Web Agents 2024.6

Apache and IBM HTTP Web Agent

Install Apache or IBM HTTP Web Agent

Consider the following points before installing Apache or IBM HTTP Web Agent:

  • SELinux can prevent the web server from accessing agent libraries, and the agent from being able to write to audit and debug logs. For more information, refer to Troubleshoot.

  • By default, 32 agent instances can run at the same time in a single installation. For information about changing the limit, refer to AM_MAX_AGENTS in Environment variables.

  • (For Apache Web Agent) By default, the agent replaces authentication functionality provided by Apache, for example, the mod_auth_* modules. Configure Use Built-in Apache HTTPD Authentication Directives to use built-in Apache authentication directives such as AuthName, FilesMatch, and Require for specified not-enforced URLs.

Tune multi-processing modules

Apache and IBM HTTP server include Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs) that extend the functionality of a web server to support a wide variety of operating systems and customizations for a site.

Before installation, configure and tune MPMs, as follows:

  • Configure one of the following modules:

    • mpm-event for Unix-based servers

    • mpm-worker for Unix-based servers

    • mpm_winnt for Windows servers

    The prefork-mpm module isn’t adapted to high-traffic deployments. It can cause performance issues to both the agent and AM.

  • Make sure that there are enough processes and threads available to service the expected number of client requests.

    MPM-related performance is configured in the file conf/extra/http-mpm.conf:

    <IfModule mpm_worker_module>
    StartServers            2
    MaxRequestWorkers     150
    MinSpareThreads        25
    MaxSpareThreads        75
    ThreadsPerChild        25
    MaxConnectionsPerChild  0

    MaxRequestWorkers and ThreadsPerChild control the maximum number of concurrent requests. The default configuration allows 150 concurrent clients across 6 processes of 25 threads each.

    Configure MaxRequestWorkers and ServerLimit to get a high level of concurrent clients.

    To prevent problems registering the notification queue listener, don’t change the default value of MaxSpareThreads, ThreadLimit, or ThreadsPerChild.

    For information about Apache configuration properties, refer to Apache MPM worker.

Install interactively

  1. Review the information in Before you install, and perform the steps in Preinstallation tasks.

  2. (Optional) In environments where a user isn’t defined in the Apache or IBM HTTP server configuration file httpd.conf, set the following environment variables in your command line session to change ownership of created directories.

    The following examples change ownership to the user user:

    $ export APACHE_RUN_USER=user
    $ export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=user
  3. Shut down the Apache or IBM HTTP server where you plan to install the agent.

  4. Make sure AM is running.

  5. Run agentadmin --i to install the agent:

    • Apache on Linux

    • Apache on Windows

    • IBM HTTP Server on Linux

    $ cd /web_agents/apache24_agent/bin/
    $ ./agentadmin --i
    C:\> cd web_agents\apache24_agent\bin
    C:\path\to\web_agents\apache24_agent\bin> agentadmin.exe --i
    $ cd /web_agents/httpservern_agent/bin/
    $ ./agentadmin --i
  6. When prompted, enter information for your deployment:

    To cancel the installation at any time, press CTRL-C.
    1. Enter the complete path to the Apache or IBM HTTP server configuration file:

      • Apache on Linux

      • Apache on Windows

      • IBM HTTP Server on Linux

      Configuration file [/opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf]: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
      Configuration file [/opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf]: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
      Configuration file [/opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf]: /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf
    2. (Optional) When installing the agent as the root user, consider changing directory ownership to the same user and group specified in the server configuration:

      Change ownership of created directories using
      User and Group settings in httpd.conf
      [ q or 'ctrl+c' to exit ]
      (yes/no): [no]: yes

      This step appears only if environment variables are set as described in step 2, and User and Group are not defined in httpd.conf, such as in non Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based distributions.

      See which user or group is running the server by viewing the Group and User directives in httpd.conf.

      The following errors can occur when the permissions are wrong:

      • Server fails to start up

      • Requests to a protected resource return a blank page

      • Log rotation errors

    3. Enter the full path to import an existing agent configuration file, or press Enter to skip the import.

      Existing agent.conf file: path/to/config/agent.conf

      The installer can import settings from an existing agent on the new installation and skip prompts for values present in the existing configuration file. You must re-enter the agent profile password.

    4. Enter the full URL for the AM instance that the agent will use, including the deployment URI:

      AM server URL: http://am.example.com:8088/am
      If a reverse proxy is configured between AM and the agent, set the AM URL to the proxy URL, for example, https://proxy.example.com:443/am. For information about setting up an environment for reverse proxies, refer to Apache as a reverse proxy.
    5. Enter the full URL of the agent:

      Agent URL: http://www.example.com:80
    6. Enter the ID of the agent profile created in AM:

      Agent ID: web-agent
    7. Enter the agent profile realm:

      Agent realm/organization name: [/]:  / 
      Realms are case-sensitive.
    8. Enter the full path to the file containing the agent password:

      The path and name of the password file: /secure-directory/pwd.txt
    9. Review the configuration:

      Installation parameters:
         AM URL: https://am.example.com:8443/am
         Agent URL: http://www.example.com:80
         Agent ID: web-agent
         Agent realm/organization name: /
         Agent password source: /secure-directory/pwd.txt
      Confirm configuration (yes/no): [no]:
    10. Accept or update the configuration:

      • To accept the configuration type yes.

      • To change the configuration type no or press Enter. The installer loops through the configuration prompts again using your provided settings as the default. Press Enter to accept each one, or enter a replacement setting.

      On successful completion, the installer adds the agent as a module to the server configuration file httpd.conf. The agent adds a backup configuration file with the installation datestamp: http.conf_amagent_yyyymmddhhmmss.

  7. (Unix only) Make sure the user or group running the Apache or IBM HTTP server has appropriate permissions for the following directories:

    • Apache on Linux

    • Apache on Windows

    • IBM HTTP Server on Linux

    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/log
    See which user or group is running the server by viewing the Group and User directives in httpd.conf.

    The following errors can occur when the permissions are wrong:

    • Server fails to start up

    • Requests to a protected resource return a blank page

    • Log rotation errors

    The same issues can occur if SELinux is enabled in enforcing mode, and not configured to allow access to agent directories. For more information, refer to Troubleshoot.
  8. Start the Apache or IBM HTTP server.

  9. Check the installation, as described in Check the installation.

Install on a virtual host

Web Agent instances can operate with multiple virtual hosts. Each configuration instance is independent and has its own configuration file, debug logs, and audit logs. Each instance can connect to a different AM realm, or even different AM servers.

Installing on a virtual host is a manual process that involves copying an instance directory created by the agentadmin installer and adding it to the configuration file of the virtual host.

  1. Install an agent in the default root configuration, as described in Install Apache or IBM HTTP Web Agent. This agent is referred to as the root agent.

  2. Create a profile for the agent on the virtual host, as described in Create agent profiles. This agent is referred to as the virtual host agent.

  3. Create at least one AM policy to protect resources on the virtual host, as described in Policies in AM’s Authorization guide.

  4. Shut down the Apache or IBM HTTP server where you plan to install the agent.

  5. Locate an agent configuration instance to duplicate, and make a copy. For example, copy agent_1 to agent_2:

    • Apache on Linux

    • Apache on Windows

    • IBM HTTP Server on Linux

    $ cd /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances
    $ cp -r agent_1 agent_2
    c:\> cd c:\web_agents\apache24_agent\instances
    c:\path\to\web_agents\apache24_agent\instances> xcopy /E /I agent_1 agent_2
    $ cd /web_agents/httpservern_agent/instances
    $ cp -r agent_1 agent_2
  6. Assign modify privileges to the new instance folder for the user that runs the virtual host. The following examples assign privileges for agent_2 to a user named user:

    • Apache on Linux

    • Apache on Windows

    • IBM HTTP Server on Linux

    $ cd /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances
    $ chown -hR user agent_2
    c:\> cd c:\web_agents\apache24_agent\instances
    c:\path\to\web_agents\apache24_agent\instances> **icacls "agent_2" /grant user:M
    $ cd /web_agents/httpservern_agent/instances
    $ chown -hR user agent_2
  7. In the new instance folder, edit the configuration as follows:

    1. In AgentConfiguration.properties, set the value of Agent Profile Name to the name of the profile you created for the virtual host agent. For example, set the value to agent_2.

    2. In agent-password.conf and agent-key.conf, configure the encryption key and password for the virtual host agent. Use a scenario that suits your environment:

      • Scenario 1: The password of the virtual host agent profile is the same as the password of the root agent profile[1].

        The encryption key and encryption password of the root agent and virtual host agent must match. Because you copied the configuration file, you don’t need to do anything else.

      • Scenario 2: The password of the virtual host agent profile is different from the password of the root agent profile[2].

        Follow these steps to generate a new encryption key, encrypt the new password, and configure them in the profile of the virtual host agent:

        1. Generate a new encryption key:

          $ agentadmin --k
          Encryption key value: YWM…​5Nw==
        2. (Unix only) Store the agent profile password in a file, for example, newpassword.file .

        3. Encrypt the agent profile password:

          • Apache on Linux

          • Apache on Windows

          • IBM HTTP Server on Linux

          $ ./agentadmin --p "YWM…​5Nw==" “cat newpassword.file”
          Encrypted password value: 07b…​dO4=
          $ agentadmin.exe --p "YWM…​5Nw==" "newpassword"
          Encrypted password value: 07b…​dO4=
          $ ./agentadmin --p "YWM…​5Nw==" “cat newpassword.file”
          Encrypted password value: 07b…​dO4=
        4. Set the following property in agent-key.conf:

      • Agent Profile Password Encryption Key with the value of the generated encryption key:

        com.sun.identity.agents.config.key = YWM...5Nw==
        1. Set the following property in agent-password.conf:

      • Agent Profile Password with the value of the encrypted password:

        com.sun.identity.agents.config.password = 07b...dO4=
    3. Throughout the configuration, replace references to the original instance directory with the new instance directory. For example, replace agent_1 with agent_2 in the following properties:

    4. Throughout the configuration, replace references to the original website being protected with the new website being protected. For example, replace http://www.example.com:80/amagent with http://customers.example.com:80/amagent in the following properties:

  8. Edit the Apache or IBM HTTP server configuration file, httpd.conf:

    1. Find the following lines at the end of the file. The following example is for Apache agent on Linux, but you can adapt it to your configuration:

      LoadModule amagent_module /web_agents/apache24_agent/lib/mod_openam.so
      AmAgent On
      AmAgentConf /web_agents/apache24_agent/bin/../instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
    2. Leave the first line, LoadModule …​, and move the other two lines on the virtual host configuration element of the default site, for example:

      <VirtualHost *:80>
      # This first-listed virtual host is also the default for *:80
      ServerName www.example.com
      ServerAlias example.com
      DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
      AmAgent On
      AmAgentConf /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
    3. Copy the same two lines on the new virtual host, and replace agent_1 with the new agent configuration instance folder, for example agent_2:

      <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName customers.example.com
      DocumentRoot "/var/www/customers"
      AmAgent On
      AmAgentConf /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_2/config/agent.conf
      If the new virtual host configuration is in a separate file, copy the two configuration lines on the VirtualHost element within that file.
  9. Save and close the configuration file.

  10. (Unix only) Make sure the user or group running the Apache or IBM HTTP server has appropriate permissions for the following directories:

    • Apache on Linux

    • Apache on Windows

    • IBM HTTP Server on Linux

    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/log
    See which user or group is running the server by viewing the Group and User directives in httpd.conf.

    The following errors can occur when the permissions are wrong:

    • Server fails to start up

    • Requests to a protected resource return a blank page

    • Log rotation errors

    The same issues can occur if SELinux is enabled in enforcing mode, and not configured to allow access to agent directories. For more information, refer to Troubleshoot.
  11. Start the Apache or IBM HTTP server.

  12. Check the installation, as described in Check the installation.

Install silently

Use the agentadmin --s command for silent installation. For information about the options, refer to agentadmin command.

  1. Review the information in Before you install, and perform the steps in Preinstallation tasks.

  2. Shut down the Apache or IBM HTTP server where you plan to install the agent.

  3. Make sure AM is running.

  4. Run the agentadmin --s command with the required arguments. The following example is for Apache agent on Linux, but you can adapt it to your configuration:

    $ ./agentadmin --s \
      "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" \
      "https://am.example.com:8443/am" \
      "http://www.example.com:80" \
      "/" \
      "webagent" \
      "/secure-directory/pwd.txt" \
    AM Web Agent for Apache Server installation.
    Installation complete.
  5. (Unix only) Make sure the user or group running the Apache or IBM HTTP server has appropriate permissions for the following directories:

    • Apache on Linux

    • Apache on Windows

    • IBM HTTP Server on Linux

    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/apache24_agent/log
    Read permission:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/lib
    Read and write permission:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/log
    Execute permission to validate an installation by using the agentadmin --V[i\] command:
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/instances/agent_n
    * /web_agents/httpservern_agent/log
    See which user or group is running the server by viewing the Group and User directives in httpd.conf.

    The following errors can occur when the permissions are wrong:

    • Server fails to start up

    • Requests to a protected resource return a blank page

    • Log rotation errors

    The same issues can occur if SELinux is enabled in enforcing mode, and not configured to allow access to agent directories. For more information, refer to Troubleshoot.
  6. Start the Apache or IBM HTTP server.

  7. Check the installation, as described in Check the installation.

Check the installation

  1. After you start Apache or IBM HTTP server, check the error log to make sure startup was successful:

    [Tue Sep …​] AH00163:
    Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) Web Agent/2024.6 configured — resuming normal operations
  2. Make an HTTP request to a resource protected by the agent, then check the /log/system_0.log file to verify that no errors occurred on startup. The log should contain a message similar to this:

    [0x7fb89e7a6700:22]: Web Agent Version: 2024.6
    Revision: ab12cde, Container: Apache 2.4 Linux 64bit (Centos6),
    Build date: Mar …​
  3. (Optional) If an AM policy is configured, test that the agent enforces a policy decision. For example, make an HTTP request to a protected resource and check that you are redirected to AM to authenticate. After authentication, AM redirects you back to the resource you tried to access.

Install in a subrealm

Examples in this document install the agent in the top-level realm. To install the agent in a subrealm during interactive or silent installation, use the subrealm during the installation or in the response file.

For example, instead of:

Agent realm/organization name: [/]: /


Agent realm/organization name: [/]: /myrealm

Even though the agent is installed in a subrealm, the default login redirect requires the user realm to be the top-level realm. For information about how to change the user realm, refer to Login redirect.

Configure error logs

Edit the server configuration file httpd.conf to log errors.

The following line, present by default in httpd.conf, logs warning conditions for the container:

LogLevel warn

The following example line includes the agent error logs at debug-level:

LogLevel warn amagent:debug

Configure Apache or IBM HTTP Web Agent

The examples in this section are for Apache agent on Linux, but you can adapt them to your configuration.

IBM HTTP server 9 supports Apache directives; IBM HTTP server 8,5 does not.

AmAgent directive to switch the agent on or off

Switch the agent on or off globally or independently for different server locations. Server locations include the global environment, a virtual host, a specific location, or a set of directory blocks. Use the following settings:

AmAgent On

The agent protects server locations. It allows or denies requests based on AM policy configuration and not-enforced rules.

AmAgent Off

Apache or IBM HTTP server protects server locations; the agent plays no part in protecting the server locations.

Default: AmAgent is set to On at a global level in the httpd.conf configuration file as follows:

AmAgent On
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off

The AmAgent configuration is hierarchical; when it is On or Off globally it is set for all server locations except those explicitly specified otherwise.

Consider setting AmAgent to Off for the following situations:

  • For server locations that need no AM authentication or policy, such as the public face of a website, or /css or /images directories.

  • When Apache or IBM HTTP server is acting as a reverse proxy to AM or Advanced Identity Cloud, and you don’t want the agent to take part in protecting AM or Advanced Identity Cloud.

Example where AmAgent is On globally and Off for specific directories

In the following example httpd.conf, the agent is On globally and Off for the /var/www/transaction directory:

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/transaction>
    AmAgent Off
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

AmAgent On
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off
Accessing a resource in /var/www/

The agent protects the resource, and overrides the Require all granted directive.

To access the resource, the request must match a not-enforced rule in the agent configuration or be allowed by an AM policy evaluation.

Accessing a resource in /var/www/transaction

Apache or IBM HTTP server manages the access and applies the Require all granted directive. The agent plays no part in protecting the resource.

AmAgent is Off globally and On for specific server locations

When AmAgent configuration is Off, configure the server location /agent as On. This allows AM to redirect requests to the /agent endpoint after authentication.

In the following example httpd.conf, the agent is Off globally but On for the /var/www/transaction and /agent locations:

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/transaction>
    AmAgent On
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Location /agent>
    AmAgent On

AmAgent Off
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off
Accessing a resource in /var/www/

Apache or IBM HTTP server manages the access and applies the Require all granted directive.The agent plays no part in protecting the resource.

Accessing a resource in /var/www/transaction

The agent protects the resource, and overrides the Require all granted directive.

To access the resource, the request must match a not-enforced rule in the agent configuration or be allowed by an AM policy evaluation.

AmAuthProvider directive to use Apache as the enforcement point

When AmAgent is On, combine AM policy with Apache Require directives to control access globally or independently for different server locations. Server locations include the global environment, a virtual host, a specific location, or a set of directory blocks.

Using multiple authorization sources increases complexity. To reduce the risk of an invalid security configuration, test and validate the directives.

Use the following settings:

AmAuthProvider Off

The agent acts as the enforcement point, allowing or denying requests based on not-enforced rules and AM policies.

AmAuthProvider On

Apache or IBM HTTP server acts as the enforcement point, allowing or denying requests based on AM policy and Apache Require directives

For information about Require directives, refer to Require Directive on the Apache website. Require AmAuth is a directive specifically for Web Agent. When the directive is specified, users must be authenticated with AM. Otherwise, the agent redirects them to AM for authentication.

Default: AmAuthProvider is Off

The AmAuthProvider configuration is hierarchical; when it is On or Off globally it is set for all server locations except those explicitly specified otherwise.

For simplicity, it is recommended to leave AmAuthProvider as Off globally and set it to On for specific locations where you want Apache to act as the enforcement point.

When AmAuthProvider is On and the request doesn’t match a not-enforced rule

When a request doesn’t match a not-enforced rule, the agent does the following:

  • Checks that the user is authenticated with AM, and redirects the user for authentication if not.

  • Requests policy information from AM for the request.

  • Relays the policy information to the Apache Require AmAuth directive.

Apache or IBM HTTP server uses the Require AmAuth directive and other Require directives to allow or deny access to resources.

The following image shows the flow of requests:


When AmAuthProvider is On and the request matches a not-enforced rule

When a request matches a not-enforced rule, the agent does not require the user to be authenticated with AM or request policy information from AM. The Require AmAuth directive returns a neutral value.

Apache or IBM HTTP server uses the other Require directives to allow or deny access to resources.

The following image shows the flow of requests:


Consider the following points for using not-enforced rules when AmAuthProvider is On:

  • Instead of using not-enforced rules to provide caveats to AM policy enforcement, use Apache Require directives.

  • In server locations where the agent is configured with not-enforced rules, set AmAuthProvider to Off to let the agent do the enforcement.

  • If you use not-enforced rules when AmAuthProvider is On, remember that the agent drops out of authorisation decisions for requests that match a rule. Apache Require directives are used to allow or deny requests.

When AmAuthProvider is On and Require AmAuth is not specified

When AmAuthProvider is On, the Require AmAuth directive should always be specified. If AmAuthProvider is On but the Require AmAuth directive is not specified, users are still required to authenticate with AM but Apache does not use policy information from AM in its decision.

The following image shows the flow of requests:


The following example has this configuration:

  • The request doesn’t match a not-enforced rule.

  • AmAuthProvider is On for the /var/www/transaction directory.

  • Require AmAuth is not specified

//Not a recommended configuration

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/transaction>
    AmAuthProvider On
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
        Require ip 19.168.2

AmAgent On
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off
Accessing a resource in /var/www/transaction

Apache or IBM HTTP server uses the Require ip directive to allow or deny the request. The user must be authenticated with AM and a valid user must be set, but AM policy information is ignored.

Example where AmAuthProvider is Off globally and On for specific directories

The example is configured as follows:

  • The request doesn’t match a not-enforced rule

  • AmAuthProvider is Off globally

  • AmAuthProvider is On for the /var/www/transaction directory:

  • Require AmAuth is specified

<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/transaction>
    AmAuthProvider On
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
        Require AmAuth
        Require ip 19.168.2

AmAgent On
AmAgentConf /opt/web_agents/apache24_agent/instances/agent_1/config/agent.conf
AmAuthProvider Off
Accessing a resource in /var/www/

The agent acts as the enforcement point, allowing or denying requests based on not-enforced rules and AM policies.

Accessing a resource in /var/www/transaction

The agent provides AM policy information to the Require AmAuth directive. Apache uses that and the Require ip directive to allow or deny the request.

To access the resource, the user must be authenticated with AM, and the request must meet AM policy requirements and come from the specified IP address.

Apache as a reverse proxy

This section has an example configuration of Apache HTTP Server as a reverse proxy between AM and Web Agent. You can use any reverse proxy that supports the WebSocket protocol.

For information about how to configure Apache for load balancing, and other requirements for your environment, refer to the Apache documentation.

Simplified diagram showing an Apache HTTP Server configured as a reverse proxy between AM and the agent.
Figure 1. Apache HTTP Server reverse proxy configured between the agent and AM
  1. Locate the httpd.conf file in your deployed reverse proxy instance.

  2. Add the modules required for a proxy configuration, as follows:

    # Modules required for proxy
    LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
    LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module modules/mod_proxy_wstunnel.so

    The mod_proxy_wstunnel.so module is required to support the WebSocket protocol used for communication between AM and the agents.

  3. Add the proxy configuration inside the VirtualHost context. Consider the following directives:

    # Proxy Config
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https" (1)
    ProxyPass "/am/notifications" "ws://am.example.com:8080/am/notifications" Upgrade=websocket (2)
    ProxyPass "/am" "http://am.example.com:8080/am" (3)
    ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain "am.internal.example.com" "proxy.example.com" (4)
    ProxyPassReverse "/am" "http://am.example.com:8080/am" (5)

    (1) RequestHeader: Set to https or http, depending on the proxy configuration. If the proxy is configured for https, as in the above example, set to https. Otherwise, set http. In a later step, you configure AM to recognize the forwarded header and use it in the goto parameter for redirecting back to the agent after authentication.

    (2) ProxyPass: Set to allow WebSocket traffic between AM and the agent. If HTTPS is configured between the proxy and AM, set to use the wss protocol instead of ws.

    (3) ProxyPass: Set to allow HTTP traffic between AM and the agent.

    (4) ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain: Set to rewrite the domain string in `Set-Cookie`headers in the format internal domain (AM’s domain) public domain (proxy’s domain).

    (5) ProxyPassReverse: Set to the same value configured for the ProxyPass directive.

    For more information about configuring Apache HTTP Server as a reverse proxy, refer to the Apache documentation.

  4. Restart the reverse proxy instance.

  5. Configure AM to recover the forwarded header you configured in the reverse proxy. Also, review other configurations that may be required in an environment that uses reverse proxies. Learn more from Agent connection to AM through a load balancer/reverse proxy

1. The root agent profile refers to the agent installation performed in Install Apache or IBM HTTP Web Agent and required for installation on virtual hosts.
2. The root agent profile refers to the agent installation performed in Install Apache or IBM HTTP Web Agent and required for installation on virtual hosts.
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