
For requests directed to a login page, this filter extracts credentials, and replays them.

Requests that are not directed to the login page are passed along to the next filter or handler in the chain.

The PasswordReplayFilter does not retry failed authentication attempts.


  "name": string,
  "type": "PasswordReplayFilter",
  "config": {
    "request": request configuration object,
    "loginPage": runtime expression<boolean>,
    "loginPageContentMarker": pattern,
    "credentials": Filter reference,
    "headerDecryption": crypto configuration object,
    "loginPageExtractions": [ extract configuration object, ... ]


"request": request configuration object, required

The request that replays the credentials. The JSON object of request is the config content of a "StaticRequestFilter".

"method": string, required

The HTTP method to be performed on the resource such as GET or POST.

"uri": uri string, required

The fully qualified URI of the resource to access, such as

"entity": expression, optional

The entity body to include in the request.

When the method is set to POST, this setting is mutually exclusive with form.

See also "Expressions".

"form": object, optional

A form to include in the request.

The param specifies the form parameter name. Its value is an array of expressions to evaluate as form field values.

When the method is set to POST, this setting is mutually exclusive with entity.

"headers": object, optional

Header fields to set in the request.

The name specifies the header name. Its value is an array of expressions to evaluate as header values.

"version": string, optional

The HTTP protocol version.

Default: "HTTP/1.1".

"loginPage": runtime expression<boolean>, required unless loginPageContentMarker is defined

When the expression evaluates to true, direct the request to a login page, extract credentials, and replay them.

When false, pass the request unchanged to the next filter or handler in the chain.

The following example expression resolves to true when the request is an HTTP GET, and the request URI path is /login:

${matches(request.uri.path, '/login') and (request.method == 'GET')}
"loginPageContentMarker": pattern, required unless loginPage is defined

A pattern that matches when a response entity is that of a login page.

For an example route that uses this property, see "Login Form With Password Replay and Cookie Filters".

See also "Patterns".

"credentials": Filter reference, optional

Filter that injects credentials, making them available for replay. Consider using a FileAttributesFilter or a SqlAttributesFilter.

When this is not specified, credentials must be made available to the request by other means.

See also Filters.

"headerDecryption": crypto configuration object, optional

Object to decrypt request headers that contain credentials to replay.

The crypto configuration object has the following fields:

"key": expression, required

Base64 encoded key value.

See also "Expressions".

"algorithm": string, optional

Algorithm used for decryption.

Use the same algorithm that is used to send the encrypted credentials.

Default: AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding

"keyType": string, optional

Algorithm name for the secret key.

Default: AES

"headers": array of strings, optional

The names of header fields to decrypt.

Default: Do not decrypt any headers.

"loginPageExtractions": extract configuration array, optional

Object to extract values from the login page entity.

For an example route that uses this property, see "Login Which Requires a Hidden Value From the Login Page".

The extract configuration array is a series of configuration objects. To extract multiple values, use multiple extract configuration objects. Each object has the following fields:

"name": string, required

Name of the field where the extracted value is put.

The names are mapped into attributes.extracted.

For example, if the name is nonce, the value can be obtained with the expression ${attributes.extracted.nonce}.

The name isLoginPage is reserved to hold a boolean that indicates whether the response entity is a login page.

"pattern": pattern, required

The regular expression pattern to find in the entity.

The pattern must contain one capturing group. (If it contains more than one, only the value matching the first group is placed into attributes.extracted.)

For example, suppose the login page entity contains a nonce required to authenticate, and the nonce in the page looks like nonce='n-0S6_WzA2Mj'. To extract n-0S6_WzA2Mj, set "pattern": " nonce='(.*)'".

See also "Patterns".


The following example authenticates requests using static credentials when the request URI path is /login. This PasswordReplayFilter example does not include any mechanism for remembering when authentication has already been successful, it simply replays the authentication every time that the request URI path is /login:

  "handler": {
    "type": "Chain",
    "config": {
      "filters": [{
        "type": "PasswordReplayFilter",
        "config": {
          "loginPage": "${request.uri.path == '/login'}",
          "request": {
            "method": "POST",
            "uri": "",
            "form": {
              "username": [
              "password": [
      "handler": "ReverseProxyHandler"

For additional examples, see Configuration Templates, and the Javadoc for the PasswordReplayFilter class.

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