IG 7.2.0

Using OAuth 2.0 resource owner password credentials

This example shows how a client service accesses an OAuth 2.0-protected resource by using resource owner password credentials.

This procedure uses the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant type. According to information in the The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, minimize use of this grant type and utilize other grant types whenever possible.
  1. Set up the AM as an authorization server:

    1. Select Applications > Agents > Identity Gateway, and add an agent with the following values:

      • Agent ID: ig_agent

      • Password: password

      • Token Introspection: Realm Only

    2. Create an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server:

      1. Select Services > Add a Service > OAuth2 Provider.

      2. Add a service with the default values.

    3. Create an OAuth 2.0 client to request access tokens, using the resource owner’s password for authentication:

      1. Select Applications > OAuth 2.0 > Clients, and add a client with the following values:

        • Client ID : resource-owner-client

        • Client secret : password

        • Scope(s) : client-scope

      2. (From AM 6.5) On the Advanced tab, select the following value:

        • Grant Types : Resource Owner Password Credentials

  2. Set up IG:

    1. Set an environment variable for the IG agent password, and then restart IG:

      $ export AGENT_SECRET_ID='cGFzc3dvcmQ='

      The password is retrieved by a SystemAndEnvSecretStore, and must be base64-encoded.

    2. Add the following route to IG:

      • Linux

      • Windows

        "name": "oauth2-protected-resource",
        "condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '^/oauth2-protected-resource')}",
        "heap": [
            "name": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1",
            "type": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore"
            "name": "AmService-1",
            "type": "AmService",
            "config": {
              "agent": {
                "username": "ig_agent",
                "passwordSecretId": "agent.secret.id"
              "secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1",
              "url": "http://am.example.com:8088/openam/",
              "version": "7.2"
        "handler": {
          "type": "Chain",
          "config": {
            "filters": [
                "name": "OAuth2ResourceServerFilter-1",
                "type": "OAuth2ResourceServerFilter",
                "config": {
                  "scopes": [ "client-scope" ],
                  "requireHttps": false,
                  "realm": "OpenIG",
                  "accessTokenResolver": {
                    "name": "TokenIntrospectionAccessTokenResolver-1",
                    "type": "TokenIntrospectionAccessTokenResolver",
                    "config": {
                      "amService": "AmService-1",
                      "providerHandler": {
                        "type": "Chain",
                        "config": {
                          "filters": [
                              "type": "HttpBasicAuthenticationClientFilter",
                              "config": {
                                "username": "ig_agent",
                                "passwordSecretId": "agent.secret.id",
                                "secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1"
                          "handler": "ForgeRockClientHandler"
            "handler": {
              "type": "StaticResponseHandler",
              "config": {
                "status": 200,
                "headers": {
                  "Content-Type": [ "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ]
                "entity": "<html><body><h2>Access Granted</h2></body></html>"

      Notice the following features of the route:

      • The route matches requests to /oauth2-protected-resource.

      • The OAuth2ResourceServerFilter expects an OAuth 2.0 access token in the header of the incoming request, with the scope client-scope.

      • The filter uses a TokenIntrospectionAccessTokenResolver to resolve the access token. The introspect endpoint is protected with HTTP Basic Authentication, and the providerHandler uses an HttpBasicAuthenticationClientFilter to provide the resource server credentials.

      • For convenience in this test, "requireHttps" is false. In production environments, set it to true.

      • After the filter successfully validates the access token, it creates a new context from the authorization server response, containing information about the access token.

      • The StaticResponseHandler returns a message that access is granted.

    3. Add the following route to IG:

      • Linux

      • Windows

        "name": "resource-owner",
        "baseURI": "http://ig.example.com:8080",
        "condition" : "${find(request.uri.path, '^/resource-owner')}",
        "heap" : [ {
          "name" : "clientSecretAccessTokenExchangeHandler",
          "type" : "Chain",
          "capture" : "all",
          "config" : {
            "filters" : [ {
              "type" : "ClientSecretBasicAuthenticationFilter",
              "config" : {
                "clientId" : "resource-owner-client",
                "clientSecretId" : "client.secret.id",
                "secretsProvider" : {
                  "type" : "Base64EncodedSecretStore",
                  "config" : {
                    "secrets" : {
                      "client.secret.id" : "cGFzc3dvcmQ="
            } ],
            "handler" : "ForgeRockClientHandler"
        }, {
          "name" : "oauth2EnabledClientHandler",
          "type" : "Chain",
          "capture" : "all",
          "config" : {
            "filters" : [ {
              "type" : "ResourceOwnerOAuth2ClientFilter",
              "config" : {
                "tokenEndpoint" : "http://am.example.com:8088/openam/oauth2/access_token",
                "endpointHandler": "clientSecretAccessTokenExchangeHandler",
                "scopes" : [ "client-scope" ],
                "username" : "demo",
                "passwordSecretId" : "user.password.secret.id",
                "secretsProvider" : {
                  "type" : "Base64EncodedSecretStore",
                  "config" : {
                    "secrets" : {
                      "user.password.secret.id" : "Q2g0bmczMXQ="
            } ],
            "handler" : "ForgeRockClientHandler"
        } ],
        "handler" : {
          "type" : "ScriptableHandler",
          "config" : {
            "type" : "application/x-groovy",
            "clientHandler" : "oauth2EnabledClientHandler",
            "source" : [ "request.uri.path = '/oauth2-protected-resource'", "return http.send(context, request);" ]

      Note the following features of the route:

      • The route matches requests to /resource-owner.

      • The ScriptableHandler rewrites the request to target it to /oauth2-protected-resource, and then calls the HTTP client, that has been redefined to use the oauth2EnabledClientHandler.

      • The oauth2EnabledClientHandler calls the ResourceOwnerOAuth2ClientFilter to obtain an access token from AM.

      • The ResourceOwnerOAuth2ClientFilter calls the clientSecretAccessTokenExchangeHandler to exchange tokens on the authorization endpoint. The demo user authenticates with their username and password.

      • The clientSecretAccessTokenExchangeHandler calls a ClientSecretBasicAuthenticationFilter to authenticate the client through the HTTP basic access authentication scheme, and a ForgeRockClientHandler to propagate the request.

      • The route oauth2-protected-resource.json uses the AM introspection endpoint to resolve the access token and display its contents.

  3. Test the setup by accessing the route on http://ig.example.com:8080/resource-owner. A message shows that access is granted.

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