
Use the scheduler service to manage and monitor scheduled jobs.

You can access the scheduler service over REST, as indicated in the following table:

URIHTTP OperationDescription
/openidm/scheduler?_action=validateQuartzCronExpressionPOSTValidates a cron expression.
/openidm/scheduler/job/idPUTCreates or updates a schedule with the specified ID.
GETObtains the details of the specified schedule.
POST with ?_action=trigger

API V2 only

Manually triggers the specified schedule.
POST with ?_action=pause

API V2 only

Suspends the specified schedule.
POST with ?_action=resume

API V2 only

Resumes the specified schedule.
DELETEDeletes the specified schedule.
/openidm/scheduler/job?_action=createPOSTCreates a schedule with a system-generated ID.
/openidm/scheduler/job?_queryFilter=queryGETQueries the existing defined schedules.
/openidm/scheduler/job?_action=listCurrentlyExecutingJobsPOSTReturns a list of the jobs that are currently running.
/openidm/scheduler/job?_action=pauseJobsPOSTSuspends all scheduled jobs.
/openidm/scheduler/job?_action=resumeJobsPOSTResumes all suspended scheduled jobs.
/openidm/scheduler/trigger?_queryFilter=queryGETQueries the existing triggers.
/openidm/scheduler/trigger/idGETObtains the details of the specified trigger.
/openidm/scheduler/acquiredTriggersGETReturns an array of the triggers that have been acquired, per node.
/openidm/scheduler/waitingTriggersGETReturns an array of the triggers that have not yet been acquired.
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