: ERROR

Message: The change number could not be reset to %d because the associated change with CSN '%s' has already been purged from the change log. Try resetting to a more recent change.

ID: 295

Severity: ERROR

Message: Change number indexing is disabled for replication domain '%s'.

ID: 297

Severity: ERROR

Message: Cannot decode change-log record with version %x.

ID: 298

Severity: ERROR

Message: Cannot start total update in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s): no remote directory servers found.

ID: 299

Severity: ERROR

Message: Cannot start total update in domain "%s" from this directory server DS(%s): cannot find remote directory server DS(%s).

ID: 300

Severity: ERROR

Message: New replication connection from %s started with unexpected message %s and is being closed.

ID: 301

Severity: ERROR

Message: The directory server %s can no longer keep up with changes coming from replication server %s for base DN %s. Some missing changes have been purged by this replication server and the connection will be terminated. The directory server may fail-over to another replication server that has not purged the changes that it needs. If there is no replication server containing the missing changes then it will fail to connect to any replication server and will need to be reinitialized. (Underlying error is: %s).

ID: 302

Severity: ERROR

Message: The replication server %s can no longer keep up with changes coming from replication server %s for base DN %s. Some missing changes have been purged by this replication server and the connection will be terminated. The directory servers connected to this replication server may fail-over to another replication server that has not purged the changes that it needs. If there is no replication server containing the missing changes then the directory servers will fail to connect to any replication server and will need to be reinitialized. (Underlying error is: %s).

ID: 305

Severity: ERROR

Message: Invalid operator '%s' specified in historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule assertion.

ID: 306

Severity: ERROR

Message: Specified assertion '%s' for historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule does not conform to expected syntax. The assertion must specify a CSN range.

ID: 307

Severity: ERROR

Message: Specified CSNs '%s' and '%s' have two different server ids. The historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule requires CSNs to have the same server id.

ID: 308

Severity: ERROR

Message: Specified operators '%s' and '%s' do not specify a range for historicalCsnRangeMatch extensible matching rule.

ID: 309

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not restart the Replication Server, bind to listen port %d failed : %s.

ID: 310

Severity: ERROR

Message: The replication server has detected that the file system containing the changelog is full. In order to prevent further problems, the replication server will disconnect from the replication topology and wait for sufficient disk space to be recovered, at which point it will reconnect.

ID: 315

Severity: ERROR

Message: The replication server connector thread could not be stopped : %s.

ID: 316

Severity: ERROR

Message: Reader on log '%s' has been aborted after the changelog was reset due to an administration action or after the changelog was purged.

ID: 317

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to position reader to key '%s' using strategy '%s' on log '%s'. Changelog may be corrupted. Directory servers connected to this replication server may need to be reinitialized.

ID: 318

Severity: ERROR

Message: Assured replication is not supported anymore, it should be disabled on the topology.

ID: 319

Severity: ERROR

Message: Generic update message types are not supported anymore by replication.

ID: 320

Severity: ERROR

Message: Replication Server '%s' expected to negotiate with another Replication Server but got information for Directory Server '%s' instead. The connection will be closed.

ID: 324

Severity: ERROR

Message: Detected one or more corrupted records in log file '%s', this replication server will be removed from the replication topology. Recover the server from a valid filesystem backup if available or re-create it.

ID: 325

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while verifying integrity of log file '%s' : %s.

ID: 327

Severity: ERROR

Message: Cannot enable replication to server '%s' as this server's ID '%s' is not a number between 1 and 32767.

ID: 329

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred in session '%s' when trying to send a message to the socket: %s.

ID: 331

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not convert value '%s' to long.

ID: 332

Severity: ERROR

Message: Could not find replica update message matching the index record. No more replica update messages with a csn newer than %s exist.

ID: 333

Severity: ERROR

Message: An exception was encountered while trying to encode a replication %s message for entry "%s" into an External Change Log entry: %s.

ID: 334

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unexpected message type when trying to create changelog entry for dn %s : %s".

ID: 335

Severity: ERROR

Message: %s in Replication Server=%s, an initialization message of type %s cannot be sent to its destination server. Details: routing table is empty.

ID: 336

Severity: ERROR

Message: %s message of type %s cannot be routed. Details: %s.

ID: 338

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error when trying to publish a message in '%s'. The connection is going to be closed and reopened.

ID: 339

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error when trying to publish a message in '%s'. The connection is going to be closed and reopened. Error: %s.

ID: 340

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error when initializing publisher of messages in '%s'.

ID: 341

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error when initializing publisher of messages in '%s'.

ID: 342

Severity: ERROR

Message: Directory server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but an error occurred in handshake phase. Error: %s.

ID: 343

Severity: ERROR

Message: Replication server %s was attempting to connect to replication server %s but an error occurred in handshake phase. Error: %s.

ID: 344

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error when enabling external changelog: %s.

ID: 347

Severity: ERROR

Message: The domain state file cannot be written. The server will shutdown but it should be restored from backup. Cause was : %s.

ID: 348

Severity: ERROR

Message: Some data in the domain state file '%s' in not of the form <domainId>[csn:csn]:<domainDN>, the replication server cannot start. Restore the server from backup.

ID: 351

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error when purging historical information for entry %s: %s.

ID: 352

Severity: ERROR

Message: Replication server failed to start because setting socket timeout on port %d caused error %s.

ID: 354

Severity: ERROR

Message: %s for domain %s cannot route message of type %s to all the replicas in the topology because none are reachable.

ID: 355

Severity: ERROR

Message: "%s for domain %s cannot route message of type %s to replica %s because it is unreachable. Reachable replicas: %s.

ID: 356

Severity: ERROR

Message: Server %s should be initialized but is not connected to the topology.

ID: 357

Severity: ERROR

Message: Changelog file '%s' has an invalid header. This may indicate that the server binaries have been accidentally downgraded or that data has been restored from a backup taken on a more recent version of the server. Consider upgrading the server, or removing the changelog files located in '%s' and restarting.

ID: 358

Severity: ERROR

Message: Changelog file %s should be version %d, but found version %d. This may indicate that the server binaries have been accidentally downgraded or that data has been restored from a backup taken on a more recent version of the server. Consider upgrading the server, or removing the changelog files located in '%s' and restarting.

Read a different version of :