IG 7.2.0


ForgeRock supports customers using the versions specified here. Other versions and alternative environments might work as well. When opening a support ticket for an issue, however, make sure you can also reproduce the problem on a combination covered here.


Download the following product software from the ForgeRock BackStage download site:

  • IG-7.2.0.zip: For deployment in standalone mode

  • IG-7.2.0.war: For deployment in web container mode

  • IG-sample-application-7.2.0.jar: Web application for testing IG configurations

For information about using the Docker image provided with the product software, see the Deployment guide.

Operating systems

IG is tested on Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, and Linux operating systems.

Web application containers

In web container mode, IG runs in the following containers:

  • Apache Tomcat 9

    Apache Tomcat 10 is not supported. Use IG in standalone mode as an alternative.
  • Jetty 9, 10

    Jetty 11 is not supported. Use IG in standalone mode as an alternative.
  • JBoss EAP 7.3.2, 7.4

Deploy IG to the root context of a container. Deployment in other contexts causes unexpected results, and is not supported.


IG supports the following Java environments:

Supported Java versions
Vendor Versions

OpenJDK, including OpenJDK-based distributions:

  • AdoptOpenJDK/Eclipse Temurin Java Development Kit (Adoptium)

  • Amazon Corretto

  • Azul Zulu

  • Red Hat OpenJDK

ForgeRock tests most extensively with AdoptOpenJDK/Eclipse Temurin.

ForgeRock recommends using the HotSpot JVM.


Oracle Java


Always use a JVM with the latest security fixes.

ForgeRock recommends that you keep your Java installation up-to-date with the latest security fixes.

Java 11 is the only long-term supported (LTS) Java version for most ForgeRock products. Earlier versions of Java do not contain required cryptography fixes. If you are using an earlier version of Java, secure your installation as described in the Java JDK Security Advisory #202109.

HTTP protocol

IG supports HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.0.

HTTP/1.0 is not supported.


IG replication requires use of fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), such as ig.example.com.

Hostnames like example.com are acceptable for evaluation. In production, and when using replication across systems, you must either ensure DNS is set up correctly to provide FQDNs, or update the hosts file (/etc/hosts or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) to supply unique, FQDNs.


For secure network communications with client applications that you do not control, install a properly signed digital certificate that your client applications recognize, such as one that works with your organization’s PKI, or one signed by a recognized CA.

To use the certificate during installation, the certificate must be located in a file-based keystore supported by the JVM (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS#12), or on a PKCS#11 token. To import a signed certificate into the server keystore, use the Java keytool command.

Third-party software for encryption

Bouncy Castle is required for signature encryption with RSASSA-PSS or Deterministic ECDSA. For information, see The Legion of the Bouncy Castle.

Third-party software

ForgeRock provides support for using the following third-party software when logging ForgeRock Common Audit events:

Software Version

Java Message Service (JMS)

2.0 API

MySQL JDBC Driver Connector/J

8 (at least 8.0.19)


8.0 (at least 8.0.2)

Elasticsearch and Splunk have native or third-party tools to collect, transform, and route logs. Examples include Logstash and Fluentd.

ForgeRock recommends that you consider these alternatives. These tools have advanced, specialized features focused on getting log data into the target system. They decouple the solution from the ForgeRock Identity Platform systems and version, and provide inherent persistence and reliability. You can configure the tools to avoid losing audit messages if a ForgeRock Identity Platform service goes offline, or delivery issues occur.

These tools can work with ForgeRock Common Audit logging:

  • Configure the server to log messages to standard output, and route from there.

  • Configure the server to log to files, and use log collection and routing for the log files.

ForgeRock provides support for using the following third-party software when monitoring ForgeRock servers:

Software Version


5 (at least 5.0.2)





For hardware security module (HSM) support, ForgeRock software requires a client library that conforms to the PKCS#11 standard v2.20 or later.

Studio browser

ForgeRock has tested many browsers with Studio, including:

  • Chrome, latest stable version

  • Firefox, latest stable version

Features requiring later versions of ForgeRock Access Management

Feature Requires

From AM 7.1

Support for refresh of idle sessions when the SingleSignOnFilter is used for authentication with AM. For more information, see the sessionIdleRefresh property of AmService.

From AM 6.5.3

Eviction of revoked OAuth 2.0 access tokens from the cache. For more information, see CacheAccessTokenResolver, and the cache property of OAuth2ResourceServerFilter.

From AM 6.5.3

Support for OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS (mTLS). For more information, see ConfirmationKeyVerifierAccessTokenResolver, and Validate Certificate-Bound Access Tokens.

From AM 6.5.1

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