PingGateway 2024.6


Serves static content from a directory.


  "name": string,
  "type": "ResourceHandler",
  "config": {
    "directories": [ configuration expression<string>, ... ],
    "basePath": configuration expression<string>,
    "welcomePages": [ configuration expression<string>, ... ],
    "temporaryStorage": TemporaryStorage reference


"directories": array of configuration expression<strings>, required

A list of one or more directories in which to search for static content.

When multiple directories are specified in an array, the directories are searched in the listed order.

"basePath": _configuration expression<string>, required if the route is not /

The base path of the incoming request for static content.

To specify no base path, leave this property out of the configuration, or specify it as "basePath": "" or "basePath": "/".

Default: "".

"welcomePages": array of configuration expression<strings>, optional

A set of static content to serve from one of the specified directories when no specific resource is requested.

When multiple sets of static content are specified in an array, the sets are searched for in the listed order. The first set that is found is used.

Default: Empty

"temporaryStorage": TemporaryStorage reference, optional

A TemporaryStorage object for the static content.

Default: TemporaryStorage heap object


The following example serves requests to with the static file index.html from /path/to/static/pages/:

  "name": "StaticWebsite",
  "type": "ResourceHandler",
  "config": {
    "directories": ["/path/to/static/pages"],
    "welcomePages": ["index.html"]

When the basePath is /website, the example serves requests to

  "name": "StaticWebsite",
  "type": "ResourceHandler",
  "config": {
    "directories": ["/path/to/static/pages"],
    "basePath": "/website",
    "welcomePages": ["index.html"]
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