Web Agents 2024.6

Policy Evaluation Realm

In AM 6.5, this property was named Realm.

The realm where AM evaluates polices for policy decision requests from the agent. This property is recognized by AM, not the agent.

The policy set configured by Policy Set must exist in the realm configured by this property. Otherwise, policy evaluation produces DENY results without writing warnings to the logs.

The default policy set exists only in the top-level realm. If you are using a different realm for policy evaluation, do one of the following:

  • Create the iPlanetAMWebAgentService policy set in that realm.

  • Create a different policy set in that realm, and configure Policy Set to use it.

Default: (/) top-level realm

Property name

  Introduced in Web Agent 4.x


Policy client service



Bootstrap property


Required property


Restart required


AM console

Tab: AM Services

Title: Policy Evaluation Realm

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