PingGateway 2024.6

PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

This guide provides examples of how to use PingGateway with PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud for Single Sign-On and API Security. It is for PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud evaluators, administrators, and architects.

Example installation for this guide

Unless otherwise stated, the examples in this guide assume the following installation:

When using PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, you need to know the value of the following properties:

  • The root URL of your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud tenant. For example,

    The URL of the PingAM component of PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud is the root URL of your PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud tenant followed by /am. For example,

  • The realm where you work. The examples in this document use alpha.

    Prefix each realm in the hierarchy with the realms keyword. For example, /realms/root/realms/alpha.

If you use a different configuration, substitute in the procedures accordingly.

Authenticate a PingGateway agent to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

PingGateway agents are automatically authenticated to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud by a non-configurable authentication module. Authentication chains and modules are deprecated in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud and replaced by journeys.

You can now authenticate PingGateway agents to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud with a journey. The procedure is currently optional, but will be required when authentication chains and modules are removed in a future release of PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud.

For more information, refer to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud’s Journeys.

This section describes how to create a journey to authenticate an PingGateway agent to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud. The journey has the following requirements:

  • It must be called Agent

  • Its nodes must pass the agent credentials to the Agent Data Store Decision node.

When you define a journey in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud, that same journey is used for all instances of PingGateway, Java agent, and Web agent. Consider this point if you change the journey configuration.

  1. Log in to the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI as an administrator.

  2. Click Journeys > New Journey.

  3. Add a journey with the following information and click Create journey:

    • Name: Agent

    • Identity Object: The user or device to authenticate.

    • (Optional) Description: Authenticate a PingGateway agent to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

    The journey designer is displayed, with the Start entry point connected to the Failure exit point, and a Success node.

  4. Using the Filter nodes bar, find and then drag the following nodes from the Components panel into the designer area:

    • Zero Page Login Collector node to check whether the agent credentials are provided in the incoming authentication request, and use their values in the following nodes.

      This node is required for compatibility with Java agent and Web agent.

    • Page node to collect the agent credentials if they are not provided in the incoming authentication request, and use their values in the following nodes.

    • Agent Data Store Decision node to verify the agent credentials match the registered PingGateway agent profile.

    Many nodes can be configured in the panel on the right side of the page. Unless otherwise stated, do not configure the nodes, and use only the default values.
  5. Drag the following nodes from the Components panel into the Page node:

  6. Connect the nodes as follows and save the journey:

    A journey that can be used to authenticate an agent to PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud.

Register a PingGateway agent in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

This procedure registers an agent that acts on behalf of PingGateway.

  1. Log in to the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI as an administrator.

  2. Click verified_user Gateways & Agents > New Gateway/Agent > Identity Gateway > Next, and add an agent profile:

    • ID: agent-name

    • Password: agent-password

    • Redirect URLs: URL for CDSSO

    Use secure passwords in a production environment. Consider using a password manager to generate secure passwords.
  3. Click Save Profile > Done. The agent profile page is displayed.

  4. Click open_in_new Native Consoles > Access Management and make the following optional changes in the AM admin UI.

    Change Action

    Store the agent password in AM’s secret service.

    Set a Secret Label Identifier, and configure a mapping to the corresponding secret. If AM finds a matching secret in a secret store, it uses that secret instead of the agent password configured in Step 2.

    The secret label has the format am.application.agents.identifier.secret, where identifier is the Secret Label Identifier.

    The Secret Label Identifier can contain only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and periods (.). It can’t start or end with a period.

    Note the following points:

    • Set a Secret Label Identifier that clearly identifies the agent.

    • If you update or delete the Secret Label Identifier, AM updates or deletes the corresponding mapping for the previous identifier provided no other agent shares the mapping.

    • When you rotate a secret, update the corresponding mapping.

    Direct login to a custom URL instead of the default AM login page.

    Configure Login URL Template for CDSSO.

    Apply a different introspection scope.

    Click Token Introspection and select a scope from the drop-down list.

Set up a demo user in PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud

This procedure sets up a demo user in the alpha realm.

  1. Log in to the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud admin UI as an administrator.

  2. Go to group Identities > Manage > settings_system_daydream Alpha realm - Users, and add a user with the following values:

    • Username: demo

    • First name: demo

    • Last name: user

    • Email Address:

    • Password: Ch4ng3!t


Use PingGateway with PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud as you would with any other service.

  • During updates, individual PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud tenant servers go offline temporarily. PingGateway can receive HTTP 502 Bad Gateway responses for some requests during the update.

    In your ClientHandler and ReverseProxyHandler configurations, configure PingGateway to retry operations when this occurs:

    "retries": {
        "enabled": true,
        "condition": "${response.status.code == 502}"
  • Update PingGateway to use the latest version you can to benefit from fixes and improvements.

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