Manages, suppresses, and relays cookies as follows:
Manage, to store cookies from the protected application in the IG session, and include them in later requests.
For requests with a
header, managed cookies are removed so that protected applications don’t see them.For responses with a
header, managed cookies are removed and then added in aCookie
header to the next request that goes through that filter.Manage is the default action, and a common choice to manage cookies originating from the protected application.
Suppress, to remove cookies from the request and response. Use this option to hide domain cookies, such as the AM session cookie, that are used by IG but are not usually used by protected applications.
Relay, to transmit cookies freely from the user agent to the remote server, and vice versa.
If a cookie does not appear in one of the three action parameters, then the
default action is performed, controlled by setting the defaultAction
parameter. If unspecified, the default action is to manage all cookies. In the
event a cookie appears in more than one configuration parameter, then it will
be selected in the order of precedence: managed, suppressed, relayed.
"name": string,
"type": "CookieFilter",
"config": {
"managed": [ configuration expression<string>, ... ],
"suppressed": [ configuration expression<string>, ... ],
"relayed": [ configuration expression<string>, ... ],
"defaultAction": configuration expression<enumeration>
: array of configuration expression<strings>, optional-
A list of the names of cookies to be managed.
: array of configuration expression<strings>, optional-
A list of the names of cookies to be suppressed.
: array of configuration expression<strings>, optional-
A list of the names of cookies to be relayed.
: configuration expression<enumeration>, optional-
Action to perform for cookies that do not match an action set. Set to
. Default:"MANAGE"