IG 7.2.0


Routes are JSON-encoded configuration files that you add to IG to manage requests. You can add routes in the following ways:

Every route must call a handler to process requests and produce responses to requests.

When a route has a condition, it can handle only requests that meet the condition. When a route has no condition, it can handle any request.

Routes inherit settings from their parent configuration. This means that you can configure global objects in the config.json heap, for example, and then reference the objects by name in any other IG configuration.

For examples of route configurations see Configure routers and routes.


  "handler": Handler reference,
  "heap": [ object, ... ],
  "condition": runtime expression<boolean>,
  "name": string,
  "secrets": {
    "stores": [ SecretStore reference, ... ]
  }, //deprecated
  "session": AsyncSessionManager reference,
  "auditService": AuditService reference,
  "globalDecorators": map,
  "decorator name": Decorator object


"handler": Handler reference, required

For this route, dispatch the request to this handler.

Provide either the name of a Handler object defined in the heap, or an inline Handler configuration object.

See also Handlers.

"heap": array of objects, optional

Heap object configuration for objects local to this route.

Objects referenced but not defined here are inherited from the parent.

You can omit an empty array. If you only have one object in the heap, you can inline it as the handler value.

See also Heap Objects.

"condition": runtime expression<boolean>, optional

A condition based on the request, context, or IG runtime environment, such as system properties or environment variables.

  • true: The request is dispatched to the route.

  • false: The condition for the next route in the configuration is evaluated.

  • No condition: the request is dispatched unconditionally to the route.

For debugging, log the routes for which IG evaluates a condition, and the route that matches a condition. Add the following line to a custom $HOME/.openig/config/logback.xml, and restart IG:

<logger name="org.forgerock.openig.handler.router.RouterHandler" level="trace" />

For information, see Managing logs.

For example conditions and requests that match them, see Example Conditions and Requests.

An external request can never match a condition that uses the reserved administrative route. Therefore, routes that use these conditions are effectively ignored. For example, if /openig is the administrative route, a route with the following condition is ignored: ${find(request.uri.path, '^/openig/my/path')}.

Default: ${true}

"name": string, optional

Route name.

The Router uses the name property to order the routes in the configuration. If the route does not have a name property, the Router uses the route ID.

The route ID is managed as follows:

  • When you add a route manually to the routes folder, the route ID is the value of the _id field. If there is no _id field, the route ID is the filename of the added route.

  • When you add a route through the Common REST endpoint, the route ID is the value of the mandatory _id field.

  • When you add a route through Studio, you can edit the default route ID.

    CAUTION: The filename of a route cannot be default.json. The route name property or route ID cannot be default.

Default: route ID

"secrets": SecretStore reference, optional
This property is deprecated; use SecretsProvider instead. For more information, refer to Deprecation.

One or more secret stores, as defined in Secrets object and secret stores.

"session": AsyncSessionManager reference. reference, optional

Stateless session implementation for this route. Define an AuthenticatedEncryptedJwtSessionManager object inline or in the heap.

When a request enters the route, IG builds a new session object for the route. The session content is available to the route’s downstream handlers and filters. Session content available in the ascending configuration (a parent route or config.json) is not available in the new session.

When the response exits the route, the session content is serialized as a secure JWT that is encrypted and signed, and the resulting JWT string is placed in a cookie. Session information set inside the route is no longer available. The session references the previous session object.

Default: Do not change the session storage implementation.

For more information, see AsyncSessionManager, and Sessions.

"auditService": AuditService reference, optional

An audit service for the route. Provide either the name of an AuditService object defined in the heap, or an inline AuditService configuration object.

Default: No auditing of a configuration. The NoOpAuditService provides an empty audit service to the top-level heap and its child routes.

"globalDecorators": map, optional

A map of one or more decorator names to decorator configuration, as described in Decorators. All compatible objects in the route are decorated with the mapped decorators.

"globalDecorators": {
  "decorator name": decoration configuration

The following object decorates all compatible objects in the route with a capture and timer decorator:

"globalDecorators": {
  "capture": "all",
  "timer": true

Default: Empty

"decorator name": Decorator object, optional

Decorate the main handler of this route with a decorator referred to by the decorator name, and provide the configuration as described in Decorators.

Default: No decoration.

Route metrics at the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint

Route metrics at the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint have the following labels:

  • name: Route name, for example, My Route.

    If the router was declared with a default handler, then its metrics are published through the route named default.

  • route: Route identifier, for example, my-route.

  • router: Fully qualified name of the router, for example, gateway.main-router.

The following table summarizes the recorded metrics:

Name Monitoring type Description



Number of requests being processed.



Number of requests processed by the router or route since it was deployed.



Number of responses that threw an exception.



Number of responses that were not handled by IG.



Number of responses by HTTP status code family. The family label depends on the HTTP status code:

  • Informational (1xx)

  • Successful (2xx)

  • Redirection (3xx)

  • Client_error (4xx)

  • Server_error (5xx)

  • Unknown (status code >= 600)



A summary of response time observations.

For more information about the the Prometheus Scrape Endpoint, see Prometheus Scrape Endpoint.

Route Metrics at the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint

Route metrics at the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint are published with an _id in the following pattern:

  • heap.router-name.route.route-name.metric

The following table summarizes the recorded metrics:

Name Monitoring type Description



Number of requests processed by the router or route since it was deployed.



Number of requests being processed by the router or route at this moment.



Number of responses that threw an exception.



Number of responses that were not handled by IG.



Number of responses with an HTTP status code 400-499, indicating client error.



Number of responses with an HTTP status code 100-199, indicating that they are provisional responses.



Number of responses with an HTTP status code 300-399, indicating a redirect.



Number of responses with an HTTP status code 500-599, indicating server error.



Number of responses with an HTTP status code 200-299, indicating success.



Number of responses with an HTTP status code 600-699, indicating that a request failed and was not executed.



Time-series summary statistics.

For more information about the the Common REST Monitoring Endpoint, see Common REST Monitoring Endpoint.

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