
Locally resolve and validate stateless access_tokens issued by AM, without referring to AM.

AM can be configured to secure access_tokens by signing or encrypting. The StatelessAccessTokenResolver must be configured for signature or encryption according to the AM configuration.

Supported with OpenAM 13.5, and AM 5 and later versions.


Use this resolver with the accessTokenResolver property of OAuth2ResourceServerFilter.

"accessTokenResolver": {
  "type": "StatelessAccessTokenResolver",
  "config": {
    "issuer": configuration expression<uri string>,
    "secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference,
    "verificationSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>, // Use "verificationSecretId" or
    "decryptionSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>,   // "decryptionSecretId", but not both
    "skewAllowance": configuration expression<duration>


"issuer": configuration expression<uri string>, required

URL of the AM instance responsible for issuing access_tokens.

"secretsProvider": SecretsProvider reference, optional

The "SecretsProvider" to use to resolve queried secrets, such as passwords and cryptographic keys. Provide either the name of a SecretsProvider object defined in the heap, or specify a SecretsProvider object inline.

Default: Use the global secrets service.

"verificationSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>, required if AM secures access_tokens with a signature

The secret ID for the secret used to verify the signature of signed access_tokens.

Depending on the type of secret store that is used to verify signatures, use the following values:

  • For JwkSetSecretStore, use any non-empty string that conforms to the field convention for secret-id. The value of the string is not used.

  • For other types of secret stores:

    • null: No signature verification is required.

    • A kid as a string: Signature verification is required with the provided kid. The StatelessAccessTokenResolver searches for the matching kid in the SecretsProvider or global secrets service.

For information about how signatures are validated, see "Validating the Signature of Signed Tokens". For information about how each type of secret store resolves named secrets, see Secret Stores.

Use either verificationSecretId or decryptionSecretId, according to the configuration of the token provider in AM. If AM is configured to sign and encrypt tokens, encryption takes precedence over signing.

"decryptionSecretId": configuration expression<secret-id>, required if AM secures access_tokens with encryption

The secret ID for the secret used to decrypt the JWT, for confidentiality.

Use either verificationSecretId or decryptionSecretId, according to the configuration of the token provider in AM. If AM is configured to sign and encrypt the token, encryption takes precedence over signing.

For information about supported formats for secret-id, see secret-id.

"skewAllowance": configuration expression<duration>, optional

The duration to add to the validity period of a JWT to allow for clock skew between different servers. To support a zero-trust policy, the skew allowance is by default zero.

A skewAllowance of 2 minutes affects the validity period as follows:

  • A JWT with an iat of 12:00 is valid from 11:58 on the IG clock.

  • A JWT with an exp 13:00 is expired after 13:02 on the IG clock.

Default: zero


For examples of how to set up and use StatelessAccessTokenResolver to resolve signed and encrypted access_tokens, see "Validating Stateless Access_Tokens With the StatelessAccessTokenResolver".

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