Configure Scheduled Synchronization

Each scheduled reconciliation and liveSync task requires a schedule configuration, with the following format:

 "enabled"        : boolean, true/false
 "type"           : "string",
 "repeatInterval" : long integer,
 "repeatCount"    : integer,
 "persisted"      : boolean, true/false
 "startTime"      : "(optional) time",
 "endTime"        : "(optional) time",
 "schedule"       : "cron expression",
 "misfirePolicy"  : "optional, string",
 "invokeService"  : "service identifier",
 "invokeContext"  : "service specific context info"

These properties are specific to the scheduler service, and are explained in Schedule Tasks and Events.

To schedule a reconciliation or liveSync task, set the invokeService property to either sync (for reconciliation) or provisioner for liveSync.

The value of the invokeContext property depends on the type of scheduled event. For reconciliation, the properties are set as follows:

    "invokeService": "sync",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "reconcile",
        "mapping": "systemLdapAccount_managedUser"

The mapping is referenced by its name in the mapping configuration.

For liveSync, the properties are set as follows:

    "invokeService": "provisioner",
    "invokeContext": {
        "action": "liveSync",
        "source": "system/ldap/account"

The source property follows the convention for a pointer to an external resource object, and takes the form system/resource-name/object-type.


When you schedule a reconciliation operation to run at regular intervals, do not set "concurrentExecution" : true. This parameter enables multiple scheduled operations to run concurrently. You cannot launch multiple reconciliation operations for a single mapping concurrently.

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