Java Policy Agents 5.9.1

Remove Java Agent

Remove Tomcat Java Agent

  1. Shut down the server where the agent is installed.

  2. Run the agentadmin command with the --listAgents option list installed agent instances:

    $ agentadmin --listAgents
    The following agents are configured on this Application Server.
    The following are the details for agent Agent_001 :-
  3. Note the configuration information of the agent instance you want to remove.

  4. Run the agentadmin command with the --uninstall option.

    $ agentadmin --uninstall
  5. Enter the path of the Tomcat installation directory:

    Enter the complete path to the directory which is used by Tomcat Server to
    store its configuration Files. This directory uniquely identifies the
    Tomcat Server instance that is secured by this Agent.
    [ ? : Help, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the Tomcat Server Config Directory Path
    [/opt/apache-tomcat/conf]: /path/to/apache-tomcat/conf
  6. Review a summary of your responses and select how to continue:

    Tomcat Server Config Directory : /path/to/apache-tomcat/conf
    Verify your settings above and decide from the choices below.
    1. Continue with Uninstallation
    2. Back to the last interaction
    3. Start Over
    4. Exit
    Please make your selection [1]: 1
    Removing the Agent jar/locale files from the classloader directory ...DONE.
    Deleting the config directory
    Removing OpenAM Tomcat Agent Realm from Server XML file :
    /path/to/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml ...DONE.
    Removing filter from Global deployment descriptor file :
    /path/to/apache-tomcat/conf/web.xml ...DONE.
    Removing OpenAM Tomcat Agent Filter and Form login authentication from Web
    applications ...DONE.
    Uninstall log file location:
    Thank you for using AM Policy Agent

Remove JBoss Java Agent

  1. Shut down the server where the agent is installed.

  2. Run the agentadmin command with the --listAgents option list installed agent instances:

    $ agentadmin --listAgents
    The following agents are configured on this Application Server.
    The following are the details for agent Agent_001 :-
  3. Note the configuration information of the agent instance you want to remove.

  4. Run the agentadmin command with the --uninstall option.

    $ agentadmin --uninstall
  5. Enter the path to the JBoss installation directory:

    Enter the complete path to the home directory of the JBoss instance.
    [ ? : Help, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the path to the JBoss installation: /path/to/jboss
  6. Enter domain or standalone, for the deployment mode of the JBoss installation to uninstall:

    Enter the name of the deployment mode of the JBoss installation that you wish
    to use with this agent. Supported values are: domain, standalone.
    [ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the deployment mode of JBoss [standalone]: standalone
  7. Review a summary of your responses and select how to continue:

    JBoss home directory : /path/to/jboss
    JBoss deployment mode : standalone
    Verify your settings above and decide from the choices below.
    1. Continue with Uninstallation
    2. Back to the last interaction
    3. Start Over
    4. Exit
    Please make your selection [1]: **1**
    Removing Agent settings from
    file ...DONE.
    Deleting the config directory
    /path/to/java_agents/jboss_agent/Agent_001/config ...DONE.
    Uninstall log file location:
    Thank you for using AM Policy Agent.

Remove Jetty Java Agent

  1. Shut down the server where the agent is installed.

  2. Run the agentadmin command with the --listAgents option list installed agent instances:

    $ agentadmin --listAgents
    The following agents are configured on this Application Server.
    The following are the details for agent Agent_001 :-
  3. Note the configuration information of the agent instance you want to remove.

  4. Run the agentadmin command with the --uninstall option.

    $ agentadmin --uninstall
  5. Enter the path of the Jetty configuration directory:

    Enter the complete path to the directory which is used by Jetty Server to store
    its configuration Files. This directory uniquely identifies the Jetty
    Server instance that is secured by this Agent.
    [ ? : Help, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the Jetty Server Config Directory Path [/opt/jetty/etc]: /path/to/jetty/etc
  6. Review a summary of your responses and select how to continue:

    Jetty Server Config Directory :
    Verify your settings above and decide from the choices below.
    1. Continue with Uninstallation
    2. Back to the last interaction
    3. Start Over
    4. Exit
    Please make your selection [1]: 1
    Removing the agent classpath from start.conf file ...DONE.
    Deleting the config directory
    Removing Login configuration files: amlogin.conf amlogin.xml...DONE.
    Removing Agent app...DONE.
    Uninstall log file location:
    Thank you for using AM Policy Agent

Remove WebLogic Java Agent

  1. Shut down the server where the agent is installed.

  2. Run the agentadmin command with the --listAgents option list installed agent instances:

    $ agentadmin --listAgents
    The following agents are configured on this Application Server.
    The following are the details for agent Agent_001 :-
  3. Note the configuration information of the agent instance you want to remove.

  4. Run the agentadmin command with the --uninstall option.

    $ agentadmin --uninstall
  5. Enter the path to the file of the WebLogic domain where you want to install the agent:

    Enter the path to the location of the script used to start the WebLogic domain.
    Please ensure that the agent is first installed on the admin server instance
    before installing on any managed server instance.
    [ ? : Help, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the Startup script location
    [/usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain/]: /Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/
  6. Enter the name of the WebLogic instance:

    Enter the name of the WebLogic Server instance secured by the agent.
    [ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the WebLogic Server instance name [AdminServer]: AdminServer
  7. Review a summary of your responses and select how to continue:

    Startup script location :
    WebLogic Server instance name : AdminServer
    Verify your settings above and decide from the choices below.
    1. Continue with Uninstallation
    2. Back to the last interaction
    3. Start Over
    4. Exit
    Please make your selection [1]: 1
    Remove amauthprovider.jar from
    Deleting the config directory
    Uninstall log file location:
    Thank you for using AM Policy Agent

Remove WebSphere Java Agent

  1. Shut down the server where the agent is installed.

  2. Run the agentadmin command with the --listAgents option list installed agent instances:

    $ agentadmin --listAgents
    The following agents are configured on this Application Server.
    The following are the details for agent Agent_001 :-
  3. Note the configuration information of the agent instance you want to remove.

  4. Run the agentadmin command with the --uninstall option.

    $ agentadmin --uninstall
  5. Enter the path to the configuration directory of the server instance for the WebSphere node:

    Enter the fully qualified path to the configuration directory of the Server
    Instance for the WebSphere node.
    [ ? : Help, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the Instance Config Directory
    [/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/<hostname>Node01Cell/nodes/<hostname>Node01/servers/server1]: /path/to/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppServ01/config/cells/DefaultCell01/nodes/DefaultNode01/servers/server1
  6. Enter the name of the server instance where the agent will be removed. For example, server1.

    Enter the Server Instance name.
    [ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the Server Instance name [server1]: server1
  7. Enter the path to the WebSphere install directory:

    Enter the WebSphere Install Root directory.
    [ ? : Help, < : Back, ! : Exit ]
    Enter the WebSphere Install Root directory
    [/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer]: /path/to/WebSphere/AppServer
  8. Review a summary of your responses and select how to continue:

    Instance Config Directory :
    Instance Server name : server1
    WebSphere Install Root Directory : /path/to/WebSphere/AppServer
    Verify your settings above and decide from the choices below.
    1. Continue with Uninstallation
    2. Back to the last interaction
    3. Start Over
    4. Exit
    Please make your selection [1]: 1
    Remove jars from /path/to/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ext...DONE.
    Deleting the config directory
    /path/to/java_agents/websphere_agent/Agent_001/config ...DONE.
    Unconfigure server.xml file
    Uninstall log file location:
    Thank you for using AM Policy Agent
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