- Preface
- Required Configuration
- Handlers
- Filters
- AllowOnlyFilter
- AssignmentFilter
- CapturedUserPasswordFilter
- CertificateThumbprintFilter
- ClientCredentialsOAuth2ClientFilter
- ConditionalFilter
- ConditionEnforcementFilter
- ChainOfFilters
- CookieFilter
- CorsFilter
- CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter
- CryptoHeaderFilter
- CsrfFilter
- DateHeaderFilter
- EntityExtractFilter
- FapiInteractionIdFilter
- FileAttributesFilter
- ForwardedRequestFilter
- HeaderFilter
- HttpBasicAuthenticationClientFilter
- HttpBasicAuthFilter
- IdTokenValidationFilter
- JwtBuilderFilter
- JwtValidationFilter
- LocationHeaderFilter
- OAuth2ClientFilter
- OAuth2ResourceServerFilter
- PasswordReplayFilter
- PolicyEnforcementFilter
- ScriptableFilter
- SessionInfoFilter
- SetCookieUpdateFilter
- SingleSignOnFilter
- SqlAttributesFilter
- StaticRequestFilter
- SwitchFilter
- ThrottlingFilter
- TokenTransformationFilter
- UmaFilter
- UriPathRewriteFilter
- UserProfileFilter
- Decorators
- Audit Framework
- Monitoring
- Throttling Policies
- Miscellaneous Configuration Objects
- Property Value Substitution
- Expressions
- Expressions
- Functions
- array
- boolean
- contains
- decodeBase64
- decodeBase64url
- digestSha256
- encodeBase64
- encodeBase64url
- fileToUrl
- formDecodeParameterNameOrValue
- formEncodeParameterNameOrValue
- indexOf
- integer
- integerWithRadix
- ipMatch
- join
- keyMatch
- length
- matchingGroups
- matches
- pathToUrl
- pemCertificate
- read
- readProperties
- readWithCharset
- split
- toJson
- toLowerCase
- toString
- toUpperCase
- trim
- urlDecode
- urlEncode
- urlDecodeFragment
- urlDecodePathElement
- urlDecodeQueryParameterNameOrValue
- urlDecodeUserInfo
- urlEncodeFragment
- urlEncodePathElement
- urlEncodeQueryParameterNameOrValue
- urlEncodeUserInfo
- More Information
- Patterns
- Scripts
- Properties
- Requests, Responses, and Contexts
- AttributesContext
- CapturedUserPasswordContext
- ClientContext
- Contexts
- CdSsoContext
- CdSsoFailureContext
- JwtBuilderContext
- JwtValidationContext
- JwtValidationErrorContext
- OAuth2Context
- PolicyDecisionContext
- Request
- Response
- SessionContext
- SessionInfoContext
- SsoTokenContext
- Status
- StsContext
- TransactionIdContext
- UriRouterContext
- UserProfileContext
- Access Token Resolvers
- Secret Stores
- Supported Standards
Allocates temporary buffers for caching streamed content during request processing. Initially uses memory; when the memory limit is exceeded, switches to a temporary file.
{ "name": string, "type": "TemporaryStorage", "config": { "initialLength": configuration expression<number>, "memoryLimit": configuration expression<number>, "fileLimit": configuration expression<number>, "directory": configuration expression<string> } }
: configuration expression<number>, optionalInitial size of the memory buffer.
Default: 8 192 bytes (8 KB). Maximum: The value of
: configuration expression<number>, optionalMaximum size of the memory buffer. When the memory buffer is full, the content is transferred to a temporary file.
Default: 65 536 bytes (64 KB). Maximum: 2 147 483 647 bytes (2 GB).
: configuration expression<number>, optionalMaximum size of the temporary file. If the file is bigger than this value, IG responds with an OverflowException.
Default: 1 073 741 824 bytes (1 GB). Maximum: 2 147 483 647 bytes (2 GB).
: configuration expression<string>, optionalThe directory where temporary files are created.
Default: The value of the system property
, typically/tmp
on Unix systems, or/var/tmp
on Linux.