Category: Server Tools

Access and audit logs concern client operations rather than the server and tools, and so are not listed here. Instead, this document covers severe and fatal error messages for the server and its tools, such as those logged in logs/errors, and logs/replication.

ID: 3

Severity: ERROR

Message: The value %s cannot be decoded as a hexadecimal string because it does not have a length that is a multiple of two bytes.

ID: 4

Severity: ERROR

Message: The value %s cannot be decoded as a hexadecimal string because it contains an illegal character %c that is not a valid hexadecimal digit.

ID: 5

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse line %d ("%s") from the LDIF source because the line started with a space but there were no previous lines in the entry to which this line could be appended.

ID: 6

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because the line "%s" does not include an attribute name.

ID: 7

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because the first line does not contain a DN (the first line was "%s".

ID: 9

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because an error occurred while trying to parse the value of line "%s" as a distinguished name: %s.

ID: 11

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse LDIF entry starting at line %d because it was not possible to base64-decode the DN on line "%s": %s.

ID: 12

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because it was not possible to base64-decode the attribute on line "%s": %s.

ID: 15

Severity: ERROR

Message: Entry %s starting at line %d includes multiple values for single-valued attribute %s.

ID: 17

Severity: ERROR

Message: Entry %s read from LDIF starting at line %d is not valid because it violates the server's schema configuration: %s.

ID: 18

Severity: ERROR

Message: The specified LDIF file %s already exists and the export configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file.

ID: 19

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because the value of attribute %s was to be read from a URL but the URL was invalid: %s.

ID: 20

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because the value of attribute %s was to be read from URL %s but an error occurred while trying to read that content: %s.

ID: 21

Severity: ERROR

Message: The specified reject file %s already exists and the import configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file.

ID: 22

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether LDIF entry "%s" starting at line %d should be imported as a result of the include and exclude filter configuration: %s.

ID: 23

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to determine whether LDIF entry "%s" should be exported as a result of the include and exclude filter configuration: %s.

ID: 24

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid attributes specified for the delete operation.

ID: 25

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. No attributes specified for the mod DN operation.

ID: 26

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. No delete old RDN attribute specified for the mod DN operation.

ID: 27

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid value "%s" for the delete old RDN attribute specified for the mod DN operation.

ID: 28

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid attribute "%s" specified. Expecting attribute "%s".

ID: 29

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid attribute "%s" specified. Expecting one of the following attributes "%s".

ID: 30

Severity: ERROR

Message: Error in the LDIF change record entry. Invalid value "%s" for the changetype specified. Expecting one of the following values "%s".

ID: 76

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided sender address %s is invalid: %s.

ID: 77

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided recipient address %s is invalid: %s.

ID: 78

Severity: ERROR

Message: The specified e-mail message could not be sent using any of the configured mail servers.

ID: 110

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain the necessary :// component to separate the scheme from the rest of the URL.

ID: 111

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a protocol scheme.

ID: 112

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a host before the colon to specify the port number.

ID: 113

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because it does not contain a port number after the colon following the host.

ID: 114

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the port number portion %s cannot be decoded as an integer.

ID: 115

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the provided port number %d is not within the valid range between 1 and 65535.

ID: 116

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided string "%s" cannot be decoded as an LDAP URL because the scope string %s was not one of the allowed values of base, one, sub, or subordinate.

ID: 117

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided URL component "%s" could not be decoded because the percent character at byte %d was not followed by two hexadecimal digits.

ID: 118

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided URL component "%s" could not be decoded because the character at byte %d was not a valid hexadecimal digit.

ID: 120

Severity: ERROR

Message: Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because it does not contain a colon to separate the name from the set of characters.

ID: 121

Severity: ERROR

Message: The named character set is invalid because it does not contain a name.

ID: 122

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred when attempting to restore backend '%s', metadata file '%s' cannot be read: %s.

ID: 123

Severity: ERROR

Message: Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because it does not contain a name to use for the character set.

ID: 124

Severity: ERROR

Message: Cannot decode value "%s" as a named character set because there are no characters to include in the set.

ID: 141

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to set permissions for file %s because it does not exist.

ID: 143

Severity: ERROR

Message: One or more exceptions were thrown in the process of updating the file permissions for %s. Some of the permissions for the file may have been altered.

ID: 146

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided string %s does not represent a valid UNIX file mode. UNIX file modes must be a three-character string in which each character is a numeric digit between zero and seven.

ID: 157

Severity: ERROR

Message: Failed to rename file %s to %s.

ID: 158

Severity: ERROR

Message: Failed to delete target file %s. Make sure the file is not currently in use by this or another application.

ID: 164

Severity: ERROR

Message: The specified skip file %s already exists and the import configuration indicates that no attempt should be made to append to or replace the file.

ID: 165

Severity: ERROR

Message: Skipping entry %s because the DN is not one that should be included based on the include and exclude branches/filters.

ID: 167

Severity: ERROR

Message: The embedded server with server root '%s' cannot be started because it is already running.

ID: 201

Severity: ERROR

Message: Skipping entry %s because the DN is excluded by the exclude branch "%s".

ID: 202

Severity: ERROR

Message: Skipping entry %s because the DN is excluded by the exclude filter "%s".

ID: 203

Severity: ERROR

Message: Skipping entry %s because the DN is not included by any include branches.

ID: 204

Severity: ERROR

Message: Skipping entry %s because the DN is not included by any include filters.

ID: 224

Severity: ERROR

Message: Property '%s' is missing.

ID: 225

Severity: ERROR

Message: Rejecting entry %s because it was rejected by a plugin: %s.

ID: 237

Severity: ERROR

Message: The hostname "%s" could not be resolved. Please check you have provided the correct address.

ID: 244

Severity: ERROR

Message: The provided path is not valid.

ID: 267

Severity: ERROR

Message: Confirmation tries limit reached (%d).

ID: 271

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to parse LDIF entry %s starting at line %d because it has an invalid binary option for attribute %s.

ID: 301

Severity: ERROR

Message: Skipping entry %s because the following error was received when reading its attributes: %s.

ID: 305

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s MAC provider for computing the signed hash of a backup file: %s.

ID: 306

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the %s message digest to create the hash for the backup: %s.

ID: 307

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while trying to create the archive file %s in directory %s for the backup %s: %s.

ID: 308

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the cipher to use to encrypt the backup: %s.

ID: 310

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to obtain a list of the files in directory %s to include in the backup: %s.

ID: 311

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to backup '%s' backend file '%s': %s.

ID: 313

Severity: ERROR

Message: Backup file integrity error: signed hash is different from the one recorded when backing up the file.

ID: 315

Severity: ERROR

Message: The directory %s, containing the files restored from backup, could not be renamed to the directory %s.

ID: 316

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to update the backup descriptor files in the backup directory %s for the backup ID %s and backend ID %s: %s.

ID: 317

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred when attempting to restore backend '%s', file '%s' cannot be restored: %s.

ID: 325

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to save files from root directory %s to target directory %s, for backup of %s.

ID: 326

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to create a save directory with base path %s before restore of backup of %s.

ID: 332

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to setup the embedded server with server root '%s', base DN '%s'.

ID: 333

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to extract server archive '%s' before setup of embedded server with server root '%s': %s.

ID: 334

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to rebuild index of embedded server with server root '%s': %s.

ID: 336

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to start the embedded server with server root '%s' : %s.

ID: 337

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to upgrade the embedded server with server root '%s' : %s.

ID: 338

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve an internal connection to the server with the user DN '%s'.

ID: 339

Severity: ERROR

Message: The setup from an archive can only be done with a server root directory named after the root directory contained in the archive: '%s'. The provided server root was: '%s'.

ID: 342

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the configuration framework or to read the configuration file '%s'.

ID: 345

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occured while attempting to write backup metadata file '%s' for backend '%s': %s.

ID: 346

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to import LDIF file '%s' into embedded server with server root '%s': '%s'.

ID: 347

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to rebuild index of embedded server with server root '%s'. Rebuild task state was '%s'. You can look at the task logs printed on the embedded server output stream for more details.

ID: 348

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the configuration version of the directory server: '%s'.

ID: 349

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the data version of the directory server: '%s'.

ID: 350

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while initializing configuration of embedded server with server root '%s': %s.

ID: 351

Severity: ERROR

Message: The directory to move %s does not exist.

ID: 352

Severity: ERROR

Message: The directory to move %s exists but is a file.

ID: 353

Severity: ERROR

Message: The target directory %s already exists.

ID: 354

Severity: ERROR

Message: Required profile '%s' is missing.

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