Bulk Import

The bulk import service lets you import large numbers of entries from a CSV file into the IDM repository. You can import any managed object type, but you will generally use this service to import user entries. The following table shows the endpoints used by the bulk import service:

URIHTTP OperationDescription
/openidm/csv/template?resourceCollection=managed/userGETGenerates a CSV header row that you can use as a template for the import. You can safely remove generated columns for properties that are not required. Set the query parameters _fields=header and _mimeType=text/csv to download the header file.
/upload/csv/resourceCollectionPOSTUploads the file specified by the --form (-F) parameter to the specified resource collection. ?uniqueProperty=propertyName is required. Generally, for managed/user objects, the uniqueProperty is userName. You can specify multiple comma-delimited values here to identify unique records; for example, ?uniqueProperty=firstName,lastName. Example.
/openidm/csv/metadata/?_action=cleanupListPOSTLists the import UUIDs that have error records or temporary records. These can be cleaned up to free up database space. If you clean up error records, you will no longer be able to download a CSV of failed import records.
/openidm/csv/metadata/importUUID?_action=cleanupPOSTCleans up temporary import records for the specified import UUID. To also clean up error records, set the query parameter ?deleteErrorRecords=true.
/openidm/csv/metadata/importUUID?_action=cancelPOSTCancels the specified in-progress import.
/openidm/csv/metadata/importUUIDDELETEDeletes the specified import record. This does not affect the data that was imported.
/openidm/csv/metadata?_queryFilterGETQueries bulk imports.
/openidm/csv/metadata/importUUIDGETReads the specified import record.
/export/csvImportFailures/importUUIDGETDownloads a CSV file of failed import records. Returns 404 if there were no failures for the specified import UUID.
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