Category: Tasks

Access and audit logs concern client operations rather than the server and tools, and so are not listed here. Instead, this document covers severe and fatal error messages for the server and its tools, such as those logged in logs/errors, and logs/replication.

ID: 5

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because no schema file names were provided in attribute %s of task entry %s.

ID: 6

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because the specified schema file %s does not exist in schema directory %s.

ID: 7

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because an error occurred while attempting to determine whether file %s exists in schema directory %s: %s.

ID: 8

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to load the contents of schema file %s into the server schema: %s.

ID: 9

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to add one or more files to the server schema because the server was unable to obtain a write lock on the schema entry %s after multiple attempts.

ID: 10

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the server schema.

ID: 11

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server backup or backup purge.

ID: 12

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server restore.

ID: 13

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an LDIF import.

ID: 14

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an LDIF export.

ID: 15

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server restart.

ID: 16

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server shutdown.

ID: 17

Severity: ERROR

Message: An error occurred while attempting to notify a synchronization provider of type %s about the schema changes made by the add schema file task: %s.

ID: 18

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate an index rebuild.

ID: 20

Severity: ERROR

Message: Invalid DN provided with the Initialize task.

ID: 21

Severity: ERROR

Message: Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege may place the server in lockdown mode.

ID: 22

Severity: ERROR

Message: Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege connected from a loopback address may place the server in lockdown mode.

ID: 23

Severity: ERROR

Message: Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege may cause the server to leave lockdown mode.

ID: 24

Severity: ERROR

Message: Only users with the SERVER_LOCKDOWN privilege connected from a loopback address may cause the server to leave lockdown mode.

ID: 25

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to terminate client connections.

ID: 26

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to decode value %s as an integer connection ID.

ID: 27

Severity: ERROR

Message: Attribute %s must be provided to specify the connection ID for the client to disconnect.

ID: 28

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to decode value %s as an indication of whether to notify the client before disconnecting it. The provided value should be either 'true' or 'false'.

ID: 30

Severity: ERROR

Message: There is no client connection with connection ID %s.

ID: 103

Severity: ERROR

Message: Invalid generation ID provided with the task.

ID: 108

Severity: ERROR

Message: Index option cannot be specified when the rebuildAll or rebuildDegraded option is used.

ID: 110

Severity: ERROR

Message: Attribute %s has an invalid value. Reason: %s.

ID: 112

Severity: ERROR

Message: No changelog database was found for baseDN '%s'. Either the baseDN is not replicated or its changelog has not been enabled in this server.

ID: 113

Severity: ERROR

Message: The change number index cannot be reset because this OpenDJ instance does not appear to be a replication server.

ID: 114

Severity: ERROR

Message: Invalid change number (%d) specified, it must be greater than zero.

ID: 115

Severity: ERROR

Message: Unable to reset the change number index: %s.

ID: 116

Severity: ERROR

Message: The changes made by the add schema file task failed schema validation: %s.

ID: 125

Severity: ERROR

Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to initiate a Directory Server backups purge.

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