Secrets object and secret stores
IG uses the ForgeRock Commons Secrets Service to manage secrets, such as passwords and cryptographic keys.
For more information about how IG manages secrets, see Secrets.
Default secrets object (deprecated)
This object is deprecated; use SecretsProvider instead. For more information, refer to Deprecation. |
IG automatically creates a secrets object in each route in the
configuration, and in config.json
and admin.json
When the secrets object is not used to declare a secrets store in the configuration, IG creates a default SystemAndEnvSecretStore in the local secrets service. When the secrets object is used to declare a secrets store, the default is not installed in the local secrets service.
: array of SecretStore references, required-
One or more of the following secret stores:
Manage a repository of generic secrets, such as passwords or simple shared secrets, whose values are base64-encoded, and hard-coded in the route.
The secrets provider queries the Base64EncodedSecretStore for a named secret,
identified by the secret-id
in the "secret-id": "string"
pair. The
Base64EncodedSecretStore returns the matching secret.
The secrets provider builds the secret, checking that the secret’s constraints are met, and returns a unique secret. If the secret’s constraints are not met, the secrets provider cannot build the secret and the secret query fails.
Secrets from Base64EncodedSecretStore never expire.
Use Base64EncodedSecretStore for testing or evaluation only, to store passwords locally. In production, use an alternative secret store. |
For a description of how secrets are managed, see Secrets.
: map, required-
Map of one or more secret ID/string pairs:
{ "secrets": { "secret-id": "configuration expression<string>", ... } }
Each pair has the form "secret-id": "string", where:
secret-id is the ID of a secret used in a route
string is the base64-encoded value of the secret
In the following example, Base64EncodedSecretStore configures two base64-encoded secrets:
{ "type": "Base64EncodedSecretStore", "config": { "secrets": { "agent.password": "d2VsY29tZQ==", "crypto.header.key": "Y2hhbmdlaXQ=" } } }
In the following example, the values of the secrets are provided by a configuration token and a configuration expression, whose values are substituted when the route is loaded:
{ "type": "Base64EncodedSecretStore", "config": { "secrets": { "agent.password": "&{secret.value|aGVsbG8=}", "crypto.header.key": "${readProperties('')['b64.key.value']}" } } }
Log level
To facilitate debugging secrets for the Base64EncodedSecretStore, in
add a logger defined by the fully qualified package name
of the Base64EncodedSecretStore. The following line in logback.xml
sets the log level to ALL
<logger name="org.forgerock.openig.secrets.Base64EncodedSecretStore" level="ALL">
For an example that uses Base64EncodedSecretStore, see client-credentials.json
Using OAuth 2.0 client credentials.
Manage a store of secrets held in files, specified as follows:
Each file must contain only one secret.
The file must be in the directory specified by the property
. -
The filename must match the
. -
The file content must match the
. For example, if the mapping specifiesBASE64
, the file content must be base64-encoded.
Secrets are read lazily from the filesystem.
The secrets provider queries the FileSystemSecretStore for a named secret, identified by the name of a file in the specified directory, without the prefix/suffix defined in the store configuration. The FileSystemSecretStore returns the secret that exactly matches the name.
The secrets provider builds the secret, checking that the secret’s constraints are met, and returns a unique secret. If the secret’s constraints are not met, the secrets provider cannot build the secret and the secret query fails.
For a description of how secrets are managed, see Secrets.
"name": string,
"type": "FileSystemSecretStore",
"config": {
"directory": configuration expression<string>,
"format": SecretPropertyFormat reference,
"suffix": configuration expression<string>,
"mappings": [ object, ... ],
"leaseExpiry": configuration expression<duration>
: configuration expression<string>, required-
File path to a directory containing secret files. This object checks the specified directory, but not its subdirectories.
: SecretPropertyFormat reference, optional-
Format in which the secret is stored. Use one of the following values, or define a format:
: Base64-encoded -
: Plain text
: configuration expression<string>, optional-
File suffix.
When set, the FileSystemSecretStore will append that suffix to the secret ID and try to find a file with the mapped name.
Default: None
: array of objects, optional-
One or more mappings to define a secret:
: configuration expression<secret-id>, required-
The ID of the secret used in your configuration.
: SecretPropertyFormat reference, required-
The format and algorithm of the secret. Use SecretKeyPropertyFormat or PemPropertyFormat.
: configuration expression<duration>, optional-
The amount of time that secrets produced by this store can be cached before they must be refreshed.
If the duration is
, IG issues a warning, and uses the default value.Default: 5 minutes
Log level
To facilitate debugging secrets for the FileSystemSecretStore, in
add a logger defined by the fully qualified package name
of the property resolver. The following line in logback.xml
sets the
log level to ALL
<logger name="org.forgerock.secrets.propertyresolver" level="ALL">
For an example that uses FileSystemSecretStore, see Pass Runtime Data in a JWT Signed With a PEM.
Manage a store of secrets with a hardware security module (HSM) device or a software emulation of an HSM device, such as SoftHSM.
The secrets provider queries the HsmSecretStore for a named secret,
identified by a secret ID and a stable ID, corresponding to the
mapping. The HsmSecretStore returns a list of matching
The secrets provider builds the secret, checking that the secret’s constraints are met, and returns a unique secret. If the secret’s constraints are not met, the secrets provider cannot build the secret and the secret query fails.
For a description of how secrets are managed, see Secrets.
"name": string,
"type": "HsmSecretStore",
"config": {
"providerName": configuration expression<string>,
"storePassword": configuration expression<secret-id>,
"secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference,
"mappings": [ object, ... ],
"leaseExpiry": configuration expression<duration>
: configuration expression<string>, required-
The name of the pre-installed Java Security Provider supporting an HSM. Use a physical HSM device, or a software emulation of an HSM device, such as SoftHSM.
For the SunPKCS11 provider, concatenate
with the prefixSunPKCS11-
. For example, declare the following for the nameFooAccelerator
:"providerName": "SunPKCS11-FooAccelerator"
: configuration expression<secret-id>, required-
The secret ID of the password to access the HsmSecretStore.
For information about how IG manages secrets, see Secrets.
: SecretsProvider reference, optional-
The SecretsProvider object to query for the
.Default: The route’s default secret service. For more information, see Default secrets object.
: array of objects, required-
One or more mappings of one secret ID to one or more aliases.
The following example maps a secret ID to two aliases:
"mappings": [ { "secretId": "global.pcookie.crypt", "aliases": [ "rsapair72-1", "rsapair72-2" ] } ]
: configuration expression<duration>, optional-
The amount of time that secrets produced by this store can be cached before they must be refreshed.
If the duration is
, IG issues a warning, and uses the default value.Default: 5 minutes
Log level
To facilitate debugging secrets for the HsmSecretStore, in
add a logger defined by the fully qualified package name
of the HsmSecretStore. The following line in logback.xml
sets the
log level to ALL
<logger name="org.forgerock.secrets.keystore" level="ALL">
To set up this example:
Set up and test the example in JwtBuilderFilter, and then replace the KeyStoreSecretStore in that example with an HsmSecretStore.
Set an environment variable for the HsmSecretStore password,
, and then restart IG.For example, if the HsmSecretStore password is
, set the following environment variable:export HSM_PIN='cGFzc3dvcmQ='
The password is retrieved by the SystemAndEnvSecretStore, and must be base64-encoded.
Create a provider config file, as specified in the PKCS#11 Reference guide.
Depending on your version of Java, create a
file for the IG instance, with the following content:security.provider.<number>=<provider-name> <path-to-provider-cfg-file>
security.provider.<number>=<class-name> <path-to-provider-cfg-file>
Start the IG JVM with the following system property that points to the provider config file:
The following example route is based on the examples in JwtBuilderFilter, replacing the KeyStoreSecretStore with an HsmSecretStore:
"name": "hsm-jwt-signature",
"condition": "${find(request.uri.path, '/hsm-jwt-signature$')}",
"baseURI": "",
"heap": [
"name": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1",
"type": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore"
"name": "AmService-1",
"type": "AmService",
"config": {
"agent": {
"username": "ig_agent",
"passwordSecretId": ""
"secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1",
"url": "",
"version": "7.2"
"name": "HsmSecretStore-1",
"type": "HsmSecretStore",
"config": {
"providerName": "SunPKCS11-SoftHSM",
"storePassword": "",
"secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1",
"mappings": [{
"secretId": "id.key.for.signing.jwt",
"aliases": [ "signature-key" ]
"handler": {
"type": "Chain",
"config": {
"filters": [{
"name": "SingleSignOnFilter-1",
"type": "SingleSignOnFilter",
"config": {
"amService": "AmService-1"
}, {
"name": "UserProfileFilter-1",
"type": "UserProfileFilter",
"config": {
"username": "${}",
"userProfileService": {
"type": "UserProfileService",
"config": {
"amService": "AmService-1"
}, {
"name": "JwtBuilderFilter-1",
"type": "JwtBuilderFilter",
"config": {
"template": {
"name": "${contexts.userProfile.commonName}",
"email": "${contexts.userProfile.rawInfo.mail[0]}"
"secretsProvider": "HsmSecretStore-1",
"signature": {
"secretId": "id.key.for.signing.jwt"
}, {
"name": "HeaderFilter-1",
"type": "HeaderFilter",
"config": {
"messageType": "REQUEST",
"add": {
"x-openig-user": ["${contexts.jwtBuilder.value}"]
"handler": "ReverseProxyHandler"
Manages a secret store for JSON Web Keys (JWK) from a local or remote JWK Set.
The secrets provider queries the JwkSetSecretStore, as follows:
If the JWT contains a
, the secrets provider queries the JwkSetSecretStore for a named secret, identified by value of thekid
of a JWK stored in the JwkSetSecretStore. -
If the JWT doesn’t contain a
, the secrets provider queries the JwkSetSecretStore for list of valid secrets, whose purpose matches the secret ID and any purpose contraints. The JwkSetSecretStore returns the secrets in the order that they are listed in the JWK set.
The secrets provider builds the secret, checking that the secret’s constraints are met, and returns a unique secret. If the secret’s constraints are not met, the secrets provider cannot build the secret and the secret query fails.
For a description of how secrets are managed, see Secrets.
For information about JWKs and JWK Sets, see SON Web Key (JWK).
"name": string,
"type": "JwkSetSecretStore",
"config": {
"jwkUrl": configuration expression<url>,
"handler": Handler reference,
"cacheTimeout": configuration expression<duration>,
"cacheMissCacheTime": configuration expression<duration>,
"leaseExpiry": configuration expression<duration>
: configuration expression<url>, required-
A URL that contains the client’s public keys in JWK format.
: Handler reference, optional-
An HTTP client handler to communicate with the
.Usually set this property to the name of a ClientHandler configured in the heap, or a chain that ends in a ClientHandler.
Default: ClientHandler
: configuration expression<duration>, optional-
Delay before the cache is reloaded. The cache contains the
.The cache cannot be deactivated. If a value lower than 10 seconds is configured, a warning is logged and the default value is used instead.
Default: 2 minutes
: configuration expression<duration>, optional-
If the
is looked up in the cache and is not found, this is the delay before the cache is reloaded.Default: 2 minutes
: configuration expression<duration>, optional-
The amount of time that secrets produced by this store can be cached before they must be refreshed.
If the duration is
, IG issues a warning, and uses the default value.Default: 5 minutes
Log level
To facilitate debugging secrets for the JwkSetSecretStore, in
add a logger defined by the fully qualified package name of the
JwkSetSecretStore. The following line in logback.xml
sets the log level to ALL
<logger name="org.forgerock.secrets.jwkset" level="ALL">
For an example of how to set up and use JwkSetSecretStore to validate signed access tokens, see Validate signed access_tokens with the StatelessAccessTokenResolver and JwkSetSecretStore.
Manages a secret store for cryptographic keys and certificates, based on a standard Java KeyStore.
The KeyStore is typically file-based PKCS12 KeyStore. Legacy proprietary formats such as JKS and JCEKS are supported, but implement weak encryption and integrity protection mechanisms. Consider not using them for new functionality.
The secrets provider queries the KeyStoreSecretStore for a named secret,
identified by a secret ID and a stable ID, corresponding to the
mapping. The KeyStoreSecretStore returns a secret
that exactly matches the name, and whose purpose matches the secret ID and any
purpose contraints.
The secrets provider builds the secret, checking that the secret’s constraints are met, and returns a unique secret. If the secret’s constraints are not met, the secrets provider cannot build the secret and the secret query fails.
For a description of how secrets are managed, see Secrets.
"name": string,
"type": "KeyStoreSecretStore",
"config": {
"file": configuration expression<string>,
"storeType": configuration expression<string>,
"storePassword": configuration expression<string>,
"keyEntryPassword": configuration expression<string>,
"secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference,
"mappings": [ object, ... ],
"leaseExpiry": configuration expression<duration>
: configuration expression<string>, required-
The path to the KeyStore file.
: configuration expression<string>, optional-
The secret store type.
: configuration expression<secret-id>, required-
The secret ID of the password to access the KeyStore.
IG searches for the value of the password until it finds it, first locally, then in parent routes, then in
.To create a store password, add a file containing the password. The filename must corresponds to the secret ID, and the file content must contain only the password, with no trailing spaces or carriage returns.
: configuration expression<secret-id>, optional-
The secret ID of the password to access entries in the KeyStore.
To create an entry password, add a file containing the password. The filename must corresponds to the secret ID, and the file content must contain only the password, with no trailing spaces or carriage returns.
When this property is used, the password must be the same for all entries in the KeyStore. If JKS uses different password for entries,
doesn’t work.Default: The value of
: SecretsProvider reference, optional-
The SecretsProvider object to query for the keystore password and key entry password. For more information, see SecretsProvider.
Default: The route’s default secret service. For more information, see Default secrets object.
: array of objects, required-
One or more mappings of one secret ID to one or more aliases. The secret store uses the mappings as follows:
When the secret is used to create signatures or encrypt values, the secret store uses the active secret, the first alias in the list.
When the secret is used to verify signatures or decrypt data, the secret store tries all of the mapped aliases in the list, starting with the first, and stopping when it finds a secret that can successfully verify signature or decrypt the data.
"mappings": [ { "secretId": "id.key.for.signing.jwt", "aliases": [ "SigningKeyAlias", "AnotherSigningKeyAlias" ] }, { "secretId": "id.key.for.encrypting.jwt", "aliases": ["EncryptionKeyAlias"] } ]
: configuration expression<duration>, optional-
The amount of time that secrets produced by this store can be cached before they must be refreshed.
If the duration is
, IG issues a warning, and uses the default value.Default: 5 minutes
Log level
To facilitate debugging secrets for the KeyStoreSecretStore, in
add a logger defined by the fully qualified package name
of the KeyStoreSecretStore. The following line in logback.xml
sets the
log level to ALL
<logger name="org.forgerock.secrets.keystore" level="ALL">
For examples of routes that use KeyStoreSecretStore, see the examples in JwtBuilderFilter.
The format of a secret used with a mappings configuration in FileSystemSecretStore and SystemAndEnvSecretStore. Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) is a file format for storing and sending cryptographic keys, certificates, and other data, based on standards in[Textual Encodings of PKIX, PKCS, and CMS Structures. By default, OpenSSL generates keys using the PEM format.
Encryption methods and ciphers used for PEM encryption must be supported by the Java Cryptography Extension.
PEM keys have the following format, where the PEM label is associated to the type of stored cryptographic material:
-----BEGIN {PEM label}-----
Base64-encoded cryptographic material
-----END {PEM label}-----
PEM Label | Stored Cryptographic Material |
X.509 Certificate |
X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo |
PKCS#8 Private Key |
Encrypted PKCS#8 Private Key |
EC Private Key |
PKCS#1 RSA Private Key |
PKCS#1 RSA Public Keys |
PKCS#1-style DSA Private Key |
HMAC Secret Keys |
AES Secret Keys |
Generic Secrets (passwords, API keys, etc) |
Note the following points about the key formats:
PKCS#1 is the standard that defines RSA. For more information, see RFC 8017: RSA Public Key Syntax.
PKCS#1-style DSA and EC keys are not defined in any standard, but are adapted from the RSA format.
are a ForgeRock extension, and not currently supported by any other tools.The following example is non-standard PEM encoding of an HMAC symmetric secret key. The payload is base64-encoded random bytes that are the key material, with no extra encoding.
-----BEGIN HMAC SECRET KEY----- Pj/Vel...thB0U= -----END HMAC SECRET KEY-----
Run the following example command to create the key:
cat <<EOF -----BEGIN HMAC SECRET KEY----- $(head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64) -----END HMAC SECRET KEY----- EOF
"name": string,
"type": "PemPropertyFormat",
"config": {
"decryptionSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>,
"secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference
: configuration expression<secret-id>, optional-
The secret ID for the secret to decrypt a PKCS#8 private key.
: SecretsProvider reference, required whendecryptionSecretId
is used-
The SecretsProvider object to query for the decryption secret. For more information, see SecretsProvider.
For examples of use, see Pass Runtime Data in a JWT Signed With a PEM and Pass Runtime Data in a JWT Signed and Encrypted With a PEM.
Uses the Commons Secrets Service to manage keys that authenticate a TLS connection to a peer. The configuration references the keystore that holds the keys.
"name": string,
"type": "SecretsKeyManager",
"config": {
"signingSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>,
"secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference
: configuration expression<secret-id>, required-
The secret ID used to retrieve private signing keys.
: SecretsProvider reference, required-
The SecretsProvider to query for secrets to resolve the private signing key. For more information, see SecretsProvider.
The following example uses a private key found from a keystore for TLS handshake.
"type": "SecretsKeyManager",
"config": {
"signingSecretId": "",
"secretsProvider": {
"type": "KeyStoreSecretStore",
"config": {
"file": "path/to/certs/",
"storePassword": "keystore.pass",
"secretsProvider": "SecretsPasswords",
"mappings": [{
"secretId": "",
"aliases": [ "" ]
The format of a secret used with a secret store.
"name": string,
"type": "SecretKeyPropertyFormat",
"config": {
"format": SecretPropertyFormat reference,
"algorithm": configuration expression<string>
: SecretPropertyFormat reference, optional-
Format in which the secret is stored. Use one of the following values, or define a format:
: Base64-encoded -
: Plain text
: configuration expression<string>, required-
The algorithm name used for encryption and decryption. Use algorithm names given in Java Security Standard Algorithm Names.
Uses the specified secret stores to resolve queried secrets, such as passwords and cryptographic keys. Attempts to resolve the secret with the secret stores in the order that they are declared in the array.
"name": string,
"type": "SecretsProvider",
"config": {
"stores": [ SecretStore reference, ... ]
This object can alternatively be configured in a compact format, without the SecretsProvider declaration, as follows:
With an inline secret store:
"secretsProvider": { "type": "secret store type1", "config": {...} }
With multiple inline secret stores:
"secretsProvider": [ { "type": "secret store type1", "config": {...} } { "type": "secret store type2", "config": {...} } ]
With a referenced secret store:
"secretsProvider": "mySecretStore1"
With multiple referenced secret stores:
"secretsProvider": [ "mySecretStore1", "mySecretStore2" ]
See Example for more example configurations.
: array of SecretStore references, required-
One or more secret stores to provide access to stored secrets. Configure secret stores described in Secrets.
The following SecretsProvider is used in Discover and Dynamically Register With OpenID Connect Providers.
"secretsProvider": {
"type": "SecretsProvider",
"config": {
"stores": [
"type": "KeyStoreSecretStore",
"config": {
"file": "/path/to/keystore.jks",
"mappings": [
"aliases": [ "myprivatekeyalias" ],
"secretId": "private.key.jwt.signing.key"
"storePassword": "",
"storeType": "JKS",
"secretsProvider": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore-1"
The following example shows the equivalent SecretsProvider configuration with an inline compact format:
"secretsProvider": {
"name": "KeyStoreSecretStore-1",
"type": "KeyStoreSecretStore",
"config": {
"file": "/path/to/keystore.jks",
"mappings": [
"aliases": [ "myprivatekeyalias" ],
"secretId": "private.key.jwt.signing.key"
"storePassword": "",
"storeType": "JKS"
The following example shows the equivalent SecretsProvider configuration with a compact format, referencing a KeyStoreSecretStore object in the heap:
"secretsProvider": "KeyStoreSecretStore-1"
Uses the Commons Secrets Service to manage trust material that verifies the credentials presented by a peer. Trust material is usually public key certificates. The configuration references the secrets store that holds the trust material.
"name": string,
"type": "SecretsTrustManager",
"config": {
"verificationSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>,
"secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference,
"checkRevocation": configuration expression<boolean>
: configuration expression<secret-id>, required-
The secret ID to retrieve trusted certificates.
: SecretsProvider reference, required-
The SecretsProvider to query for secrets to resolve trusted certificates. For more information, see SecretsProvider.
: configuration expression<boolean>, optional-
Specifies whether to check for certificate revocation.
The following example trusts a list of certificates found in a given keystore:
"type": "SecretsTrustManager",
"config": {
"verificationSecretId": "",
"secretsProvider": {
"type": "KeyStoreSecretStore",
"config": {
"file": "path/to/certs/truststore.p12",
"storePassword": "keystore.pass",
"secretsProvider": "SecretsPasswords",
"mappings": [{
"secretId": "",
"aliases": [ "alias-of-trusted-cert-1", "alias-of-trusted-cert-2" ]
Manage a store of secrets from system properties and environment variables.
A secret ID must conform to the convention described in secret-id. The reference is then transformed to match the environment variable name, as follows:
Periods (.) are converted to underscores.
Characters are transformed to uppercase.
For example,
is transformed to MY_SECRET_ID
The secrets provider queries the SystemAndEnvSecretStore for a named secret, identified by the name of a system property or environment variable. The SystemAndEnvSecretStore returns a secret that exactly matches the name.
The secrets provider builds the secret, checking that the secret’s constraints are met, and returns a unique secret. If the secret’s constraints are not met, the secrets provider cannot build the secret and the secret query fails.
For a description of how secrets are managed, see Secrets.
"name": string,
"type": "SystemAndEnvSecretStore",
"config": {
"format": SecretPropertyFormat reference,
"mappings": [ object, ... ],
"leaseExpiry": configuration expression<duration>
: SecretPropertyFormat reference, optional-
Format in which the secret is stored. Use one of the following values, or define a format:
: Base64-encoded -
: Plain text
: array of objects, optional-
One or more mappings to define a secret:
: configuration expression<secret-id>, required-
The ID of the secret used in your configuration.
: SecretPropertyFormat reference, required-
The format and algorithm of the secret. Use SecretKeyPropertyFormat or PemPropertyFormat.
: configuration expression<duration>, optional-
The amount of time that secrets produced by this store can be cached before they must be refreshed.
If the duration is
, IG issues a warning, and uses the default value.Default: 5 minutes
Log level
To facilitate debugging secrets for the SystemAndEnvSecretStore, in
add a logger defined by the fully qualified package name
of the property resolver. The following line in logback.xml
sets the
log level to ALL
<logger name="org.forgerock.secrets.propertyresolver" level="ALL">
For an example of how to uses a SystemAndEnvSecretStore to manage a password, see the example in Authenticate with SSO through the default authentication service